False Alarm


Wiping her head with a towel that was handed to her, Jamie cleared her throat. Her band mates walked behind her down the backstage halls, cheering and clapping loudly. She smiled to herself, running a hand through her drenched hair. She dumped a water bottle on herself on stage, since it was definitely over 95 degrees. The crowd went nuts and cheered as she tossed the half empty water bottle into the crowd.
"That couldn't have gone any fucking better."
Jamie pounded fists with Pete as they sat in their dressing room. Jamie and Nate plopped on the couch, Pete was leaning against the wall next to it, while Kev was seated on the arm of the couch. They were all breathing heavily from playing, and their adrenaline was full blast. There was a knock on the door, and Tommy answered it. There stood Mike, the owner whom was on the phone with Jamie's brother two days earlier.
"Hey, guys. Killer show."
The band thanked them, while Tommy crossed his arms off to the side of Mike, smiling.
"How did you guys learn to do shit like that?"
Jamie smiled, and Pete spoke up.
"Just practice since we were kids, man."
Mike nodded, and crossed his arms, leaning against the closed door.
"You got some fucking pipes on you, girl."
Mike came over, and shook Jamie's hand, complimenting her.
"Thanks, man. I try."
Mike smiled, and walked backwards to the door, leaning against it again.
"You guys every play a place like this?"
Everyone shook their heads, and Tommy spoke up.
"It's usually small places like parties, or private shit like beach bashes."
Mike looked at him, and furrowed his brows.
"Who are you?"
"Tommy. Jamie's older brother, and band manager."
Mike's eyes widened, and he nodded in impressment.
"Very nice. I like how the family ties in. That's great. Anyway, guys. There was a very good friend of mine, Dylan Farrow. He owns the Key Club here in L. A."
The bands' jaw almost dropped at the mere mention of a place like the Key Club. It was nearly impossible to get a gig there.
"No shit."
Mike smiled at Kev, and continued.
"He was very impressed, and wants you and another band I love to play there in a joint show two days from now. You game?"
Jamie, Nate, Tommy, Pete, and Kev all looked at each other, silently debating. It was their dream to play somewhere big, and now it was right in front of their faces. They weren't blind; they weren't deaf; and they weren't dumb.
"Fuck yeah, we're interested."
Mikey chuckled to Jamie, and the band smiled brightly.
"That's great. The other band is Avenged Sevenfold. They're from Huntington, as well, and can really tear a place up. They are your genre, so you guys should compromise perfectly."
The band nodded, not really concentrated on having another act to join them in the same night. They were too thrilled about playing on stage in the first place.
"Well, I'll leave you guys to take a breathe. Here's your money, and you guys can play here anytime."
Mike handed each of the band members a white envelope, and waved as he left the room. They all opened their envelopes, and saw $125 in each one.
"Holy shit, man."
Jamie handed Tommy her envelope so he could sneak a peek.
"That's nice. Just think, guys. The bigger places we play, the more money we get."
The band cheered, and started standing, looking at the clock. It was past midnight, and they still had school in the morning. As much as Jamie, Tommy, and the rest of the band begged their parents, they all made a deal. They could play the show if they went to school tomorrow.


Closing her locker, Jamie parted from Tommy. She met up with Nate, and left for American Literature.
"I can't fucking wait for the Key Club."
Jamie smiled at Nate, and nodded.
"Hell yeah, man. We're gonna shred it to bits."
Nate laughed, and they both walked in to class. They sat in their seats, the three stooges already there. Who were they trying to prove? Nate sat behind Johnny, while Jamie took her seat next to Matt, and behind Zacky. The class started, the boys not saying a word. This was weird. No harassment, no insults, no name calling, and no threats.
Jamie looked over at Matt, and saw him staring at his unopened notebook that layed on his desk. Zacky was holding his head up with his hand, while Johnny doodled on the cover of his uncovered text book. What the fuck was going on?
Looking back at the chalkboard, there was an assignment. Jamie opened her book, and turned to the right page, still beat from last night. She could hardly hold her eyes open, and she drank at least three gallons of water to help her throat.
She looked at Nate, whom looked back at her. She motioned her eyes at the boys, who weren't paying attention, and he shrugged, confused, as well. Sighing quietly, Jamie continued the assignment. The bell rang, making Matt, Johnny, and Zacky stand up. They walked out of the room, not saying a word, but looking pissed. Nate joined Jamie as they stood up.
"What the fuck was that?"
Jamie shrugged, closing her notebook.
"I'm not sure, but is it wrong for me to like it?"
Nate chuckled, and wrapped his arm around her shoulder.
"Absolutely not."
Throughout the day, there was no bullying. Was she dreaming? Did someone say something to them? Did they just snap and were waiting to go postal? Are they trying to be mutes?
Whatever it was, Jamie thought it was the greatest thing that could ever happen in the history of the world. However, she felt nervous. Worried.
What if they were planning something, like in the movie 'Carrie'? What if they poured blood, or some other disgusting liquid on her when she least expected it?
Biting her nail, Jamie walked into Music class, Mrs. Moon seated at her desk, searching through sheet music. Tommy and Kev were in their seats, the three douches M.I.A..
"They haven't done anything all day."
Tommy furrowed his brows at his twin sister.
"What do you mean?"
Jamie pointed to the chair, and looked at Kev, then back at Tommy.
"The assholes. They haven't said one word to me, they've been on time to their classes and even made eye contact with me."
Kev smiled, while Tommy nodded in approval.
"You say that like it's a bad thing."
Jamie shrugged, and rubbed her lips together, the rest of the class filing in.
"I don't know, dude. What if they're plotting something?"
Kev chuckled while Tommy shook his head.
"Don't worry, J. Maybe they just decided to grow a pair, and grow the fuck up. Who cares? They are learning to shut their mouths, so let's keep it that way."
Jamie chuckled at Kev, and leaned back in her seat, relief washing through her. The bell rang loudly, Matt, Brian, and Jimmy walking through the door, still looking pissed. Jimmy sat in his chair, while Brian sat in his. Jamie stiffened as Matt's eyes connected with hers. He just looked away, and sat down. Kev nudged her, and smirked. She just gave him a small smile, and shrugged.
As much as she loved being left alone by the biggest dicks in California, she couldn't help but feel curious.
Why the change of heart? Why not shove her into lockers, and call her obscene names? Make fun of what she says, and the fact that she tries to be tough?
They may be fooling other students, but Jamie was nervous.
She was actually worried about Matthew Sanders.
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