You keep me from the arms of death...

Bad news or Good news, Loss or Life

Ollie's POV

The drive to the hospital was filled with an uncomfortable silence. Worry and pain thick in the air accompanied by the buzzing of the questions reeling in our minds. Was she going to pull through? What would we do if she didn't?

As soon as I pulled into the hospital the guys piled out of the car and half jogged inside. Even before we got in the car we knew she would still be in theater so why it came as a shock to us when the words fell from the lips of the receptionist is beyond me. Maybe its because all of this just seems so unreal. I mean, never before have we watched someone dig a knife through someone. We never used to know any sick bastards like that.

There is one thing that completely puzzles me though. How is it that she has been living with them for so long and nobody has ever realized that she was being abused. Not a social worker or a friend, not even a teacher. She turned up with bruises at school and faded clothes, yet not one of us realized. We were all to involved in our own lives to notice. But no that cant be the reason since we were all quick enough to throw insults her way when we noticed these things. If she hadn't told us then to be honest we would most likely still be oblivious.

My nerves were reaching they're limit when finally a doctor walked out. A grim look on his face.

"Miss Lows family?" A group to the left of us stood anxiously while I slumped back down in my seat, on the verge of tears. Whats taking them so long. Already we've been here for seven hours. Part of me was glad that that doctor wasn't delivering the news though, the look on his face told us straight away that the news wasn't good and from the sound of the family's heart broken sobs I was right.

Another five minutes passed and another doctor walked out, his face filled with more than just one emotion. Determination, Sadness, relief... the list goes on. He looked old for his age, worn out. His eyes were ancient but at the same time young. He looked like someone I could trust.

"Miss Hushes family?" Without looking I knew the rest of the guys ad stood up. The noise had alerted me to that.

Slowly I walked forward, more scared with every step I took. When I finally reached the doctor I was able to speak, and surprisingly my voice stayed strong.

"Um, Sapphire has no living relatives but we're her friends." Sympathy crossed his eyes in that second and I knew that the news wasn't the best.

"Well then I suppose the news comes to you. Now when Sapphire was brought to us she was in a bad way. I'm surprised she didn't die on the scene to be honest..." My heart dropped. She was dead. He was trying to let me down gently. She was dead. "...but our team of experts were able to save her. It's not looking to good at the moment though, she's balancing on a tight rope, she could fall at any time. Do you understand?" In sync everyone nodded. "OK then. The operation was a success in saving her life as I mentioned but unfortunately we have to keep her in an induced coma. We have to do this since she is still very weak and any movement isn't good for her. In a week we will re check her vitals and decided weather or not it is wise to wake her up. Have you any questions?"

I didn't know what to say. She made it through the operation. She's alive.

"I have a question. If we talk to her will she hear us and can we go see her?" Surprisingly Reed asked. Shouldn't it be Finn asking them sort of questions? Oh yeah, Finn decided not to come with us. He said it was pointless going to the hospital to find out news he already knew. He didn't want to see the dead girl as he put it. I don't think he truly loves her. Maybe he just doesn't know what true love is and because he had the slightest feeling for her he claimed it as love.

"Well with the first one no-one actually knows. Some people say they can hear and other say they can't. But I believe personally that once in a coma its like a dream. If you have someone whispering in your ear the dream will change, that you will hear their voice in your dreams. So basically I think she can. And for the second one you just need to follow me."

Straight away everyone followed the kind Doctor, well everyone except Phil who had opted to stay behind. He told us to come and get him if she wasn't wired up to a lot, he doesn't do so great in hospitals, mainly since his brother died in one when he was nine. His brother was only three. It was a tragic time.

We walked the long corridors, the walls tall and plain white, pictures and certificates occasionally popped up spreading the feeling of offices and other unloved places. Our feet echoed loudly off the tiled floor and almost silent murmurings drifted the hallways. Just the atmosphere here made the place unwelcoming. Yeah people die here but miracles happen too. Finally we came to the stop at private room. A rhythmic beep resounded around the room. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding.

"Here we are. I'm sorry but I can only allow you to have an hour since visiting times are over then. But feel free to return tomorrow." With that he turned on his heel and left us in peace.

The three of us, Shane, Reed and I rushed forward to Sapphire who was covered in tubes and wires, surrounded by machines and those bag things. Yeah OK i know they are not called bag things but I ain't not doctor. I don't know all the technical terms do I. In all honesty she looked a mess. She was paler than useual due to loss of blood or being weak, one or the other and her hair was greasy. Around her eyes were black, maybe he punched her? And now I got a good look at her she was noticably thinner than when we first saved her. How could we have not noticed?

"Hey Sapphire. We're here for you babe. Just hold on please." Shane whispered in her ear. A single tear strolled down his cheel. She had changed us all in a few days. Never before have I seen Shane cry. Getting us he walked out the room.

"Can I tell you something man?" Reed asked me.

"Sure you can."

"You should go for it. As soon as she wakes up you need to ask her out. Finns an idiot for leaving her now. If he does something like that at a time like this its obvious that he doesn't love her as much as he says." Shocked flowed through me steadily. I never told him I liked her.

"Your being stupid Reed. Finn might not...Finn cant...Finn just cant stand seeing people in a state like this Reed. You know that, he couldnt visit you in hospital with a broken leg how he gonna visit someone he believes is dead?"

"Oh ok then. Say they did go out proply and that they got married. What he gonna say when the dude at front... in sickness and in health... because he sure as hell cant say 'I'll stand by you honey but if you need to go to hospital and your a mess count me out babe. I cant stand the sight!' Yeah hes a good mate man but hes an idiot. Sapphire deserves better." I was stuck for waords. Everything he said was the turth.

"Thanks man." I whispered barely audibly.

Five minutes passed before I couldnt bare it no more. Leaning down to her ear I whispered a few words before leaving the room.
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I dont realy like this chapter at all but hey next chapters going tpo be a lot better !!! AND OMG OMGOMGOMGOMG I HAVE 11 SUBSCRIBERS!!!! AHHHHHH thats two more than last time! TWO so thank you thannk you and thank you.