Just Sometimes


Aqua lived about a 20 minute walk away, not really that far. I was walking with Jade, what slowed it down a little.
I knocked on Aqua’s door, feeling a bit nervous and glancing behind me. I felt convinced someone was following me, which I knew was ridiculous…I think.
Aqua opened the door, hugged me as a way of saying hello and ushered us in, taking a bag off me. “Jade can sleep in the spare room,” she told me.
I nodded my thanks, wondering how I could make this up to her, and took Jade upstairs, brushing her teeth and putting her in those sweet pyjamas that Aqua had bought her for her birthday. I tucked her in, and smiled at her.
“Why are you hiding from daddy?”
Why did she keep asking these questions!?!? I couldn’t answer them. “Go to sleep,” I said. Before I left, I couldn’t help checking the window was shut, and I drew the curtain. “Sweet dreams,” I whispered, shutting the door. I left the light on for her.
I went downstairs. Aqua made me a cup of tea and sat me down on the sofa, looking at me seriously. “Tell me everything, Abby.”
I hesitated, but I couldn’t hide my feelings of worry from Aqua. I told her about David, and the fact he had a key and had been coming in my house without me knowing. I told her lots. I finished by saying I was afraid.
She studied me. “Why are you trying to avoid him? You loved him, right? I think you still do.”
I blushed. “I don’t want to see him.”
Aqua frowned. “But doesn’t Jade have the right to see her daddy?”
I spilt some of my tea. “No! He wasn’t the one who carried her around for nine months! He didn’t suffer sleepless nights, be sick all the time, feel terrible! He didn’t go through all the pain! He didn’t give birth to her! He wasn’t even there! He hasn’t brought her up, paid for her. He has contributed nothing to her life except a damned bit of sperm!”
Aqua looked a bit taken aback at this outburst.
I immediately felt embarrassed. “Sorry about the tea. I’ll clear it up.” I rose, but she pushed me back into my seat.
“No way,” she said, “Sit down missus, we’re going to have a serious talk…”
♠ ♠ ♠
Short chapters because it is a short story.