You keep me from the arms of death...

Bring back that popcorn!

Lying on Finn's bed I looked up at the ceiling not really seeing it at all. My mind was cast back to the other day when I plunged myself into the icy sea water. My mind was running over questions such as; Would my 'parents' care at all? Would they shed fake tears? Would Finn and Ollie feel sad about my death? Would they feel guilty? Would Ollie still be with Tanya? Would Hope really of killed herself? Would everyone pretend to be sad to gain sympathy from their friends? What would my teachers reactions be? Would the police have got involved? What would social do? While I pondered the answers to the unanswerable questions the door creaked open. Sitting up I found myself looking into the eyes of a very good looking boy.
His face was one that I could not forget. His chocolate brown eyes betrayed every emotion he ever felt, his perfectly shaped lips were always curved up, weather it was to smirk or to just smile. His nose was perfectly straight and his face had none of that childish roundness. He had shaggy brown hair which I hate to admit suited him VERY well. It was the face of Reed. Another kid who had bullied me for the past god knows how long. In fact, it was Reed that got me the nickname greasy tramp. I loathed him.
"Sapphire? Oh, hi. Um, so yeah. The guys and I are gonna watch a movie. Finn wanted to know if you would come down. He don't want you to be alone." Smiling slightly I nodded and followed Reed out of the room and into the Living room.
"Fire!" Shouted Finn happily when I entered the room.
"Holy shit! Where!" Cried a pretty blond boy with blue eyes. His face looks slightly more childish than Reed's. His name...Phil.
"Idiot! He meant the girl. Her name Sapphire can be shortened to Fire." Shane, the more muscular kid of the group said to Phil, speaking as if he were to a three year old. He had brown hair that was dropped sexily to his Grey eyes.
"Oh. My bad." He mumbled, embarrassment clear on his face.
"Hi Fire, ignore these idiots. They haven't got any brains!" Ollie stage whispered the insult to me making me burst out laughing. Finn smiled seemed to brighten at something. When I stopped laughing I went over and sat next to him. He wrapped his arm round my shoulder and started the movie.
"Finn, Pause it mate. I really need a piss!" Shane exclaimed suddenly making me jump, Finn chuckled slightly but kept the movie going.
"Oi, wolf boy, You listen to me. If you don't pause the movie I'll come over there and fucking kiss you!" Finn still kept the movie playing. "Well don't say I didn't warn you..." Sighed Shane as he stood up and walked over.
My eyes grew wide as Finn still sat there unmoving, but just as Shane's lips were about to touch his he ducked behind me making me burst into hysterics. Shane attempted to grab him but he dived away grabbing the control mid dive.
"Come any closer Shane and I'll switch the DVD. I have a lovely one of you prancing around..."
"FINN! SHUT IT BEFORE I HURT YOU!" Panic marred Shane's voice making me laugh harder than before, tears springing to my eyes at the sight before me. Shane was now standing with his legs crossed trying to not wet himself while Finn stood waggling his eyebrows at him.
"Fine I'll shut up. Just hurry up in the toilet will ya." He said before finally pausing the DVD.
"Ollie, Reed help me with snacks. No in fact, just go get the snacks for me." Smiled Phil sweetly. Finally I stopped laughing and looked over at Ollie and Reed who were raising their eyebrows at Phil as if he were crazy. "Oh come on, you know I'll make a mess!" He whined.
"Don't worry bout it you guys, I'll go get them." I interrupted them before walking into the kitchen and raiding Finn's cupboards.
His parents were over at my house at the moment talking to the adoptive's. They have told them that they didn't find me but they're sure I'll turn up sooner or later. Its pretty lame because I bet sooner or later my adoptives will come round for a visit or whatever and will find me. But lets not worry bout that.
"Top shelf, end cupboard. Toffee popcorn. Give the bags to the others and we'll share the pot!" I laughed as I saw how tiny the bags were and how huge the tub was. But I did as Finn said and gave the others a small bag each and then sat on the couch hiding the tub from their view. Shane was still upstairs and it was getting harder to keep people in the room from noticing the big tub me and Finn were hiding.
"Are you two Hiding something?" Ollie asked suspiciously.
"Um, no?" We both asked t the same time making us burst out laughing. We were laughing at the fact we had just asked Ollie if we were hiding something and the fact that we both said it at exactly the same time.
"What're you hiding?" He asked us.
"Noooothing." Both of us said at the same time again making us laugh harder.
"Oh my god they have a huge tub of pop corn! ATTACK!" Cried Reed while Phil and Ollie dived for us. Finn jumped out the way grabbing my hand and the tub and raced up towards the bedroom, Reed, Ollie, Phil and now Shane trailing behind us. Just as we were about to reach the bedroom Phil dived in front. Quickly we changed direction and jumped into the bathroom slamming the door behind us and Finlay locking it.
"NO FAIR! Look we'll leave if you hand us the popcorn!" Cried Ollie sweetly through the door.
"We will?" Asked a very confused Shane.
"No you idiot! But you just blew my plan." Silence.
I looked toward Finn who was smiling down at me, I smiled back making contact with his eyes. As soon as our eyes made contact sparks flew, all it took was for us to connect to make the fire blaze. Time seemed to slow down as we inched forward, never once breaking eye contact. Only millimeters away I began closing my eyes...
"Guys come out now or we'll do something dangerous!" The noise brought us back to awareness and we jerked away finally stopping the sparks. Finn stood and opened the door and smiled acting as if nothing happened, meanwhile I was still stood in shock, a blush forming on my cheeks.
"Oi Fire. Hurry up, we gotta eat this popcorn before the others do!" Finn called to me casually. I took a deep breath and hurried out the room, my mind now close to exploding point with all the new questions that have formed in my mind.
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So guys, you like? Please comment, haven't had a comment in a while and I'm all like :(
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