You keep me from the arms of death...

Waking up and whatsherface?

Reeds POV

So here I am. Alone. Well not alone but you cant count Sapphire as company. Not that I dont count her as a person but more of the fact that she is asleep. In an induced coma to be exact. So alone I am. Alone and bored. So very bored.

"Reed?" A rough and weak voice spilt the silence of this very small (and ugly) room.

"Yup?" I answered the voice.

"Where is everyone?" Only then was it that I realised that Sapphire was speaking to me. Again! Holy shit! She's awake!

"Sapphire! Oh my god, um they are getting coffee I think. Hope and that other girl ermm whatsherface came to see you aswell." I told her, grasping her hand lightly in my own.

"Whatsherface? Who's whatsherface?" She asked, her voice filled with both pain and amusment.

"If I knew, well remembered, her name then I wouldnt have called her whatsherface would I." Chuckling I stood to my feet, realsing her hand. "I'll go find the others. Stay awake now." With that I turned and left the room, boredom still thick within me.

I While I wondered round the hospital with not a clue to where I was going I let my mind wonder. Something I do very rarely. Well ok quite often, but still.

The first place it wondered to was Sapphire. As much as I liked Sapphire I felt a ball of hatred burning within me. This hatred was aimed at how she had played both Finn and Ollie. Both of them started drifting away from each other as soon as she came into the equation and when they started drifting away the group had almost an awkward atmosphere to it. I hated that!

Also I hated the fact that she has such a big effect on the whole school. Its almost as if the school is run by the gossip about her. Not one day can I walk down the corridors in the school without hearing a snide remark about her. It really pisses me off!

But although I hate those things about her I cant bring myself to hate her entirely. There is still a big part of me that likes her, it may be because she is vunerable or it may be because she is so innocent. Whatever it is I like it. But I'm not another one of her hopless cases where I have fell head over heels for her either. I just like her in nothing more than a friendly way.

"Reed dude! We've been looking for you all over! Sapphire's awake!" Phil cried to me, his voice filled with pure happiness.

"Yeah I know, I came looking for you guys to tell you but I just couldnt find any of you anywhere." I explained.

"Ok. Well we're all back with Sapphire now, come on!" We half walked half jogged back to Sapphire. I must admit, she looked like crap.

As soon as we walked through the door the excitment in the air seemed to rise a litte, everyone looked super happy. Ollie looked like he would explode he was that happy. Yeah ok she has finally woke up but to be honest I always knew she would.


Hours had passed since Sapphire had woken. Not once had the talk stopped. Sapphire was updated on everything- well almost everything- that had happened while she had been in hospital. Only once was there a break in speech and that was when the dreaded question, the where was Finn question, popped up. Of course I am the hero of the day by making a quick save of- Finn had to visit his nan down in bristol for two weeks although he didnt want to, his parents forced him. Everything got back on track from there.

At about eight pm a doctor came and asked us all to leave.

"But...can't just one of them stay. I don't want to be alone. Please?" You could see the war going on in the doctors head- should we stay oor should we go...

"Well...Ok. BUT just one! No more." With that the pretty black haired doctor left the room. FYI the doctor is a woman. Dont just immidiately assume that only men can be doctors, otherwise you would be getting the wrong idea abou my sexuality. Cant have that now can we.

"Well I would love to stay honey but I can't. Lizzie's parents are expceting me over tonight. But Ill be back tomorrow, promise!" Hope said sadly.

"And I can't stay either because I gotta baby sit my little sister for the night. I said I would be home by half nine so that I could." Phil explained just as sadly.

"I have a date tonight. I could put it off though if you wanted." Shane offered, although the look in his eye clearly told Sapphire that he wanted to go. After all, this girl he was going on a date with he had had his eye on for some time now.

"No its alright. You go have a nice time." Her eyes looked pleadingly towards Ollie who shifted his gaze towards the ground.

"I have loads to do at home. Otherwise I would, honestly! I wouldnt just go if it wasnt something importan..."

"Dont worry about it. I'll just stay by myself tonight." Her voice was so sad and lonely that it pulled at my heart. No one should sound like that, it could make a tough man cry!

"Wait a sec. I didnt throw in some excuse. I can stay. After all, I'm ahead in school, I still live with my parents and I don't have some sexy girl to go on a date with." Smiling proudly towards her she chuckled and nodded her approval.

"Thank you."

When everyone had left I decided to ask Sapphire the question that had been bugging me the most.

"Thanks for what?" She jumped, startled from my sudden question. I hope I hadn't woken her.

"Urm, care to explain the question?" She looked kinda cute when she's confused. But that does not mean I like her so dont go gettin any ideas.

"Well, early, well yesterday to be exact, you woke up, well sorta and called out. Out of everyone in the room you called for me. Now that was puzzling in itself, I mean, why me? But then you fell asleep again before I could answer you. And then, not even five minutes later you called me again. This time you accompanined my name with a thanks. Now that baffled us all, seriously. What have I ever done to be thanked for?" Well I suppose I could have gave her a shorter explanation, but at least it wasted time saying all that. Time with Sapphire sure does go by slowly.

"Oh. Ok then. When I was in that coma thing I had a dream, well no, it was sorta a flashback really. This flashback was of the night I tried to kill myself in the sea. Anyway, things changed. The sea turned red, I wasnt drowning, Finn became a bastard and almost killed me and starnge things like that. When finally I was dying I realised that I didnt want to die afterall. I mean I have so much to live for, so much I havent done. But as this realisation came I couldnt surface. Thats when your voice echoed through my mind. It said 'Stay safe. Hold on. I'll wait for you! Wel, if I hadnt have heard them words in my head then I am absolutly postive that right now I would be 6ft under. So thats why I said thank you."

OH MY GOD! She actually heard my words in her head. At the time they meant something, I actually did like her a tiny bit more than I should, but now they mean nothing. They mean as much to me as the dirt beneath me feet. Sorry if thats harsh but its true!

"Well your welcome. But I think I need to clean the air just incase you got the wrong idea. When I said I would wait for you I didnt mean it in a romantic way. I merely meant that I would wait for you to get better, as a friend, I would wait. Do you understand?"

"Of course. Thats what I thought in the first place." Inwardly I sighed in relief. At least she didnt get the wrong idea. But there was something in her eye when she said tose words to me. I can't wuite understand the look though. Its weird. But, I'm not going to read too much into it. My thoughts are always wrong anyway.
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Sorry there is a lot of talking in this chapter. But I hope you liked it. Im not updating this time until I get at least 3 new comments. And not all from the same person. Sorry if thats demanding but Its just I want to know who reads the chapter and likes it. x thanks x