You keep me from the arms of death...

Deaths Welcoming Arms.

Sea air wrapped itself around me leaving me intoxicated by its heavenly scent. This is my true home. This is where I belong. All this time I have been kidding myself, of course I cant continue life the way I am. My heart pounds on bravely but with each beat the blood in my veins gets thicker and the heartbreak that weighs me down threatens to push me over the edge. Well I can't get any closer to the edge than I already am and I know it is finally time to put all my misery behind me, to finally walk into the welcoming arms of death.
Five years ago life was blissful, I enjoyed every waking moment. Every morning my mom would stumble round my messy room picking up the toys I had carelessly flung around and I would be in bed pretending to be asleep so i didn't have to help, when she had finished I would yawn loudly, stretch and blink stupidly at my mother as though I was confused at why she was in my room. Then after a few seconds she would laugh and pull me into a tight but comfortable hug.
After that she would make me pancakes so that I would be energized for school. But on that one fateful morning we had ran out of pancake mix and I threw the biggest tantrum the world has ever seen, my mother hated seeing me so distress so she left me with the neighbors and scurried down to the shop.
After an hour she still hadn't returned and everyone was beginning to get worried but thankfully there was finally a knock at the door.
"Honey, I want you to be a big girl now and stay in here for a minute. Can you do that for me love." Then I was too young to understand the tone in her voice, only now can I place it. Sympathy.
"OK Aunt Kayla." I replied to my sweet neighbor slightly irritated over the fact she was leaving me in a room all by myself. Did the woman not know that I required constant attention!
Only ten minutes passed before my neighbor walked back into the room, her usual cheery face was replaced by that of someone who found out devastating news. Huge tears streaked down her face leaving a trail behind for the next tear to follow. Her lovely black hair was no longer in the elegant bun it usually was in but was messed up from the countless times she had played with it to release some of her nerves. When she knelt down in front of me I felt sympathetic for her, it hadn't quite dawned on me that there was a reason why mommy hadn't returned to me yet. I mean, I was only nine.
"Sapphire my love, I hate to be the one to tell you this, in fact, I hate it that anyone has to tell you this but you need to know. Your mommy didn't come back from the shop today because she had to..."
"What is it Auntie Kay Kay. You can tell me, I'll make it all better for you, I promise." I think somewhere deep down i knew that it wasn't something I could make better.
"Well Fire (her nickname for me), Your mommy didn't come back from the shop because she took a trip to heaven instead and now she's there she cant come back."
"So you mean, mommy isn't coming home?" My voice cracked on the very last word but my moms death was nothing compared to the next words which stumbled out of Kayla's lips.
"Yes darling that is exactly what I mean. But don't blame your mommy sweetheart. Your daddy was a bad man. He was the one who decided it was time for your mom to go away, but he also went away, but he went to a different place." Although I understood her perfectly clear I still had to ask what had happened to my dad and i knew she was pleased that it had happened, she had always hated the way he abused my mom and I.
"Well your dad went and sat in his rightful place next to the devil. He went to hell."
I was jerked back out of my memory when a particularly loud crash echoed through the night, the wind started to pick up and my brown hair whipped around my face ferociously. It was time. The storm was here.
Carelessly I sprang to my feet and sprinted to the oceans edge not giving myself time to think. Quickly I dived into the Icy surface of the water. The pain slashed at my skin violently, it felt as though knives were piercing through me .Ignoring the pain as much as I could I pushed myself further into the depths of the sea. My whole body was being dragged under by the power of the waves around me and I didn't fight, I just let myself be dragged under. Wave after wave pounded above me. My heart began beating harder, pumping blood furiously through my body trying desperately to keep me alive.
My life flashed before me, all the harsh memories, the terrible torments and the cruel beatings. Just as life was fading away from my tired body I felt warm arms wind themselves around my waist. Death finally embraced me...
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well this is my first chapter so i hope you enjoyed it. Could you please comment I would love to hear what you thought of it :D Ooh read next chapter when its out and find out weather she actually dies or not, you never know i could go back in time but then again i may go forward. Read again.