You keep me from the arms of death...

Broken hearts and Blazing fires

Finns POV
I can do this. It's not exactly hard. All I have to do is meet her in the cafe in twenty minutes, offer to buy her a drink, tell her that we are no more, say farewell and leave. Hopefully no drama will happen. But although I wished there was no drama I know there will be, I mean this is Lori we are talking about here people! Queen of drama, lead part in all plays done at the school! If this went smoothly it would be a miracle.

For five minutes I paced the living room until I could take it no more and decided to walk down to the cafe, it would only ten minutes and Lori would most likely be late, but there is no harm in being early.

As soon as I walked out the door cold air wrapped itself around me, black clouds roamed the sky promising a down pour. A small slit of blue sky appeared between the clouds and sun rays tried to fight through this small gap so it could rule the sky once again. Crap chance for that. This is England we are talking about, we always get shit weather here. Casting a quick glance at the restless waves and the sandy beach across from my house I headed towards the cafe.

The walk there was fairly pleasant, strangers greeted me in the street out of politeness, girls eyes popped out there head when they saw me, their boyfriends glared at me, nothing new happened. Although the air was cold it was nice, the wind against my face felt refreshing and the salty smell from the sea cleared my head. The trees and flowers swayed beautifully and people hurried in and out of shops and houses. Everything was soo calm, it almost made me forget about what I had set out to do.

Just on time I arrived at the cafe, I sighed hugely and shuffled inside. My walk had taken me five minutes longer than I had expected and too my great surprise Lori was already sat down with a drink in front of her, twiddling her thumbs nervously.

"Hey sweetie, you sounded strange on the phone. Are you ok?" Her voice was strained, as if she was holding back tears. Obviously she knew what was coming.

"I'm fine, we just...need to talk."

"Ok, what about?" This time her voice was quieter, it almost made me pity her.

Sitting in the seat across from her I took one of her hands and looked deep into her eyes which betrayed many of her motions, happiness, sadness, Love. A twinge of guiltiness shot through me, this was going to hurt her a lot, but it still had to be done.

"Ok, this is going to be harder than I thought it would be but... oh god... but I have to end things between us. I love you, I do but if I keep things going on between us it will end badly. Things just aren’t going to work out." Most of what I said was truth but I stopped myself from telling her about Sapphire because, although I was going too, I didn't want to hurt her more than I was now.

"But...but can't leave me. I would die without you!" Desperation was clear in her voice and I had to hold back a sigh, I just knew this would happen.

"Lori, please try to understand, I have my reasons I just..."

"Just what Finlay?!" She snapped. "What are your reasons, you said you loved me!"
By now we were getting curious glances from people round the cafe and from the staff. In fact it was almost silent.

"Lori please, lower your voice."

"No I will not lower my voice! I demand to know why you are ending things with me!"
By now everything was silent apart from us.

"Fine I’ll tell you. I was trying not to hurt you more than I already am but you know what! Screw that idea! I'm in love with someone else! There I said it, not only that Lori but you are too needy, you are too much of a fucking drama queen and your whiny voice goes through me like nails on a chalk board!"

"What...Bu... Fine! Have it your way. You know what, I might just have to go drown myself in the sea just like that other bitch tried to do. The bitch that you are so obviously in love with!" With those final words she snatched up her coffee, threw the boiling liquid over me and stormed from the cafe, her eyes streaming with tears.

"Shit." I muttered. Still sitting down, I lean my head down in my arms and breathe heavily, all too aware of the eyes that are still boring into me.

"Finlay? That’s is your name right? Well Anyway I’m Pauline and I just wanted to say that it sounds as if that girl was a complete bitch, well done for dumping her. And here, I bought you a towel from the back." Lifting my head from my arms I looked over at Pauline, her grey eyes were hopeful. I must admit she was pretty, her black hair fell in gentle waves to the middle of her back and her face was pale. Grabbing the towel off her I hurried a quick thank you, wiped off as much coffee as I could from my white shirt and left the cafe.

Sapphires' POV

The house was silent when I arrived back from my day out shopping with Hope. I called out a greeting but no-one answered so I assume no-one is home.

Ten minutes later and I’m lying on Finns bed humming tunelessly bored out of my mind when the door to his room opens.

"Fire, your home, I was just coming to look for you." A smile spread to my lips as I jump up and hug him.

"Lets do something, I'm bored shitless here! I might die of boredom!" Chuckling slightly Finn captured my gaze and no matter if I wanted to I wouldn't be able to look away.

"Here, I want to try something." His deep voice was barely even a whisper but all the same it made my legs turn to jelly.

Slowly he bent his head down, not once did his eyes move from mine. Just inches away and our eyes began to close. His soft lips touched mine and a wave of fire burned through my lips, he tried to be gentle but suddenly he needed more of me. Slamming me against the wall his mouth moved urgently with mine, his hands touching everywhere they could reach. Every bit of me burned with a burning flame but I felt as if I needed to feel more! His sweet lips tasted of mint and cherry drops, it made my head spin in happiness.
His tongue pushed through my mouth and began wrestling with mine.
Suddenly the kiss became gentle and we pulled apart, both of us breathing fast.

"That was..." He began.

"I know!" Was all I could say in reply.
♠ ♠ ♠
I red did last chapter because i like this version better.
Thanks again tO
another heart calls
(a heart shaped medal with pretty patterns on)
(a marshmallow shaped medal with a powerpuf girl a dinosaur and a random pokemon on)
The biscut idiot
(A bag of cookies and skittles and a hot chocolate with whipped cream :) )
Also once again I want to say thanks to A WALK TO REMEBER for being totally awesome and being first to comment. Love you x

Lastly I would like to say i only re wrote this because I prefer this version better and it fits into my story better . Just incase you were wondering ;)