False Alarm


The band waited in Pete's garage, while Tommy was on the phone with a club manager in Los Angeles. Kev eagerly drummed his sticks on his legs, desperate for an answer. Pete played his guitar, staring at the ground and absent mindingly bobbing his head. Nate and Jamie were leaning forward, sitting on separate amps, twiddling their fingers. Playing at a club could be their big break, since all kinds of bigger club owners went, and sometimes record producers would show their presence.
Tommy chuckled, and agreed to a date. He shut his phone, and walked back in the garage, where the whole band except Pete stood up.
"What's going on?"
Tommy held his hands out, and smiled.
"I got you guys a gig at the Greendoor in three days!"
Jamie's jaw almost hit the floor. The Greendoor was a bar in L.A. that was made mostly for bands to perform in. There was an outside deck for them to perform, and it was walk-in, so agents could come.
"That's kickass, Tommy!"
Pete stood up, and all five gave a group hug.
"I can't believe it!"
Tommy smiled, hugging his little sister.
"You guys deserve it. The Greendoor might be small, but if you keep playing small gigs, then bigger gigs will notice. Trust me."
The band smiled, and Kev sat at his drums.
"Well, we better get to practicing then."
Jamie chuckled, taking her place at her microphone. Tommy sat across on the couch, while Pete and Nate got their instruments on.
"What song you wanna do?"
Pete shrugged, and Nate smiled.
"How about we do one of your songs, J?"
She looked at him, and furrowed her brows.
"You sure?"
"Yea, man. It's practice, so we'll get a feel of it."
Smiling, Pete reached over and grabbed her notebook, the ripped out lyrics pages still inside.
"What song you want us to practice, J?"
Jamie bit the inside of her mouth, and nodded to herself.
"The one called 'I'm So Sick'."
Pete nodded, and handed the paper to Nate, since bass started the song. He played the strings accordingly, while Jamie nodded in approval. Jamie sang the words that started the song, while Pete and Kev came in thrashing their instruments. Tommy nodded at the heavy guitar Pete was laying down, and Nate would follow along on his bass. Kev head banged as Jamie told him where to hit his snare. Jamie would stop here and there to tell her best friends what she was thinking, and they followed her.
Jamie screamed the words she had written, and Tommy's eyes widened in impressment. A few minutes and a few sour notes, the band finished.
Jamie wiped her forehead, and cleared her throat.
"It's a little shitty now, but I think it'll be better if we just keep practicing it."
The band agreed, and Jamie picked up a guitar, showing Pete what she was thinking. She plucked strings, making him follow along. Nate leaned against the wall, while Kev tapped randomly on his cymbals.
"You wanna play this for the show?"
Jamie bit her lip, and shrugged.
"I'm not sure. You think we'll be ready?"
Pete and Tommy nodded vigorously, smiling.
"Fuck yea, Jame. We just gotta keep practicing. That's all."
Smiling to herself, loving the fact that her band liked her song. She wrote it about her feelings for Matt. As much as she wanted to punch him in his groin, he was her inspiration for music. He unknowingly made her the screamer she was now. All of the lyrics she ever wrote were about him. Of course, it would be a while before she told her friends that.


There was somewhat loud thumping from a few houses down. It must've been a party, cause you could vaguely hear cursing, and laughing. Glass bottles were being shattered in the street, making Jamie hold a pillow over her head.
Groaning, Jamie stepped out of bed, Jamie walked out of her room, and down the hallway, starting to head downstairs, hearing her mother call for her. Rubbing her eye, she saw her mom just finishing cleaning the kitchen.
"Hey, hun. I hate to bother you, but could you run to the store? We need milk for the morning, and Tommy is sleeping."
Rolling her eyes to herself, not even bothering to argue. Jamie looked at the clock, and saw that it was 10PM. She nodded, and grabbed keys off of the hook on the wall, after her mother handed her a five dollar bill. She walked out, hearing her mom faintly thank her.
Jamie started her brother's car, pissed and just wanting to go to sleep. The radio played Guns N Roses, making her tap her free hand on the window frame. The warm wind blew through her blonde hair as it was in a messy bun. She ran her finger under her eye, not really caring what she looked like.
There was a small strip mall, with a 24 hour mini mart, with a liquor store right next door. Stopping the car, she saw a small group of kinds talking outside, with cases of alcohol in their hands. She stepped out, and shoved the keys in the pocket of her pants. She heard laughing and whistling at her, but she rolled her eyes, not wanting to stir up anything.
Jamie immediately walked to the back, taking a gallon of milk from the freezer. While standing at the counter, she noticed there was no clerk.
"Fucking figures."
The door behind her opened, making a small bell ring through the store. She didn't turn, not caring. There was a pause, and Jamie felt eyes on her. Shifting uncomfortably, she cleared her throat, hoping that who ever was staring at her would fuck off. She could hear male laughter outside, along with metal music. Sighing, she heard the clerk in the back yelling for her to wait a minute.
"Well, well."
Jamie froze at the voice. She closed her eyes for a brief second, knowing that his voice was the last she wanted to hear at the moment.
She heard footsteps behind her, and felt someone standing next to her. She turned her head, and Matt Sanders was leaning on the counter next to her. She had a smirk on his face, and was staring her right in the eye.
"I hope you feel good about yourself after the shit you and your pussy friend pulled in class today."
Jamie glared at him, and smirked back.
"I'm fucking thrilled. Now leave me alone."
Matt walked closer to her, making her move over. As much as she wanted to tell him off, he was very intimidating.
"You need to fucking know who your talking to."
"Your not going to do anything to me. That's a fact."
Matt's smirk dropped, and his glare became sharper.
"What makes you think that?"
Jamie looked at him, her smirk dropping as well. The clerk came from the back, a sour puss on his face.
"That's $1.50."
Jamie handed him the five, Matt still standing there. The clerk gave her change, and Jamie grabbed the milk. Matt scoffed as she pushed past him, and called her a fucking bitch. She walked outside, seeing that the small crowd of guys outside was Brian, Jimmy, Zacky, and Johnny, along with a few other guys. Those wastoids were probably going to the lame party down the street from her house.
"Look! It's the emo bitch!"
Ignoring Jimmy's comment, Jamie got in the car. She started it, a different song coming from the speakers. At that moment, Matt came walking out with a small bag in his hands. He looked at Jamie, and smirked. She looked through the windshield, and gave him the finger. His smirk dropped, and she pulled out of the parking lot, the wheels skidding across the pavement.
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