Just Sometimes


I gasped, collapsing, completely exhausted. All I wanted to do was close my eyes and sleep. What was I thinking anyway, getting pregnant? Not that I could have prevented it…If only I’d known.
“A girl,” someone told me. I wasn’t really understanding. I felt all mixed up, and mostly exhausted.
“We’ll be back in a moment,” a nurse said to me.
I waited. It seemed like an age before they finally came back, handing my baby to me. She was small, and sweet. Her eyes were closed, but when she opened them, they were green.
I thought most babies’ eyes were blue.
She looked at me, and I couldn’t help but shiver, for it felt like she was looking into the very depths of my soul.
Then she smiled.
I swear she smiled at me. A newborn baby. Smiled at me.
“She’ll want feeding,” someone informed me as they walked past. I gazed at the baby. She was really sweet, but there was just something strange about her.