You keep me from the arms of death...

Wouldnt change a thing

Sapphire's POV
Two weeks later

I cant say im sad to leave. I mean, two weeks in this place is near enough torture. Well in fact I was here for more than two weeks since I was alseep for god knows how long. Time here just drags by at a super slow speed. If time races a snail the snail would win by miles! But i'm sure you get the point.

Anyway, although my time here has been more boring than watching grass grow it has been pretty useful. Ever since my chat with Reed I have decided that even though I have strong feelings for both Reed and Ollie that I am going to stay single. I only came to this desicion after I thought about what life would be like with both of them. The truth is, if I was with either one then I would always be thinking of the other and that just isnt fair on them. And I've already nearly screwed up a friendship before so im not going to let that happen again.

Enough with the depressing stuff now though because Im free! Im getting out of this too clean smelling, too white, annoyingly quiet place! I'm moving back into the real world baby! Um yeah, remind me never to say that again...

"Fire have you got all your things, cause I sure as hell ain't driving you back to pick anythin up?" Reed asked in his, well I would say caring voice but, its not quite what a normal person would call caring.

"Um, yeah. I didnt really have many things with me. So a quick question...Now that my step parents are in jail and Finn is back with his girlfriend...Where the hell am I staying?" Sweetly I asked him.

"Oh, Ollie bought a new flat and it has three bedrooms so your staying there. Hope you don't mind." Great, just great! Now everything I have decided is going to get a whole lot harder. With Ollie constantly around I don't know if I'm going to be able to refrain myself from kissing him or going out with him! Does god hate me?

"OK then. I'll try and get a flat as soon as possible, I hate having to scav off you guys." I admit with a sigh. Reed looked at me narrowing his eyes dangerously. Gulping, I smile innocently wondering why he looks as though he could kill me right now.

"Sapphire Hush! You will stay in that flat until you are well and rested. And 'us guys' couldnt give a shit about weather you scav off us or not. In fact we kinda like it. So dont go ruining our fun!" His voice was low and dangerous but the playful glint in his eye told me not to be thats why right now im doubled up, sides aching from how much Im laughin.

It took me a total of five minutes to calm myself down, Reed just looked at me like I was a raving loonatic. Which in a way I am...but still. When I did stop laughing though, Reed busted up making me laugh again, harder than before. Tears streamed down my face because I was laughing that much and I was gasping for much needed air.

"So, why were we laughing?" Reed asked confused, after we gained control of ourselves once again.

"Um, well I started laughing at the fact you guys love me scaving off you and then I couldnt stop laughing at the look on your face and then when I did stop you started making me laugh harder than before. So why YOU were laughing... um, I dunno." His eyebrows furrowed in thought and an odd look came acroos his face. It only took me a few seconds to realise the 'odd look' was his thinking face!

"Oh my god. I cant remember why I was laughing. Ah well. Come on lets get going." With that I followed Reed out the room. I felt guilty since Reed was carrying my bags, not that they had much in them but still. I had been told by the strict looking doctor that I couldnt carry heavy objects- or even lift a kettle for that matter. A kettle is not heavy! So anyway, the boys are now going out of their way for me, once again, and doing all my lifting jobs. I would say I dont mind but I feel like they have done too much for me already.

Twenty minutes later I found myself sat in a taxi outside a six story building. The bricks were all a simular shade of red brown and the roof was flat with flowers spllling gracefully over the edge giving the place a very feminine look. Each window glistened beauifully in the sun which had finally made an apperance in the clouded skies. You could just see the curtains been pulled back slightly on the fifth floor, a very anxious face peering through before dissapearing. Only moments later was this face back, the eyes once agaiin scanning the area for something unknown.

"Fire! Its good to see you finally out of the hospital. Sorry I havent been to vist in a week. But the guys did explain why didnt they?" Ollie exlaimed, excitment and nervousness flooding his voice.

"Yeah yeah. Now ories. How is your grandad by the way?" I asked fearing the answer. Last week Ollie recieved a call telling him that his grandad had suffered a severe heart attack. The only reason I feared the answer was because Ollie was close to his Grandad and his death would hurt him so much.

"Oh he pulled through thank god. But he's not out of the danger zone yet. He's able to speak though which is a plus. He said he hopes your feeling better now by the way." A smile spread across my face at this news. Although Ive never met this man before he seems like he has a kind heart. If he didnt then he wouldnt have thought to wish me well when he's not in the best of shapes either. Fingers crossed he recovers soon.

