You keep me from the arms of death...

A sea of pain and a drop of faith.

Finns POV

Everything slowed down, it seemed so unreal. Almost dreamlike. As we swung the door open he plunged the knife into her delicate pale skin tearing through it as though it were nothing more than paper. The very sight made me feel sick to my stomach, everything in me screamed in pain and anger and before I knew it I had lunged at her 'dad' punching every inch of his worthless body.

"Call an ambulance!"

"We have a pulse, but its faint!"

"Apply pressure to the wound!"

Distant. Every word my friends yelled to one another seemed so far away, all that matter was that I beat this man within an inch of his life! If Sapphire dies then he is going too. She means so much to me! More than anyone I have ever known before.

"Shit Finlay! This is not the time! Get the fuck over here!" Reed's nervous but strong voice finally reached me bringing me to my senses. My wondering eyes shifted over to Sapphires frigtingly pale form, the crimson blood that spilled from her wound made my stomach churn.

Slowly I straightened my body and walked from the room, tears spilling from my eyes. It was too late. It was obvious. What can I do when she's already been embraced by death, I can't climb in the ring and pull her back from him no matter how hard I tried. All thats left for me to do is wait for the shrill sound of the ambulance sirens before guiding them to her empty, lifeless body.

Ollie's POV

I stared in disbelief after Finn. He claims Sapphire is the love of his life yet he walks out the room in her time of need. Is he that stupid to give up faith? Yes, he is. But i'm not going to give up and neither is Shan, Phil and Reed. Never before had I seen them work so well as a team, no arguments just listening to each other in an almost calm state. It's unbelievable to think that they are working to keep a girl alive.

Bringing my eyes back to Sapphire I checked her pulse once more, my stomach suddenly faling through the floor.

"Sapphire!" I cried, pain and sorrow marring my voice.

It was as though my body set itself to automatic at this frightening moment, my hands flew too her chest pumping rhymically to get a reaction out of her heart. Shane was the only one who was free so when I stopped he pinched her nose and blew air into her mouth, repeating the actions a few times.

It went on like this until the amulance finally arrive. Before we knew it the house was swimming in paramedics and doctors. Only one person worked over her abusive parent while the rest were scurrying round busying themselves with Sapphire.

Me and the gang were shoved aside while the doctors finished up with what we were doing.
I watched as they moved expertly, their hands sure of every move.

"We have a pulse! Strap her up lets get moving people!" A sigh of relief could be heard round the room, but every one knew she was still in the danger zone.

Looking around at my friends it seemed as though they wasn't even there. They're blank faces were staring at the mangled Sapphire, their eyes bore none of their emotions but seemed dull and empty. It was like the saying- the lights are on but nobodies home. They were there but they were not there. Realization hit me at that moment, they were in as much pain as Finn and I. Yeah they didn't love her like we did, but just seeing her like that, her frail body all torn, battered and bruised really did pull at they're hearts. Seeing anyone like that is enough to send you into a frenzied depression but seeing a friend like that could make you suicidle. We were all drowning in a sea of pain, our single drop of faith was being weeled from the door.

Every one of us only has a certain amount of time on earth. Every single one of us will die sooner or later. No matter how special we are, no matter how rich, how famous, we cannot change the innevitable. But something in my heart, no, something at the very core of my exsistance is telling me everything will be alright. We did enough to keep her here with us for a while longer.
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I like this chapter. I dunno why I just do.

So yeah comment and subscribe if you havent already PLease- and have I done a chpater in Ollie's Pov before? I'll have to go back and have a look. Hope you enjoyed this :)