False Alarm


Jamie turned in the hallway, seeing her three best friends.
Pete, Nate, and Kev.
She smiled, and pounded their fists as they held them out.
"What time you comin' over?"
Jamie looked at Pete as he shoved his hands in his Rancid sweatshirt.
"Right after school."
"Sweet. I'll drive you, then."
She smiled at Nate as he volunteered.
"Did you write up a play list?"
Jamie nodded at Kev's question, and reached into her pocket. She pulled out a folded and slightly ripped piece of paper. She handed it to the boys, who looked over it together. They nodded in satisfaction, pointing at certain ones.
"That's kick ass, J."
She smiled, and shrugged.
"What can I say?"
They laughed, and the bell rang, breaking the friends apart.
"Well, come on, Pete. We got Physics. See you two later."
Kev and Pete walked down the hallway together, leaving Nate and Jamie to walk to American Lit.; her favorite class.
"Have you gotten any phone calls from schools?"
Jamie shook her head, sighing. Nate knew how much getting into a good college meant to her. Yea, she had the band, which was her passion, but what if they didn't get too far? She'd be screwed, and everything she had worked for would be gone.
"Don't worry. They'll come around. They'd be stupid as fuck not to take you."
Jamie smiled, and gave her best friend a side hug. She knew he'd be a little hesitant, but he returned it. He'd always been a little awkward after they had broken up a few months ago. Nate missed their relationship. He saw Jamie as a beautiful, funny, and talented chick, but they moved a little too fast. She just wanted a friendship, and he respected her decision. He'd always be there for her.
The two walked in to class together, and took their neighboring seats. There was three empty seats around them, making them breathe in relief. Those seats belonged to Matt Sanders, Zacky Baker, and Johnny Seward. If they weren't here, then at least Jamie and Nate could get shit done, instead of arguing.
"Where are the douche bags?"
Jamie shrugged, and looked at the chalkboard.
"Who cares?"
Nate nodded, and took out his notebook, more interested in finishing his Megadeth logo, instead of taking Edgar Allen Poe notes. Jamie wrote her name in bold lettering at the top of her paper, and kept her eyes on it. She tapped her pen, listening to the teacher start talking. The door opened, showing the three absent boys. The only reason why she hated her favorite class.
"What is your excuse, boys?"
Matt shrugged, making Zacky chuckle.
"Got lost."
The teacher rolled his eyes, and wrote something down on a piece of paper that layed on his desk.
"See me after class, gentlemen."
The three ignored him as they took their seats. Matt's seat was directly next to Jamie, and Zacky was right in front of her. Johnny sat in front of Nate, but turned in his seat to see his friends.
"Are you over your little fit you had earlier?"
Jamie slowly looked up to meet Matt's eyes, and shook her head. Zacky scoffed, then smiled, making Matt stare at her. Nate kept his eyes on Johnny, making sure he kept his mouth shut.
"If you think your tough for doing that, your fucking wrong."
"Shut the fuck up."
Matt's jaw clenched, and so did his fists. Nate tried hard not to laugh out loud.
"Listen, bitch. If you are as smart as you think you are, then you'd watch what you fucking say."
She stared at Matt, his hazel eyes burning holes through her. There was a knock on the door, then it opened. It was another teacher. She called the American Lit. teacher out, to probably talk about substituting later. The class started talking amongst themselves when the doors closed.
"What the fuck are you gonna do?"
Matt looked at Nate, and Zacky turned to him.
"I'm gonna do whatever the fuck I want."
Nate narrowed his eyes, but Matt kept his eyes on Jamie.
"I'd like to see you fucking try."
Matt smirked at her as her eyes stayed on him. He then looked at Nate, his smirk replaced by a glare. If looks could kill, Nate would be slaughtered.
"Both of you, stop."
Nate and Matt looked at Jamie, and Matt smirked, while Zacky and Johnny chuckled to themselves.
"I think the pussy needs an attitude adjustment, M."
Matt laughed to himself at Zacky's comment directed at Nate, whom glared. Jamie looked at him, and clenched her fists.
"I don't know about her, man. She might get her brother on you again."
Matt looked at Johnny, then laughed. Jamie could feel her anger boil up inside of her.
Tommy had overheard the five boys talk about his sister - calling her a bitch, and other foul words - and he started shoving Matt. Matt shoved back, and started cursing. Tommy was the first to throw punches, threatening to kick his ass if he heard him say anything about his sister, period. That, obviously, didn't stop Matt. The fight lasted about five minutes, before a teacher broke it up. Jamie saw the last few moments, then had to talk to Tommy to cool him off. That was about two months ago.
"That faggot isn't gonna do shit."
Jamie turned her head to him, and glared. He just kept his smug smirk on, hearing Nate call him a dick.
"If he wants, he can talk to me, so I can kick his ass again."
"Shut up."
He looked at Jamie, his smirk staying where it was.
"What was that?"
"I said shut the fuck up."
Before Matt could say anything back, the teacher walked in, and started talking immediately. Zacky and Johnny turned in their seats, and placed their hands on their desks. Matt leaned over to Jamie, but she kept her head straight.
"You will regret talking to me like that."
She just rolled her eyes, knowing that the worst that would happen would be that he would call her names, and threaten her. He was all talk.
"Shut the fuck up, Sanders. She's a girl, for fuck's sake."
Matt looked at Nate to see him clenching his fists on the desk.
"How about you watch your mouth, too, and maybe I won't kick your pansy ass."
"Sanders! You are already getting a detention. Do you want a Saturday, as well?"
Matt looked at the teacher, and then at his notebook.
"You, too, Hollow. If you don't want to be stuck in detention, then you will pay attention."
Nate just grabbed his pen, and started drawing mindlessly on his notebook. Jamie cracked her knuckles, and kept her eyes on her notebook.
The same thing kept running through her's and Nate's head the whole period. The words that Tommy had spoken, seeing as he was False Alarm's manager, and always kept track of local gigs they could play.
"If someone pisses you off, no one said that it was a bad thing. How the hell do you think metal or hard rock bands wrote songs? Cause they wanted to kick people's asses. So when you're pissed, you could be the greatest musician in the world. A huge middle finger to the assholes."
Oh, how right he was.
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