"Thats good to here. Lets hope he gets better soon. Can we go inside now? Im froze."

"Well I must warn you..." Ollie started before while we were halfway up to the top floor. The florr we now live on. "'s not much. I mean I only moved in a few weeks ago so Im still only part way through decorating. I'm starting on your room when you are able to lift things again, only cause I need your help." He smiled widely causing me to smile just as wide in return. Obviously he was planning on having me around for a while. And now im here Im not sure I want to leave, although sooner or later I know Im going to have to.

When we enter his flat my mouth practically dropped to the floor. When someone says the own a flat I imidiately imagine it as a small place. A poxy living room, a tiny add on kitchen all that crap. But no. Not this place. The first room you enter is huge. Of course it is two rooms added into one though, done in a very stylish way. This room I can only guess to be the living room.

Ollie has two large chocolate brown leather sofas. One's back faced towards me while the front faced a smooth looking coffe table. The other sofa also pointed towards this coffe table but at the same time it pointed towards a huge plasma TV. The crapets in the living room was a nice light colour. You could say it was a white coffee. Well its close enough to that anyway. Just to the right when you first walk in is kitchen cabinets in a neat little rectangle shape, the floor there is blue tiled instead of carpet. The counters all had black marbled tops and everything about it was stunning.

The way I have described it just does not put how amazingly stunning it is to rest. You know I could gush about this place all day but I know that sooner all later you would get bored. Turing to face Ollie I finally remove my mouth from the floor and stutter out a few words.

"'s...oh my...I..." His face seemed to drop with my lack of words and suddenly I felt guilty for making him worry. "Ollie. I love it!" I whispered just loud enough that he could hear. In return for my comment I got yet another dazzling smile. God this boy is full of smiles today. Not that Im complaining. When he smiles I think it makes him look too Hot for words. Oh yeah, Im not allowed to think that way now...

"I'm glad you think so. Now get your arse in there and sit down while the rest bring your things in. Oh by the way, Hope went shopping for you." Immidiately my face fell.

"Great, i'm gonna have to find a way to pay her back. No doubt she's spent a fortune on me. No matter how many times I tell that girl she just can't resist buying me stuff!" I wasn't angry. Just annoyed. She knew how much I hated it when people brought me things. It made me feel as though I was sponging off people and I hate feeling that way!

"Hey, I told her you'd say that. Her reply went something like this..."

"You will accept the clothes and like them. You will not pay me back and you will smile politely and thank me for them. If you don't then you will suffer greatly!" My best friend said in a playful tone.

Jumping up I ran to her swallowing her in a hug, only to jump back moments later, a stabbing pain shooting through my stomach.

"Sapphire? Are you ok? Where does it hurt?" Both Ollie and Reed said simultainiously making Hope giggle.

"Im fine. I just moved to fast. And please never do that again. It scary when you two talk in sync!" I giggled along with Hope, both the boys blushing.

"Come on lets go get you upacked, oh yeaah andI need to show you your new wardrobe. Dont worry, think of it as a very early birthday present, or a late one. Whatever you prefer..."


Later that night I was lay down in my bed staring up at the plain white ceilings, once again consumed in my own thoughts and once again trying to answer what if questions.

What if I had never made friends with the guys after Finn saved me. Would I still be alive now? Because who would have saved me from my adoptive dad if I hadnt made friends with them. But then, would I even have been stabbed if I didnt run away and live with Finn for a while?

If I had never had made friends with them would Ollie still fancy me? I mean, he fancied me before, at the time he bullied me. So if I never made friends with him would he still feel as strongly towards me as he does now?

All I know is that these are questions which I will never find the answers too. But the thing is I dont really care about the answers, im more trying to find them out of plain curiosity. Cause the truth is, I would not change how things have turned out so far even in the slightest. I would get stabbed a thousand times over if I had too. Ever since my mom died I havent ever been truely happy until these guys came into my lives. Yeah they may have brought a load of complications but thats all part of the big adventure.

Smiling to myself for the last time that day I turned on my side and allowed myself to fall into a deep and comfortable sleep.
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Fillerish I know, but it needed to mention about her movin in and stuff. Please please please comment!!! Give me critism pllleeaaassseee I need to know how to improve!!!
Love you guys for reading...