False Alarm

Thanks so much to ChloePlague for the kickass banner!

Jamie 'JJ' Porter was the quiet girl at school.
She wore all black, had piercings, tattoos, and loved to play instruments.
However, she is bullied nearly everyday by the same five boys.
Matt Sanders, Brian Haner, Zacky Baker, Jimmy Sullivan, and Johnny Seward.
She tried her hardest to ignore them, but they never let her be.
Her only escape is her band, False Alarm. She is the lead singer/screamer, along with her only three friends.
Pete Wykoff, Nate Hollow, and Kevin Green.
The four misfits kick ass in their band, and play clubs and parties around their hometown of Huntington Beach, California.
What happens when Jamie's bullies see her true colors?

Read and find out, dudes!

A/N!::I own everything except for Avenged Sevenfold.

WARNING!::This story will contain sex, violence, mild drug use, and cussing.
You have been warned.


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