London Calling

Part Three

The school I was put in – it is all indoors; it was grey and dull and had no inviting atmosphere whatsoever. I got there the first day and was supposed to go to the office to sign myself in. The school was cold, even the uniform was dull. There was graffiti everywhere and it looked like a tunnel. There were heaps of gangs around here too. Gangsters - and you name it, there were gangs, and they were mean, they wouldn’t accept me, I knew that just from the way they looked at me.

There was one guy though in my first few weeks there, his name was Brad. He always laughed at me when I was shivering from the cold I wasn’t used to. He also teased me because I had different features to the usual London people. There was also a lame-ass teacher. She always picked on me because I pronounced things a bit differently with my accent and all. She picked on me no end about anything and everything in the end and she made me cry and shout, but nothing made her stop.

I got teased for about the first five weeks I was there. It was horrible, I laid in bed some mornings refusing to get out because I didn’t want to go to school and get criticized. I also blamed my parents for it all, especially my Dad be cause he was the reason we moved here anyway. This continued till I met a group of friends who stood up for each other and would stand up for me because they were once in the same situation as me.

On the Monday of the sixth week I was there, Brad really had a go at me. But two people, who looked slightly normal, stopped and told Brad to bugger off. They came over to me and asked me whether I was alright. They also said that a couple of months ago they were in the same situation.

This was a flash back of home. It reminded me of my friends back home when we first met in year eight at that tree. We all had been picked on and were seen as outcasts. I had gone to the tree to escape the buggers who were teasing me about some stupid thing. Then these two girls who were rather short and looked a bit weird approached me. ‘Hey my name’s Vanessa. But call me Nez and this is my friend Ruth, who are you?’
‘I’m Sally, but you can call me whatever you like.’ From those two sentences we became the closest of friends.

But then one of the two people standing in front of me coughed. It was the guy, so I snapped back to reality. “Hey my name is Joey and this is Marcy, we got picked on by Brad a couple of months back but then we joined forces and he doesn’t pick of us anymore, come with us and we will tell you all about this crappy school.” Marcy then said
“Yeah, I came from Australia just like you, I came from Perth and Joey here came from America.”