You keep me from the arms of death...

Stay Safe, Hold on

Sapphire's POV

This place, it seems so familuar. The way the waves crash against the shore and the way the clouds stalk the skys. Everything here is practically Identical to a place in my memory. And thats when It dawned on me. This is a memory.

Only then was it that I realised that I had no control over my body what so ever. I tried standing to my feet with no avail. I tried lifting my arm only to face some weird kind of dissapointment. My mind was swirling with thousands of possibilities as to why I was here, but with the millions of questions there was not one solution.

Finally I let my mind calm. I let myself realax. And thats when it happened. The events of that night came running back to me, hitting me with such forace that a shapr pain pierced through me. Image after image flashed through my mind bringing back unwanted, unloved and forgotten memories. And then just like that the images stopped.

Leaping to my feet I sprinted towards the ocean, my legs working as hard as they could. Throwing myself in I barely notice the knives that stab at every inch of my skin, I barely notice the fact that the ocean has turned crimson in colour, I barely notice the fact that the clouds have exploded, replaying my worst nightmares.

Tears were streaming down my face as I tried and failed to drown myself, each time I went under I was thrown back to the surface by some unknown force. Ice cold arms wrapped themselves around my waist- tightening their grip until I squirmed to be released. What was happening? I struggled against thegrip furiously but not once did it falter. Finally I managed to twist myself round in the arms that were secured round me, meeting the face of Finalay wolf. Except it wasnt his face. This face was filled with such hatred- such pain, sadness, hurt, anger... it was filled with so many bad emotions that this face could not pass as Finn's at all!

Screaming loudy I banged against his chest trying once again to get away from the Finn of my nightmares, but no matter how hard I ounched the only damage I did was to my weak, pale hand. His face not once flickered from his frightful expression.

"Stay safe. Hold on. I'll wait for you."

Those words split through the air startling both myself and this stranger like Finlay. Jumping he released me and started swimming towards the shore, abandoning me. Suddenly I felt myself start to sink, this time there was no force to push me up, I just kept sinking deeper and deeper, my lungs filling with the salty water. Desperately my arms and legs flaied trying to push my body up. No matter how many times I had convinced myself, this is not how I want to die. I want to live! I have my whole life ahead of me!

Just as my vision started to fade a warm sensation covered my waist, it started to drag me towards the surface and then... I broke the surface, my breathing coming sharp and fast filling my lung with burning air. With each breath of air that filled my lungs a piece of scenery changed until finally the picture or memory or whatever this place was, was filled with peacful and sceninc views.

"Stay safe. Hold on. I'll wait for you!" A deep, husky voice whispered in my ear. All I know is that this is the voice that I will live for, this is the voice that will keep me going. This is the voice that is keeping me from the arms of death.
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STOP! Don't hurt me! I know I know, this chapter is too short and I need to update more and blah blah blah but I have been busy with tests and homework and trying to overcome writers block. I promise I will update more. Promise. Oh and I've figured out my story line now and I might do a sequel. What do you think. Opinions greatly appriciated :P