False Alarm


"Jamie? Come on, hun. School."
Her eyes fluttered open, the sun making her wince. She opened her bright, brown eyes wider, and saw her mother smiling down at her.
"Come on, girl. School starts in forty five minutes."
Jamie gave her mother a small smile, and watched as she exited the room. Stretching her arms out, she sat up, her mattress creaking slightly. Looking around her room, Jamie sighed. She walked quietly to her personal bathroom, and let out a small cough. Washing her hair and body, she was out within five minutes. She towel dried her hair, then gave it a quick blow dry, buying her time. The last thing she needed or wanted to go to school. Fuck that place, and everyone inside.
Leaving her straight, blonde hair alone, Jamie got dressed, and walked downstairs. She could hear her mother talking about keeping good grades, and not caring what anyone else has to say. Jamie always thought of her mother as the rebellious, yet very caring woman whom raised her two kids alone.
Walking into the kitchen, her mother was pouring juice in front of Jamie's fraternal twin brother, Tommy. He looked up, and smiled at his sister. She sat across from him, and yawned.
"Ok, kids. I have to work a little late tonight, so I'm leaving money right here on the table before I leave, and you can order pizza or something."
Tommy nodded, and Jamie was about to open her mouth, but her mother cut her off.
"I know you have band practice, Jame. So, Tommy", her mother nudged him, making him look up from his cereal, "leave some food for your sister."
Tommy smiled, making Jamie laugh quietly to herself.
"I always do, Ma."
Mrs. Porter shook her head, smiling, and tapped the table.
"Ok, guys. Your prison is waiting. Go on, and kick ass today."
Jamie stood up, and pushed her chair in, while Tommy placed his bowl in the sink. He grabbed his keys off of the counter, their mom kissing them both on the cheek.
"Have a good day."
The twins mumbled a 'You, too', and walked out the front door. Jamie shut it behind her, watching her brother get in his piece of garbage car. He started it, and Jamie looked back at her house, knowing she wouldn't see it again until maybe eight, or nine o'clock tonight. Sighing to herself, she hopped in the passenger seat, while Tommy turned the radio up. A hard rock song came on, making the siblings bob their head.
"So, have those assholes given you any trouble recently?"
Jamie looked at her brother, and remembered that he wouldn't have known. He missed Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday of last week, since he'd been sick. Not wanting to stir anything up, she shook her head.
Tommy stopped at a red light, and shook his head.
"They'll get theirs, Jamie. Don't worry about that."
She just looked out the window, and sighed through her nose. She watched as the palm trees zoomed by, the sun bursting through their leaves, leaking into the car. The only reason Jamie liked California; the weather. It was always perfect, and it hardly ever rained. She couldn't have asked for anything else.
Tommy would occasionally tap his fingers on the steering wheel to the beat of the song. Jamie just looked down, twiddling her fingers impatiently. She wanted school to be canceled, just so she could sing with her band. That's what she loved.
The car started rattling, making Tommy stomp his foot, and curse to himself. Pulling into a parking spot, he groaned, and pulled the key out.
"Piece of shit, man."
Jamie unbuckled herself, and looked at her brother.
"When my band makes it big, I'll buy you a new car."
Tommy smiled to himself, and got out, slamming the door. Jamie walked next to him, shrugging her black backpack on more. Tommy pulled the doors open, revealing the busy hallways, filled with students talking about their weekend, cursing about something they didn't like, or laughing about what someone else was wearing.
Looking at each other, the twins sighed and kept walking to their lockers, which were next to each other. They quietly opened the iron doors, and grabbed certain books. They were in a lot of classes together, due to their last names, but not all. Tommy closed his, and turned to his sister.
"Alright. I'm heading to Math."
Jamie nodded, and shut hers, as well.
"If anything happens, make sure you find me, alright?"
She looked around, and saw fellow classmates heading to their classes. She nodded at her brother's suggestion, and looked at him. He nodded to himself, and turned his back, his gray sweatshirt hood covering his head. Jamie turned the other way, on her way to Health class. Going up the stairs, she heard talking. She rolled her eyes, recognizing the voices too easily. Her breathe hitching in her throat, she kept walking. Trying to avoid conflict, she walked faster, but the voices got closer. There was laughing, and cursing, which caused more laughter.
It stopped abruptly, and Jamie felt like she couldn't breathe.
She kept walking. The last thing she needed was to deal with these douche bags.
"Emo girl! Turn the fuck around!"
Biting her lip, Jamie cursed herself for having this class first, all the way on the third floor. The footsteps behind her got quicker, making her walk faster. That didn't help since she was stopped by a hand taking her arm, making her turn around. In front of her were the five boys that she tried as hard as humanly possible to avoid at all costs.
"Where you goin', emo?"
Jamie tried walking around Brian, but he stayed in front of her.
"Answer him."
Jamie turned to Matt, who asked the question.
"None of your fucking business, asshole."
The boys started laughing as Matt's jaw dropped, but he soon smiled, as well.
"You need to watch your mouth."
She narrowed her eyes at him, and he walked towards her, their chests touching. He backed her harshly into a locker, making her close her eyes for a millisecond.
"Who the fuck do you think your talking to?"
Jamie pushed him away, making him stumble back. The boys stared at her, and she walked away. They yelled that she was a bitch, an emo, a loser, a freak.
Not like she hadn't been told by them before, so she kept walking, her head down. She held her notebooks tight, and cleared her throat, yelling at herself, telling herself not to cry. She was stronger than that. She didn't want to break down, just being at the school for two minutes. She might not have been strong enough to face her bullies, but she was strong enough to control her emotions.
The bell rang, making her curse under her breathe. She saw the Health door a few feet away, and sighed, running her free hand across her forehead. Why couldn't the day just be over?