False Alarm


"I'm fucking bored out of my mind, man."
The five boys sat in the kitchen at Zacky's house, waiting for Johnny to show up. Brian and Jimmy sat across from each other at the table, Zacky sat on the counter, while Matt leaned against the wall, one leg behind him.
"We could practice."
Jimmy shrugged, and cracked his knuckles.
"We just did last night, man. My fucking arms hurt."
The boys sighed, Matt tapping his foot.
"I heard that girl, Shanna, is having a party at her house."
Brian and Matt looked at Zacky, and shook their heads.
"Nah, man. That girl's a fucking weirdo."
Jimmy started laughing, and leaned back in his chair. Just then, Johnny came through the door, smile on his face.
"Fucking finally, man."
Johnny waved his hand at Matt, and looked at his best friends.
"Dude, you know my dad's friend, Mike, owns that Greendoor place, right? Where we played a few weeks ago?"
The boys nodded, unknown as to what their friend was getting at.
"Yea. So what?"
"There's a band playing there tonight, and apparently they have a chick singer, and are kickass."
Jimmy shrugged, while Zacky scratched his head.
"What kind of band are they? Not some pussy pop band, right?"
Brian laughed at Matt, and they both smiled.
"Nah, man. Mike said they were pretty hard-core. The girl screams and shit."
The boys looked at each other, and shrugged.
"What time they playing?"
"In an hour."
Zacky hopped off the counter, while Brian and Jimmy stood up.
"Let's go, then. What the fuck else is there to do?"
Matt agreed, and the boys got in Zacky's car.
"Hopefully the girl is fucking banging."
The boys laughed at Zacky as he turned the radio up, blaring Bad Religion. The boys head banged and sang along to the words, while Matt rolled the passenger window down. He tapped the roof to the beat, and smiled at his friends.
They pulled up to the club, seeing a line outside.
"We have to fucking wait on this shit?"
Johnny shook his head, and hopped out of the truck.
"Nah, man. Mike is outside. He'll let us in."
The boys got out together, and walked towards the front, hearing jeers from the awaiting teenagers, desperate to see the bands play on stage. Johnny shook hands with who the boys recognized as Mike. He got them a gig at his place, and they nearly tore the place apart. The fans loved them, and they'll play bigger places, since the guy has hook-ups.
"Good to see you, boys. The band that has a girl is going on in a few. I've heard them before, and they are pretty fucking good. I'm thinking of hooking them up to bigger places, as well. I just wanna see them play again."
The boys smiled, and were led to a better view on the balcony. Like a V.I.P. booth, but it was a little bigger, and the five boys were the only ones there, along with Mike. The band that was currently playing were pretty cool, except for the fact that they were missing a bass player, and the singer sounded breathless.
Matt sat down, and leaned forward so he could get a better look. The view of the stage was perfect, and he could see the crowd. The band was done, and took their bows. They walked off, and a guy in a Sex Pistols shirt walked out in the middle of the stage.
"That was cool, man. Now, the main stage performance is what you've all been waiting for. This band has been together for four years now, and I've heard that they can wail. Here they are, from Huntington Beach, California, False Alarm!"
The crowd went nuts, and Matt, Brian, Zacky, Jimmy, and Johnny leaned forward when he mentioned that the band was from their hometown. The stage was pitch black, but the boys could see figures. The girl's blonde hair was down, and she had a petite frame. She moved the mic in front of her, while the dude on drums took his seat behind the set. The guitar player slipped his instrument on, while the bass player stripped himself of his shirt. He played a note on his bass, and stepped up to his mic.
He played a few chords to a song, while the girl sang words with her amazing voice.

I will break in to your thoughts,
with what's written on my heart.
I will break!

The lights went on, and Matt widened his eyes at what he saw.
She was screaming and singing to a song, banging her head while the crowd screamed and reached towards the stage. Her friends from school, the losers that Matt and his friends picked on, played their instruments like they've played forever. Matt looked at Brian, and his friends, with widened eyes and their mouths open.
"No. Fucking. Way."


Backstage was loud. Jamie, Pete, Nate, Kev, and Tommy could hear the band before them play loudly o the crowd, who was singing along. Jamie rubbed her hands together, slightly nervous. She stood between Pete and Tommy as they talked to Kev and Nate. She felt a nudge at her side, and looked at Nate.
She smiled sheepishly, and nodded.
"A bit."
He smiled, and gave her a side hug.
"Don't worry. You'll kick ass, man."
She smiled, and hugged him back. The band that was on stage was done, and the announcer walked out, pumping his fist in the air. The nervousness welled over in Jamie's stomach as her brother kissed the top of her head.
"You'll be awesome, J. Don't worry."
She smiled at him, and listened to the announcer.
"That was cool, man. Now, the main stage performance is what you've all been waiting for. This band has been together for four years now, and I've heard that they can wail. Here they are, from Huntington Beach, California, False Alarm!"
The boys looked at Jamie, and smiled. They walked out together, the stage pitch black. They found their instruments, and began tuning them. Jamie grabbed her mic stand, and brought it in front of her. She heard the crowd start yelling their band name, and they held their fists in the air. She looked over at Nate, and motioned her head for him to start the song she wrote.
She sang the beginning, and screamed the words she was supposed to. Her hands gripped the mic as she sang the words, the crowd screaming. She looked around, but was nearly blinded by the lights. She ran her hands through her hair as the song continued. She kept screaming the certain words, her band mates head banging as well. The song was a fast pace, and Jamie smiled as the crowd pumped their fists and horns in the air.
The song soon ended, Jamie clearing her throat. The lights went out, and the crowd screamed more. She walked towards Kev's drums, and saw a water bottle waiting for her. She picked it up, and opened it, taking a sip. She cleared her throat again, and looked at Pete, who was wiping his head of sweat. Nate was smiling, looking at his bass.
Jamie walked to the mic, and smiled.
"We're False Alarm."
The crowd yelled, making her chuckle to herself.
"We come from Huntington Beach, California, and we are here to play some songs for you guys tonight."
The crowd yelled again, and Jamie looked at Pete. She walked over to him, and told him that they were playing the other song she wrote.
He nodded, and told Nate while she walked back to the mic. Kev was told by Nate, and she breathed in to the mic.
"This next song I wrote also. It's just about needing help, and that you'll always have someone that's gonna make your life hell. This is called 'Prayers'."
Kev and Pete started playing their instruments while Jamie head banged. Nate played his bass, and head banged hard. Jamie screamed the words she wrote about a month ago. This song, and the one before it, were about Matt. As much as she wanted to kill him, she just wished he was here to hear the words.


The boys' mouths were still open as the kids they picked on everyday rocked the house with the songs that Jamie wrote herself.
That little, emo bitch was a screaming prodigy, and it was only the second song. Matt leaned forward on the rails, his mouth still opened as she head banged, her hands gripping the microphone for dear life. Brian and Zacky were in awe, their hands on their heads, the song kicking their ass.
The words streamed through the speakers as the crowd went nuts. Mike stood off to the side, his hand resting underneath his chin in thought.