Just Sometimes


She didn’t mention it again, but when I got home I checked to see if the photo was still where I kept it. It was, and a chill ran down my back. There was no way she could have seen it.
He said you loved him.
Oh god, what an understatement! I loved him to much I thought I’d die, for he made my heart beat so hard I thought it would explode. It sounds cheesy, but it was true.
He said he still thinks about you.
It felt like I was flailing, trying to catch a string of hope, and now it was in sight. David. Did he really still think about me?
I shook my head. I had to stop thinking those thoughts. He was gone. I would not see him again.
Jade said she saw him, said he talks to her.
How and when? Jade wasn’t making it up, she described him perfectly…
I needed to know. It was eating at me. I needed to know.
“Jade?” I asked her gently, “When does…daddy come to talk to you?”
She looked at me, lips turned up in a smile. She knows a lot of things, I think. Maybe more than me. “A lot. Sometime at night and sometimes in the day.”
“When did he talk to you last?”
Her smiled widened. “Not long ago. He went before you came in.”
I was horrified. What was she speaking about? Nobody had come in the house. I had locked the door. He couldn’t have got in…and the window was locked. Leaving Jade upstairs, I rushed downstairs, and tried the door handle.
It was open.
I swallowed, feeling shaky. Did he have a key? I ran upstairs, and grabbed some clothes and stuff. “We’re leaving,” I told Jade. I knew she’d understand.
She stood still, and watched me rush about. “Don’t you want to see daddy?”
I froze. I could hear my blood pumping through my body. She just had to ask that question, didn’t she? Slowly, I put down the stuff I was holding and turned to her.
“Where are we going?” she asked.
That was a good question. “Wait her honey,” I told her, and went to phone Aqua. I waited nervously until she picked up.
“Hello?” she said, sounding bored.
“Aqua,” I said, trying to stop my voice from shaking.
“Abby? What’s wrong?” she asked, instantly concerned.
“Oh my god, Aqua,” I whispered, my eyes alighting on Jade, who had followed me down, “I can’t explain now, but can we stay at your’s for a bit? Please?”
“Thank you so much, we’ll be round in a bit.”
“Okay, bye.”
I put the phone down and looked at Jade.
“I packed some stuff mum,” she said.
I tried to ignore the fact she used mum instead of mummy, and she was a lot more mature than normal kids of her age. It wouldn’t help thinking about it.
I grabbed the stuff I packed, bundled Jade up in a coat, and left quickly, making sure I locked the door behind me.