False Alarm


The bell after lunch rang, making Jamie sigh. Tommy, Pete, Nate, and Kev stood up, and threw their trash out.
"Did you wanna practice later tonight? I gotta go to my dad's after school."
Everyone looked at Kev, and nodded in agreement.
"Yea, that sounds cool."
He smiled, and nodded. The five walked to their hallways, seeing classmates at their lockers, getting ready for the last two classes.
"Well, we got gym, so we'll see you guys later."
Pete, and Nate walked away, talking to each other and laughing. Kev, Tommy, and Jamie had Music together, so they walked up the stairs. Jamie sulked, knowing Matt, Brian, and Jimmy would be there. Fucking assholes.
Kev put his arm around her shoulders, making her smile a little.
"Don't worry, J. I got your back."
"Thanks, Kev."
Tommy walked ahead of them, his fists clenched in his sweatshirt pocket. He didn't want to go to this class, in fear of getting in a fight with the biggest jerk offs in the school. He knew they talked shit about his sister and friends, and that made him crazy. He opened the door, seeing a few students in their seats already, talking amongst themselves, waiting for the teacher, Mrs. Moon, to show up. She was always late.
Jamie, Kev, and Tommy took their seats in the back. Jamie was in the middle, while her brother and Kev sat on either side. She took out her red notebook, and started scribbling doodles. Kev drummed his fingers on his desk, bobbing her head to himself, while Tommy just sat in his chair, his arms crossed over his chest, his hood up.
The bell rang, and still no sign of Mrs. Moon. A few more students walked in late, knowing that they wouldn't be caught. They took their seats, and of course, the three stooges were no where in sight. Jamie sighed, knowing they'd walk in sooner or later. Kev leaned back in his seat, and let out an exhale.
"I fucking hate this place."
A few classmates glared at him, and very few laughed and agreed to themselves. Jamie just rolled her eyes, and smiled at him.
"I do, too, man."
Tommy just smiled slightly, not looking up from the desk. There was a female voice outside the door, and the class groaned, knowing it was their teacher. Jamie froze where she sat, her writing stopping, when she heard three male voices talking, as well. She couldn't make out what they were saying, but she knew who they belonged to.
Her head lowering slightly in her notebook, Jamie bit her lip as the boys walked into the room. Mrs. Moon rolled her eyes to herself, and started writing a few of Beethoven's symphonies on the board.
"Today, class. We are going to watch a documentary on the great Ludwig van Beethoven."
The class groaned, but their dumb selves smiled, seeing as it was basically a free period; no one paid attention to these documentaries.
Matt, Brian, and Jimmy sat in front of Jamie, Kev, and Tommy, and started talking to one another. Jamie scribbled her name a few times in different positions on her paper, and looked up as Mrs. Moon sat at her desk, and read her book, after turning the lights off. The movie started, a man talking about how old the composer was before he wrote music.
Kev looked at Jamie, and shrugged, making her shrug back. Matt turned, and looked at Jamie. He was seated in between Brian and Jimmy, directly in front of her. Brian sat in front of Tommy, while Jimmy was in front of Kev.
She looked back at him, fire in her eyes. He just kept his straight face on, and so did Jamie. Brian turned his head slightly to see what he was doing, and smirked to himself, turning back around.
Tommy kept his eyes on him as well, ready to do whatever. Kev stared intensely at Matt, as well, curious as to what was happening. Jamie was starting to get aggravated.
Matt just kept staring at her, a smirk slowly appearing on her face.
"I just like to piss you off. Is it working?"
Jamie clenched her fists, and Tommy stood up a little straighter, making sure Matt knew he was there. Kev stood up straighter, as well, keeping his promise to Jamie from earlier.
She just kept her eyes on him, not wanting to back down from whatever fucked up game he was playing.
"Fuck yourself."
Matt's smirk slowly faded, and Kev chuckled to himself.
"What the fuck are you laughing at, faggot?"
Kev looked at Matt, and smirked.
"That fact that a chick, my best friend, just told your pussy ass off."
Matt's glare hardened, making Jamie look at Kev, whom didn't seem intimidated at all by Matt.
"Why don't you just ask for me to kick your ass? I'll gladly do it."
Jimmy and Brian turned around, wanting to see what was unraveling. Tommy now looked up, still waiting patiently to act. He couldn't say anything now; Kev was handling everything fine.
"You aren't gonna do shit, and you know it. Your all fucking talk, so just turn the hell around, shit head."
Matt kept his glare on Kev, Jamie's eyes slightly widening that he hadn't burst out of his desk yet.
"You and this bitch have some fucking mouths. You just wait."
Tommy looked at Matt, and clenched his fists.
"You better watch what the fuck you say about my sister."
Jamie looked at her brother, and gave him a look that said calm down.
Matt looked at Tommy, and smirked again.
"You want me to fucking beat your face in again?"
"What if I do? You won't do it."
"Boys! Pay attention back there!"
The six teens looked at their teacher, who was looking up from her book, a serious look on her face.
"Just fucking wait."
"I'm tired of hearing the same lines from your dumb ass. Shut your mouth and turn around."
Before Matt could say anything back to Kev, Mrs. Moon stood before his desk.
"Mr. Sanders. If you want to talk so much, then please, make your way to the Principle's office, where you can explain yourself."
Matt looked at her, then back at Jamie, Kev, and Tommy. He harshly got up from the desk, causing the whole class to turn, and stomped out of the dark classroom.
"And you three. Keep it down or you'll join him."
Kev nodded, a smile on his face, while Jamie and Tommy just looked down. Brian and Jimmy turned in their seats, knowing that they weren't that threatening with out Matt around.
Jamie looked at Kev, making him look at her. She smiled slightly, and gave him a side hug.
"Thanks, Kev."
He smiled, and hugged her back.
"No problem, J."
She then looked at her brother next to her, who was staring at the movie screen. She reached her hand over, and patted his hand.
"Thanks, Tommy."
He looked at her, and slightly smiled.
"You don't have to thank me."
She smiled, and gave him a side hug, as well. She had no idea what she would do if she didn't have her brother. He hugged back, and rubbed her arm.
"Don't worry about them."
Jamie just nodded, and sat back in her seat. She opened her notebook, after looking at the empty seat in front of her. Biting her lip, she began to write. As much as she hated Matthew Sanders, he was making her into a real musician. She couldn't believe she was thinking this, but Jamie knew that with out the anger and hurt he brought her, with out him, Jamie wouldn't be able to write the songs she did.
Thanks, Matt.
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