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High School Epic

Breakfast Club Style

Heaven hates detention with a fiery passion reserved for the third douche rag that drove Ashley home that weekend, Joel, Joe, Jeremey. Some thing like that. Heaven is a pretty chill freshman, considering all these guys keep hitting on her sister, but when said guy tells her to get her fat ass moving--yeah, not really endearing her to anyone.

Right now she's sitting in a sterile white room staring at the clock just ticking away.


In the desk next to her Gerard is sitting with a notebook, writing. His drawing pad had been confiscated, and they hadn't given it back yet. Heaven thinks there is no hope for that book. The counselor probably burned it as a sacrifice to the God of Orderly Children, or something. She sorta snickers out loud and Gerard turns and looks at her. She just shrugs.

The attendant stands, cracks his back and says, "No talking! I will be back in ten minutes." And then he's out the door.

"This is bullshit!" Gerard explodes as soon as he's out of the room. Heaven nods.

"They still haven't given you your sketch book back?" she asks with a frown.

"No," Gerard taps his notebook with his pencil, "My mom is going to lodge a complaint."

Heaven would pay good money to see that conversation. Donna has a thick New Jersey accent, she can curse like a sailor, and she's just as odd as her two children. Oh yeah, Gerard's mom is going to dance over the Vice Principal's grave. It will be amazing. And probably involve a bonfire. Heaven smiles weirdly at the image in her head. Gerard gives her a "you're crazy" look.

"I would pay good money to see that," she explains, and Gerard nods with a small grin. Heav en really loves his little teeth.

"Mikey and I are going to that death metal thing?" Gerard says, "On saturday? It's like, an all day thing, you and Tarra should come too."

Heaven grimaces, "That actually sounds really cool, but my mom grounded me for forever, basically."

"Oh," Heaven pretends that she doesn't see Gerard's face fall, but its still pretty sad.

"I'll ask her anyway, she's pretty cool most of the time," Heaven promises, and Gerard nods, pushing at the hair falling in his face.

"Okay, cool, just let Frank know. His cousin puts shows on," Gerard is waving his hands wildly, "He can get us in with out ids."

Heaven is now even more in love with Gerard because he and Frank mean 21 and over shows are at her finger tips. Now she just has to get ungrounded and all will be well in the death metal show universe. And her and Tarra with totally go, and definately get the shit knocked out of them and it will hurt so good.

There is a loud bang and they both jump and look at the door, where Frank is standing, flanked by a Brendon Urie whose shoulders are raised nearly to his ears. Tarra and Nell are standing behind the both of them, and Nell eyes are wide, glossed over with wonder as she looks at Brendon. Heaven is not going to touch the subject.

"Hurry up fuckers," Frank says, "We're outta here Breakfast Club style." Tarra is shaking with laughter next to him and he nudges her with an elbow, "Also, it's extremely sad that your best friend and your babysittee have nothing better to do than sit outside of the school while you serve a two hour detention."

Tarra punches him in a kidney, and Nell kicks him in the back of his knee cap for good measure. Brendon just looks extremely scared about the whole situation..

"You guys," his voice is equal parts hushed and equal parts awe when he says, "We're going to get in so much trouble."

"Stick around kid," Frank says, and Brendon is actually a few months older than Brendon, and this is the quietest Heaven has ever seen either of them, "And you will be a badass in no time."

"Don't listen to him," Nell says, peering up at Brendon, pushing her black frames up her nose, "You don't want to turn into a badass. You're awesome."

"Whoa Nelly," Heaven says, and knows that Nell can hear the You're being creepy crush kid right now behind it.

Nell glares.

They file out of the room and take off for the band room, because Brendon says its the coolest room in the whole school. They sit and talk for twenty minutes. Brendon plays the snare drum, and the cello, and then the keyboard for Nell, who is sitting at his feet looking up at him in wonder.

Brendon sings Third Eye Blind for her and Heaven can just see the little hearts floating above Nell's head. She sits between Tarra and Gerard, arguing over Frank Miller and Alan Moore, and snickers.

Frank gets bored and then Gerard leads them to the art room. Frank finds the camera they use for the photography class and loads it with film he finds in the teacher's desk. They spend the rest of the time before having to go back to the detention room taking photos.

"How hard can it be to develop film?" Frank asks, pulling out a copy of the text book and flipping through it, "Screw it. Google."

He finds instructions on how to develop film on WikiHow and they shut themselves in the darkroom, prepare the stuff and turn the lights out. They stumble around, knock things over, and bump into each other in the dark. Frank is developing the film, but mostly splashing chemicals all over the darkroom floor.

Heaven and Gerard slip away back to the room just in time to be released and they meet their friends outside the front of the building. Frank passes out the pictures, most of which are hazy and strangely colored from the temperature of the water being slightly off. They're perfect anyway. Heaven tucks her two pictures in her scrapbook and smiles. Now she just has to tackle her mom.
♠ ♠ ♠
There really is a How to on WikiHow about developing film.

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