You keep me from the arms of death...

As innocent as a rabbit...

Ollie's POV

Glancing at the clock for the fifth time this evening I started to pace. Sapphire had been gone for six hours, it was now 11:30pm. The sky outside was a velvet black sprinkled with glistening silver stars, the moon shining brightly.

The fact that Sapphire was still out, without even a phone call worried me greatly, especially since the area we live in is known for knife crimes and rape. My heart rate quickened at the very thought of her being harmed. Could she be lying in the middle of the street now, her body paling with the loss of blood, her heart rate slowing? Right now is she shuddering her last breath? My own breath hitched in my throat and I dived for the phone ringing the first number that came into my head.

"Hello? Reed?"

"Yeah It's me dude. This is my phone you know. So whats up?"

"Sapphire isn't back yet and I'm getting really worried. Have you any idea where she is?"

"Oh yeah, I was going to ring you just. Sapphire's stitches got pulled out earlier and she was a mess, but don't worry I got her straight to the hospital and she's fine now. Apparently the doctor that stitched her up last time didn't do a very good job, but she's not complaining. She's a strange girl." I felt the anger bubbling away inside of me. She had been in hospital and Reed hadn't even had the decency to call me!

"Alright. Bring her straight over here when you get out. I need to talk with you." My voice was stiff with anger and I could tell Reed noticed.

"Er, yeah sure. Look mate, I honestly was going to call you but I hadn't got the time. I wasn't allowed to use my phone indoors and I wanted to stay with Sapphire to make sure she's alright. In fact we're on our way back now..." Sick of hearing his rambling I hung up the phone. Anger still flowing through me.

Reed's POV

I could tell Ollie was pissed off with me. Yea I did feel bad for not calling him, but I panicked on the way there and I completely forgot when I was in the hospital. I was more worried about making sure she was alright than contacting anyone to tell her where she was.

When the disconnected tone sounded on my mobile I swore under my breath knowing that Ollie was beyond just 'pissed off'. But I'm sure I can find a way out of this. After all I do find a way out of everything.

"What was that about? You were fine one minute and the next you were rambling a load of crap in a panicked voice." Sapphire asked me, concern and humor laced in her voice.

"Oh, I sorta forgot to ring Ollie and tell him you were in hospital so he's sorta beyond pissed off right now. I might just drop you off at the door and leg it." We both laughed at my comment. She had an attractive laugh, it wasn't too high pitched and girlie and neither was it too deep and manly. It was just right. Its great when you have a friend that you don't have to cover your ears around after a joke so you didn't lose your hearing.

"Ahh I see. Don't worry about it, I'll get you out of this. It was my fault after all. I mean I started it."

"Yeah about that. What did you want to talk to me about in the first place?"

"Oh, well today I kissed Ollie, shouted at Finn and have completely confused myself. I would go into more detail but since your mom has just pulled up outside the flat I think it's time for me to leave. You coming?" Although every fiber in my body was screaming at me no, and I'm pretty sure if I didn't have control over myself I would be rooted to the car right now, I got myself up and followed her out.

"I'll see you tomorrow mum. I have a feeling I will be staying at Ollie's tonight."

"OK sweetie. See you tomorrow!" She said cheerfully before driving away. Honestly, you'd think my mum is glad when I'm not there. But of course she's not, she misses me like mad because I'm just adorable and lovable!

!Your mom seems awesome. You know, you sound really cute when you say mum. It actually makes you sound innocent. And you and innocent are like two different worlds!" She smiled at me playfully.

"Me and innocent may be two different worlds but at least we're closer than you'll ever be!" I growled mock angrily at her making he laugh lightly.

"When will you learn, I'm as innocent as a rabbit!" Smiling angelically she opened the door to the flats and started climbing her way up to the top floor.

"Yeah as innocent as a rabbit which has ate all its children and murdered a hundred thousand humans for desert."

"Yep. Like I said. As innocent as rabbit!" With that she ran the rest of the way up the stairs and let herself into Ollie's flat.

Sapphire's POV

"Reed what the fuck man!" Ollie screamed as soon as Reed entered the room.

"Hey, Ollie chill dude! He helped me out and it was entirely my fault. I decided to dive on him and ripped my stitches in the process. So don't go laying the blame on him!" Sighing angrily Ollie ran his hands down his face and let out another deep breath.

"Look, I'm sorry. I keep over reacting like this and it's making us all feel like shit. I'll try and tone it down a bit. I think I keep blowing up at Reed cause I;m scared he'll hurt you like Finn did." Now that confused Reed. The look of confusion on his face was priceless.

"How could I do that? I mean, she doesn't like me, I don't like her. Well not in the way you mean anyway. We haven't kissed. I mean, how the hell can I hurt her when we are nothing more than best friends?" Honestly, this boy can be so dumb sometimes its actually unbelievable!

"It doesn't matter. I'm just jumping to conclusions I guess. The guys were going to come over tonight by the way. They'll be arriving at 12. They were going to come round earlier but they got invited to some party. We got invited too but I didn't wanna go and obviously you were at the hospital."

I felt slightly guilty once again. It was my fault these two weren't going out to enjoy themselves. I mean, if it weren't for me Reed would have gone to this party. Yeah Ollie would have stayed behind and looked after me but I guess I wouldn't have felt as bad because it would have only been one person missing out, and Ollie says he enjoys being around me anyway. I mean we could have... NO! I will not think like that!

Sitting on the sofa I felt my eyes start to droop and before even I knew it, I was out like a light.

Reed's POV

Sapphire was snoring softly by the time the guys got here. Both Phil and Shane had a girl with them. They weren't their girlfriends, more like close friends. We hadn't introduced them to Fire before, we were going to the day that she got stabbed, but of course, she got stabbed. That sorta messed up our plans for the day. Oh, and for the few weeks following. But of course, we didn't mind.

"Cee! Becca! How nice to see you! Haven't seen you in ages. I feel slightly guilty about not phoning." I admitted to them, pulling them both into a tight hug.

"Yeah yeah whatever. We honestly don't mind. We feel just as bad for not phoning you!" Laughed Cee hyperactivity. You could tell she has been drinking.

"I'm gonna take Sapphire to bed guys. I'll be out in a minute." I said to them quietly, ignoring the wolf whistles from everyone and the glare Ollie sent my way. They're all getting the wrong idea though. I don't like Sapphire in that way. And I never could. We will always be just friends.
♠ ♠ ♠
YAY another chapter done- this one was sorta fillerish but at the same time important because I added two more characters! YAY! I will make Hope have a bigger part in this but thats going to be later on in the story :)
Any ideas you want to add- just ask.
(Oh yeah, this one was sorta boring but ahhh well :P)

p.s sae as usual guys- comments are warmly welcomed and it would be awesome for you to check out my poems and maybe give me one or two themes to write about. Love you all x