You keep me from the arms of death...

Friendships and Rights

Ollie's POV

Anger seeped through my veins as I heard the news. I was ready to fucking murder somebody. Before you ask, Fire is just fine. Its Finn that has me in such a mood. I just got off the phone with Phil and apparently Finn and fucking Lori(!) are back together! He lead Fire to believe that he actually had feelings for her- fooling not only her but all of us- and then as soon as she is taken ill he goes back to that BITCH! God I wish it was HIM in Fire's place!

Sucking in a huge breath of air and slowly relasing it I made my way towards the Taxi which had just pulled up. Reed, Phil and Shane already inside. All but Reed looked just as pissed off as me. Throwing myself into the seat I immidiately launched myself into a conversation.

"Since when?" I asked.

"Yesterday." Phil replied.

"How'd you know?" I fired at him.

"Well, I went to call for Finlay to let him know that Sapphire was alright and I wanted to know weather he was gonna visit, and when I got to his Lori opened the door in one of Finlays tops. And instead of denying anything he walked up behind her, wrapped his fuckin arms around her waist and kiss her on the cheek. Well I spat at him that Sapphire was fine and left."

"The fucking bastard!" Shane muttered under his breath.

"Guys chill. You have to remember that Finn has been our best friend since first school. We can't just ditch him. It ain't even our buisness! And don't look at me like that! You know I'm right- he gets to choose who he likes and who he goes out with, so stop being so pissy. I care about Sapphire just as much as you and I know that she will get over the fact that Finn isnt hers. Now shut up!" As much as I hated to admit it, he was right. Its no buisness of ours who Finn chooses to date. Yeah we all believed he loved Sapphire but obviously we all were mistaken.

The rest of the journey to the hospital was in silence. Each one of us were deep in thought, well everyone except Reed who was looking overly bored. We all knew Reed cared less for Fire than all of us. He always did pick on her most and he was always the one to start the rumors about her. But I wish he showed a little more interest in our trips to the hospital- I dunnno why we bring him if Im being honest.

Half hour later we found ourselves surrounding Fire's hospital bed with Hope and one of her mates waiting for her to wake.

Finally the doctor had said that she was well enough that they no longer had to keep her in an induced coma. We were starting to get worried that she would never be well enough to be woken up, well I was starting to get worried anyway.

"How long do you think it will be now, cause to be honest I just want to go home. I don't belong here anywayz..." Hope's mate said. I think her name was Lizzie or something like that.

"Nah you don't belong here. Piss of." Phil muttered under his breath shooting a glare at the blonde bimbo.

"Shut the fuck up Phil! She belongs here more than Reed!" Spat Hope giving a disgusted look at both Phil and Reed.

"Hang on hang on! We have just as much right as anyone to be here!" Shane shot at Hope eyeing her mate Lizzie.

"Yeah some of us just have more right than others. Me and Lizzie included!" Hope snapped back at Shane.

"Lizzie has no right what so ever to be here she hates Fire!" I butted in- annoyed that Hope honestly though Lizzie deserved to be here!

"She has every right! In fact she has more right than fucking Reed!"

"I actually like Sapphire Hope so shut the fuck up!" Reed finally joined in.

"Yeah well she probably hates yo..."

"Reed?" A weak voice mumbled. All heads swiveled in the direction of Sapphire who's eyes fluttered open and the closed once more. Thank god she wasn't awake. But what? Wait a sec... did she just ask for Reed?

Of all people why would she ask for him? Maybe she was just dreaming and he happened to be in the dream, or maybe she was asking him for advice or maybe... ok why am I panicking?

"Reed?" She asked again, this time her voice stronger than before. There was no mistaking what she said this time.

"Yeah. Sup?" He asked, casual as ever, even his eyes suggested that he was not fazed in the slightest.

"Thanks." She mumbled before once again drifting to sleep.

Everyone just stood then in total shock. What had Reed done.

"Well I think that settles the fact that I have more right than Lizzie to be here!" Reed chuckled looking directly at Sapphire still.

"THAT PROVES NOTHING..." Oh great. Here we go again!
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Ok so this was sort of random but at the same time not random. So umm does that make it nothing? So yeah sorry its short again but they will get longer Promise. Thanks for readiing x