You keep me from the arms of death...

Truth or Dare and a lot of confusion!

Ollie's POV

Reed carried Sapphire to her room and the rest of the group situated themselves on my leather couches. I was surprised to see Cee and Becca with the guys but of course I was insanely happy. I hadn't seen them since Sapphire came into our lives and that was quite a while ago. Over a few months now I think.

"So Ollie, what have you been up to since we last saw you?" Cee asked me, honest curiosity hidden behind her eyes.

"I've spent most my time with Sapphire. I dropped out of school. No need to go when my future lies in the music business. How about yourself?" I asked.

"Oh nothing much. Was in jail last month for a week. I assaulted someone when drunk so they gave me the smallest sentence possible. Otherwise just the same stuff we used to do together, drinking, partying. All that jazz." I could tell she still felt the same way towards me as she did a few months back. I was hoping time apart would fix that. Obviously not.

"Ahh I see, not much has changed for you then. What about you Becca? Been up to much?" She just shrugged her shoulders and gave me pretty much the same reply Cee gave me. Only minus the jail part.

"I'm bored!" Whined Phil childishly. He never was the one to just sit around and chat. "I know! Lets have a game of truth or dare!" Clapping his hands like a three year old and smiling widely he looked around to see everyone but me nodding in approval. Great.

"OK, I'll start! Becca, truth or dare?" Phil said.


"OK, do you still fancy Reed?" He asked just as Reed walked back into the room and joined us on the couches.

Blushing a bright crimson she nodded her head slight, leaving Reed slightly wide eyed. "Yes I do. Phil, its your turn." She said just as quietly as she had when she admitted her feelings towards Reed. I'm going to try and set them up. Then I won't need to worry about Reed stealing Sapphire away from me. Yes I am jealous!

"Dare, and I promise you I wont back out!" He sounded so sure of himself, but I wouldn't, I could almost hear the mean dares popping up in Becca's mind.

"You have to snog Shane passionately!" Both Shane's and Phil's mouths dropped to the ground their eyes bugging out of their heads. Phil was first to recover.

Confidently he walked over to Shane, put both his hands on either side of his face and before Shane could protest he kissed him. Passionately. That means their tongues were in each others mouths. If that was me I would have just dropped out, and I can guarantee you, Shane would have if he had the choice, and so would Reed.

"Well, I never expected you to go through with that!" Becca cried, her mouth slightly ajar. The rest of us just chuckled before waiting for Shane to continue with the game.

"Reed, you have to go lick Becca's face!" Shane demanded.

"But I didn't chose what I wanted!" He protested.

"Fine, what do you chose?"

"Truth." He stated, happy that he could get away from that dare. And I know why. He never liked Becca the way she liked him.

"Spoil sport. Fine then. Out of all the girls in this house. Thats Phil..."

"OI!" Phil protested while we all laughed.

"...Becca, Cee and Sapphire, who would you most want to go out with?" I could almost hear his heart stop, I certainly felt mine skip a beat in anticipation, waiting for him to answer.

"Sapphire I wouldn't. We're too good friends to ruin that.Cee I wouldn't because she's constantly hung up on Ollie so I would say Phil." We all stared at him dumb founded while Becca sat there looking slightly hurt. "Jokes! Becca." A look of pure happiness spread across her face and I felt slightly guilty for her. I mean, Reed hasn't liked anyone in a very long time. He will go out with girls for one night stands and such but he has never had a serious relationship with anyone.

"OK. My turn.. Cee?" Reed stated.


"Go kiss Ollie." He said in a bored tone. I could tell he was doing this on purpose. Cee's eyes lit up and I felt slightly frustrated. Reed doesn't realize it but he's keeping her hung up on me. He always finds a way to make us do stuff together at games like this.

Slowly she walked up to me, sat on my lap and pressed her hands to either side of my face. My face started to tingle from her touch. She bent her head towards me and pressed her soft delicate lips against mine. At first I didn't kiss her back and I just let her get frustrated that I wasn't letting her enjoy her dare, but then her tongue ran along my lip shocking me into opening my mouth. As soon as her tongue came into contact with mine tingles started up and down my spine and I couldn't help but pull her closer to me.

We kissed for a total of two minutes before I pulled back and resumed my position trying to look bored, when really I felt happy and at the same time really really bad. I felt as though because I enjoyed that I was doing wrong to Sapphire, although we weren't a couple.

"Whoa!" Shane whistled from between his teeth.

The game went on for another hour, each of us giving others ridiculous dares and embarrassing truths. My mind wasn't totally in the game though as my thoughts were still reeling over the kiss with Cee, I mean it me of course, but then again, did it?

Reed's POV

Slowly everyone departed for bed. The girls were camping on the floor in Sapphires room and the boys In Ollie's room. Soon it was only Becca and I left in the room. An awkward silence filled the air.

"OK. I'm going to go to bed now. Night!" I had to tell her. I would regret it if I didn't.

"Wait. Wanna sit and talk for a bit?" I asked her.

"Sure. What do you want to talk about?"

"Erm, me. Well not me but, well. OK. I don't know why I haven't realised this before, but when Shane dared you to kiss me tonight and you declined for me, I realised that I do like you. But I was only denying this at first because I didn't want to ruin anything between us. You are a good mate to me and always have been. And thats why I was so hesitant about there being an us."

Walking over to me she sat on my lap and just stared into my eyes for a few seconds, although it felt like hours. Then she kissed me. It was an urgent kiss, lustful and loving.
And I kiss back, just as urgently.

Before I knew what was happening we were shedding our clothes and ripping open a wrapper.
♠ ♠ ♠
No sapphire in this one, sorry guys. So what do you think? Is Reed out the picture? Is this Cee person someone to dislike. Will Finn turn up again soon. I have left you with so much to think about. Comments please...
don't worry the chapters will steadily start getting better again :)
p.s soame as usual- comments welcomed check out my poems ;)