Status: Completed

I Don't Care


Bella is a normal 28 year old female trying to make her keep in this horrid place, we call earth. She's smart, funny, lovable and the most weirdest chick you'll every meet. When she was 18 she got an apartment and that's when her life changed.

Fresh out of school, she lived on her own for 2 weeks when she sent out a flyer for a roommate, and a boy her age answered. Getting along so well, she allowed him to move in. So 10 years down the track she has meet the likes of Patrick Stump, William Beckett, Travis McCoy even Cassadee Pope.

But in those 10 years with her roommate, Pete Wentz, she has developed some kind of bond and not knowingly he has too. Will these two figure out what they couldn't see right in front of them before someone beats them to it?

I do not own Pete Wentz, or any other member of Fall Out Boy but I do own the character of Bella, the content, and the layout. So please note that what is written is fiction, after all it is a fan-fic, and I hope you enjoy reading. Thank you.
Title Credit: I Don't Care - Fall Out Boy.
Chapter Title Credit: I Miss You - Blink-182.
Layout Credit: Me, Google & Mibba.
Contents Credit: Me.
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy it.
Kaitlin xx
  1. Bang.
    We Can Live Like Jack and Sally.