You keep me from the arms of death...

The complicated truth

Sapphire's POV

So yeah, I have one question which is spinning round in dizzying circles in my head. Where this question came from I havent got a clue.

"Reed? When you first layed eyes on me what did you think of me?" It rolled off my tounge before I could stop it and I instantly regretted asking. But to my surprise he chuckled.

"Well this is actually going to be a shock to you. The day when I first laid eyes on you was the first day of high school. But of course you knew that. You were dreesed in black skinny jeans and a tight fitting t-shirt. Your hair was curled and you only wore eyeliner- unlike many of the girls who looked like they had orange paint on their faces. I actually thought they did until someone told me it was just their foundation. God that came as a shock to me. Anyway. I looked at you and I thought, 'wow that chick is hot! I'll have to try and impress her'. So what were you first thoughts on me?" Well that was a shock. Wasnt he the one that spread I was a tramp, a filthy whore and that I never washed?

"Well. The first time I saw you was in lunch the second day at school. I cant actually rememeber what you were wearing. Maybe because my eyes were focused on that slimy smirk which was plastered on your face. You came walking over to me, chest out, shoulders back and you looked me straight in the eye. There was a confident look in it. A look that said- I can have any girl I like, get used to it. Of course that made my first ever thought of you not a nice one. It was something like 'Who is this jerk?'. But of course now I dont think of you as a jerk." Surprisingly he actually burst out laughing. I thought he was going to walk out the room with a wounded ego or something! After only seconds I burst out laughing to.

Both of us sat clutching our sides gasping for breath until finally a doctor came hurrying in with a stern expression on her face. Basically she told us to shut the fuck up (in a nice way of course) before strutting, yes I said strutting out the room.

"Nice arse!"

"Reed!" I scolded, slapping him lightly on the arm.

"What?! I speak of nothing but the truth!" He whisper laughed.

"Yeah yeah whatever. No, in fact, if you speak of nothing but the turth. Why did the gang bully me and where the hell was Finn today?" I could see the hesitation in his eyes. But to which question?

"Umm, ok then. I bullied you because you rejected me. Yes I basically bullied you because of a wounded ego. But when you told me that you would never date me because I was a cocky bastard who needs to grow a dick and who needs to find some proper friends instead of tagging along with kids that will make me look good, well, lets just say I didnt handle that very well." A smile played at corner of my lips and I had to bite the insides of my cheeks to stop myself from smiling at his comment. But despite my efforts I was smiling widely and a small giggle escape my lips.

"And we already told you. Finns at his grandma's house. He wouldnt have gone b..."

"Cut the crap Reed. Please. I know when your lying and you were hesitant about answering so yeah. The truth?"

"Ok but your not going to like it one bit." He paused so I waited patiently for the rest of what he had to say. "So, um, where to start? Ok. Finn hasnt once been to visit you because at first he thought you were dead and he was terrified to see you lifeless. He hates going to hospitals and just the thought of him seeing you dead made him bust into tears. But the rest of us guys came because we knew you would be fine. You could just call Finn pessimist you know. Well anyway. We gave Finn daily updates of how you were doing. One day I think it was Phil who went to see him and instead of Finn opening the door it, it was..."

"Of for christs sake Reed! Who was it?" Yeah you could say im getting a little impatient.

"Fine. It was Lori. Him and Lori are back together." Well I wasnt expecting that and thats for sure. As soon as the words had left his mouth it felt as pins were being stuck through my heart. But the honest truth is, other than that it didnt bother me much. I mean, I have felt worse about him before, in fact I have been reduced to tears before because of Finn. Yet I find out he's back with his girlfriend and a wave of relief settles down over me and only little pinpricks at my heart tell me im in pain because of it. Ive been kidding myself all this time havent I. I was never in love with Finn!

"Sapphire? Fire? Are you ok?" Smiling widely and honestly I looked deep into Reeds gorgeous eyes.

"Im absolutly wonderful. You dont know how much of a relief that is you know. I had all this trouble between him and Ollie and I now know what to do. You see...." And then I explained everything, absolutly everything to Reed. About how Finn kissed me and then Ollie about all the jelousy hatred. Everything. Of course he sat there and listened. A glint of interest in his eye.

"Well. You know what I think you should do. I think you should go for Ollie. It seems to me as if you and Ollie are made for each other. I mean, he's fancied you for like, well, EVER and then Finn just. Well Finn gets through girls like they are going out of fashion to be honest. But he's always going back to Lori. He may not realise it but he's in love with her. And although Ollie only just confessed to you and the rest of the gang he likes you I have known for ages. It was just the way he looked at you when he was saying the things he said to you. It was a look that said I am so gonna kick myself for this later. And then he actually admitted to Finn once that he liked you but Finn laughed which made Ollie bully you harder as if to prove it was a joke or something. Basically Ollie is a wimp. It takes him a lot to confess to stuff ya know. And although it was Finn that saved you that night- who was it that sat with you the rest of the night? Who was it that walked with you to Finns house when you were soaking wet? Who was it that stayed by your side when your dad stabbed you? Not once has he left you Sapphire and I know that he never will. Just think about getting together with him. Please. Even if you do like anyone else just remeber what Ollie's done for you."

The truth hit me harder than a bullet. Never before had I realised how much Ollie has done for me. The things Reed mentioned was only half of what he had done. I mean he came and found me when my dad took me away, he gave me a chance to sort out my confused thoughts, he went out looking for me when I ran away from my step parents. The list goes on.

My heart pulled at the fact that I even had to think about weather I liked Finn or Ollie more. Now I have brought fucking Reed into the equation instead of Finn making things more complicated than before.

How am I meant to choose between two people. I mean yeah, ok, Ollie has done tons of stuff for me. But Reed was the one who kept me living life because I was constantly trying to prove him wrong. If it wasnt for his mean words I would be 10ft under now.

Seriously my life is soo fucked up. First my dad murders my mom killing himself in the process, then I get adopted by my abusive people, then I actually felt SORRY for my abusive new mom, then I try to kill myself, convince myself I have fell in love with Finn, have strong feelings for Ollie, get stabbed, fall out of love with Finn but adopt feelings for REED! What the fuck is going on here. Maybe it would have been better if I had died after all. Ok no it wouldnt but still!

I need to sort my life out...
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok so yeah there is a lot of talking in this one but I like it. This is the first chapter in a while which I have actually liked.
Now I only got two comments last chapter :'(
I asked for three. Oh well.
But please please please comment and tell me what to improve and what not. Its hard to write a story when you dont know what you need improving. You should all know that if you write stories on here.
Anyways, I love u guys for reading this. Tell your friends how amazing this story is lool!!!

Bye xxx ;););)