You keep me from the arms of death...

Two boys, Two kiss, one confused girl

Finlay's POV

"So you still bored?" I asked still breathless from that amazing kiss. My body was still burning all over and right now I wanted her close to me again.

"Well, since you pulled away and I'm still doing nothing then yeah, I would say I was bored." Pulling her closer to me I leaned down towards her ear.

"Well then, we'll just have to fix that..." I felt her shiver beneath me so smirking I pulled her closer and planted my lips on hers once more, the fire raging once again in my all ready over heated body.

We started really getting into the kiss, our hands roaming everywhere...well that was until the door flew open.

"Finn I need to tell you somethi...oh, err, never mind!" Something changed about Ollie in front of me, he seemed hurt somehow, not as in physically hurt but differently. Jealousy also flashed across his face. And that was when it clicked. Ollie liked Sapphire too!

"Ollie wait!" Sapphire called out, desperation in her tone.

Despite us telling him to come back he left the house without a backwards glance leaving a very confused Sapphire behind.

"What did we do?" She asked me, clearly confused and a little hurt.

"We did nothing Fire. Maybe I should go talk to him."

"No let me, and please don't follow." She said before running out the house without a backward glance.

Sapphire's POV

We were just getting into the very heated kiss when the door burst open and a very nervous Ollie walked in, his eyes turned towards the floor.

"Finn I need to tell you somethi...oh, err, never mind!" After seeing us attached at the lips his expression turned pained and something else that I wasn't quite sure of. With one last glance he turned out of the room and almost sprinted out of the house.

"Ollie wait!" I cried in desperation, already knowing it was too late for him to hear me.
"What did we do?" I asked Finn.

"We did nothing Fire. Maybe I should go talk to him." When he said we did nothing wrong I remembered the look upon Ollie's face when he caught us. He was jealous. And that meant he Liked me as well! Well its either that or he's gay and I really don't think he is.

"No let me, and please don't follow!" Quickly I ran from the house but stopped just outside the door when I realized that I didn't now which way he went.
Walking over to the beach a little upset I collapsed onto the sand and grabbed my mobile out of my pocket.

Ollie, Plz tell me where u r. I sent the message and waited until the phone vibrated in my pocket.

Why do u care? nd I'm not telling u.

Cuz I do care, nd if u don't tell me then I'm at the beach I'm sure he'll see the threat behind my words. I wouldn't throw myself in the ocean again but he doesn't have to know that.

Fine! I'm down at the park. Jst plz dn't kill yourself.

I never said I was gonna, but plz dnt leave Ollie. We need to tlk.

Yh we do. Come without Finn.

I was planning 2.

kk c u in a min x

yh c u in a sec x

With that final text I ran as fast as I could to the park, not trusting Ollie to stay there too long. My legs hurt by the time I got to the park and my lungs burnt, my breath coming quick and sharp from lack of air. Glancing around the park I saw Ollie on the swings, gently swaying back and forth, his shoulders slumped. The sight made my heart lurch and it a surge of sadness went through me.

Slowly I walked towards the swings, hundreds of questions swarming though my mind.
What was up with Ollie?
What if he does like me?
WhAt If He DoEs LiKe FiNn!!!
What if he hates us both? Or just one of us?
Before I had a chance to think up any answers to the questions I had created I found myself stood in front of a broken Ollie. Well, not broken as in missing limbs like a toy or something, but he looked broken Inside.

"Ollie. Explain."

"Fine. But you have to listen without any interruptions ok?" Slightly confused I sat on the swing next to him and waved my hand indicating for him to go.

"OK then. Back to the very first day I met you I thought you were beautiful. I really liked you, and that is why I bullied you. I know I know it's kinda messed up, but I felt like I was in pre-school again. I didn't have the confidence to show you I liked you so I hurt you instead. When I told Finn for the first time he took it all as a joke so i pretended that's what I was doing. Joking. And to prove that to Finn I was joking the bullying got worse. But then everything was forgotten and we laid off you for a while, hell I even managed to get over you. Well that was until the day at the beach, when I saw you dive into the water I felt sickness wash over me. You couldn't die, it was only then that I realized that even though I thought I was over you I still needed you around. Even If i was bullying you just having you around made me feel better. So I pointed you out to Finn and he dove in and saved you, I wished it was me but I was too scared I wouldn't be able to fight the waves and drag you out alive. When I saw how helpless you looked on the sand I was shocked by the fact that I felt a sudden need to kiss you, only then did I realize that Finn probably didn't realize who he had rescued. Of course I had to play the act too so you didn't find out about the fact I like you. That night when we watched TV and Finn was on the phone I had hoped that he actually let me leave and that you had followed me because I knew you would fall helplessly in love with him. All girls do.
Anyway, so everything was fine until that day in the kitchen when I admitted to you that I liked you, and although it's only been two days I can tell that you have forgotten everything that I have said. Today I was about to admit to Finn about my feelings towards you but then I caught you two on the verge of sex, the pain that chorused through my body was unbearable, never before have i felt anything like it! I almost dove on my best friend and punched him because of the jealousy I felt too. Only then did it occur to me that I don't just like you, but I love you. And I shouldn't have told you about all this because I don't want to make you feel bad or anything but you need to know. And that's why I stormed out of the house." He remained silent after his speech and that how I knew he had finished.

Shock went through me but it was quickly changed to guiltiness. How could I forget that Ollie had admitted he liked me!? He had confided in me something he had told no-one else and I forgot! I'm a bitch!

Pulling Ollie towards me by the collar of his shirt I pulled our lips together and kissed him furiously. At first he remained in shock underneath me but after a few seconds he pulled me by my waist and onto his lap, not once did our lips come apart. This was different from kissing Finn, instead of feeling a burning fire I felt something else. A heat swelled through my body, from the top of my head to the very bottom of my feet, a sweet tingling accompanying it. His tounge traced across my bottom lip begging for entrance, which of course I granted. For a while our tounges wrestled but my head started to spin from lack of air and I had to pull away. Only then was it that I came to my senses. Quickly jumping from his lap I tripped backwards.

"Shit shit shit shit shit! I shouldn't have done that Ollie! I am so sorry! I'm such a bitch!"

"Fire shhh! Go back to Finn, i'll text you later." Getting up and walking over to me, he pecked me on the lips before pushing me back the way I came leaving me once more with a trillion questions.
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OMG SAPPHIRE KISSED FINN AND OLLIE IN ONE DAY!!! Honestly she needs to make up her minds. Ok now here is where the comments need to start- who should i pair her up with - who do you prefer?

(Yes I unerstand that Olli has already conffessed to her but if you read he says he already conffesed and that she has already forgot.)