You keep me from the arms of death...

Painful truths and violent wars.

Sapphire's POV

A loud moan jerked me awake sometime during the night. Quickly I jolted up, as I did I woke up this other girl who was lying on my floor. I was about to scream when she looked over to me with wide eyes noticing I was awake.

"Shh! I'm Cee. I'm staying here tonight, I'm one of the guys friends. You coming to investigate?" She asked, the truth dancing in her eyes. This is going to be someone I can trust.

"Yeah sure. I'm Sapphire. You can call me Fire if you want. The guys do every now and then." I informed her while hopping almost silently out of bed. There was a load thud in the next room. Sharing a worried glance with Cee we edged slowly towards the door, our hearts in our throats.

Whats going on? What the hell was that thud? Has someone broke in or something. Realizing what was going on I was about to warn Cee but she had already swung the door open, confirming what I thought. There on the floor lay a very startled girl with a very naked Reed on top of her. Tears pricked at my eyes but I couldn't show it. He doesn't know how I feel and I would rather it stay that way.

"OH MY GOD MY EYES!" Screamed Cee at the top of her voice sending the guys running in from Ollie's room.

"What the hell is all the commoti...OH MY GOD MY EYES!" Shane yelled scrambling back into his room. Phil and Ollie just busted up laughing while I forced myself back into the room, trying desperately to keep the fact that I liked Reed locked away. I held back all my emotions and plastered a fake smile on my face.

"Oh my god, thats something I'm going to have nightmares about now!" Cee laughed, me joining in half-heartedly. "OK something up. What?"

"Nothing. I'm fine honestly!" Replying a bit too quick apparently.

"Yeah sure you are. I'm just going to take a stab at guessing. OK, so you were fine when you woke up, worried since we heard...well what we heard. Then you saw them two together and... oh my god. You like Reed!" She practically shouted, the end coming out slightly muffled since I had clasped my hand firmly over her mouth.

"Just broad cast it to the whole world why don't you."

"Sorry. But oh my god. What are we going to do. We just have to get you together!" Cee's eyes brightened at most likely a plan forming in her mind.

"Erm, OK. Cee. You most likely are blind and deaf or... you just Have a really really short memory." I stated while she looked at me confused. "Did you not see them out there? Reed is with your best friend! We can't get me with him if your friend is!"

"Ahh thats probably just a quick fuck." She said, uncertainty tainting her tone.

"No it's not. It's more than that. I haven't know Reed for long but I can safely say that he wouldn't have just a quick fuck."

"He used to. In fact he never used to have a steady girlfriend at all and he used to just ave a load of one night stands."

"Yeah but he's changed. Mainly because of me. I dunno why though, it's like, ever since I was in hospital Reed spent more time with me than any of the guys. And then... he started to change. It was just the simplest actions but he changed." Without noticing my eyes glazed over and I drifted into a day dream.

"Sapphire! OK. So he's changed. Maybe this isn't just a quick fuck. But I think he likes you. If he's changed for you thats proof. What I can safely say is that, even if they do start going out, their relationship isn't going to last forever. Becca, the girl he's screwing...plays the to say. So she's never going to last with him, and as soon as she's out the picture, your in!"

"What the fuck Cee! You haven't known this girl for more than a fucking hour and your already plotting against me with her!" Becca hissed venomously.

"What the fuck! We weren't plotting against you! All she was saying is that you might not last with Reed and if you don't then..." I trailed off from defending Becca, painfully aware that I almost told the girl that I liked the guy she just shagged. That would not have gone down well.

"Then what? Your in. Good luck with that honey, cause your really not his type. Oh and don't worry I heard every single word you said, he's mine got that. And I'm not just playing the field. He. Is. For. Keeps!" With that she turned on her heel and stormed from the room.

"Shit." Cee muttered staring at her shoe looking extremely guilty.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to cause an argument with you and your mate. Honestly I never!"

"Don't worry about it. She's just being a bitch. Plus I guess I deserved that. Oh well. So what we going to do to get you with Reed?"

Laughing hysterically I looked at her completely serious face, but the look faltered and soon we were laughing together.

Reed's POV

Damn it is she loud! We split apart as soon as everyone left, way to embarrassed to carry on. I was about to walk into Ollie's bedroom when I noticed Becca pressing her ear up against the door. Faltering in my actions I found myself watching what she was doing.

Little after two minutes she barged into the room and began hissing violently at the Cee and Sapphire. My heart went out to Sapphire, I know she is awful with confrontations. What surprised me most was she started shouting at Becca, it almost sounded as though she was defending Cee. I couldn't help but think that this is way better than Easterners and that crap. Soaps delivered to you very door! Holding back a laugh at my random thoughts Becca came storming back into the room.

"Care to explain?" Curiosity seeped through me.

"Yeah sure. Why fucking not! My bitch of a friend and that fucking whore Sapphire..."

"...she is not a whore but continue." Shooting me a death glare she almost looked as if she was going o scream at me for coming to Sapphire's defense, but she thought twice and a sly smile twisted her features.

"As I was saying, My bitch of a friend and that Sapphire, were plotting against me. Since I'm know for playing the field apparently I won't last long with you. SO, they started plotting what they could do to get Sapphire with you. Cause she likes you a lot, but can never be with you. Her words, not mine." Anger flowed through her and you could almost see a fire blazing in her eyes. But the sly smile that twisted her features only moments before made her looked truly ugly in my eyes. How could she be as harsh to spill a girl secret to someone when she doesn't even... hey wait a sec... did she say Sapphire liked me?

"Hang on, Sapphire likes me?" I spluttered still surprised.

"Yeah. And she's going to split us up Reed." By now her anger had almost completely evaporated, and left in it's place was a helpless innocence which sent my heart into a frenzy. Then I got angry. They were trying to split me and Becca up already.

Shooting up from my seat I stormed into their room.

"What the Hell! Why the fuck would you want to split me and Becca up Cee. I know this is your idea since Sapphire would never suggest something like that!" Cee visibly flinched back and a tear strolled down her cheek. But I wasn't going to feel guilty. Not after what Becca told me.

"Shut the fuck up Reed. It was Cee's idea it was mine!" Sapphire defended, looking me in the eye. Her blue eyes were mesmerizing even when she was furious.

"Oh really, then I'll let you know this... even if you were the last fucking human on this earth... I would never date such a mean bitch!So forget about the plan cause you could never win my heart!" I spat, my voice going dangerously low at the end. Hurt flashed in her eyes but she quickly covered it.

"Well Reed, let me ask you this. If you don't go for bitches as evil as me, then why are you with Becca?"

"Sapphire, Becca would never stoop so low as to steal someones boyfriend." With that I turned round and walked from the room ignoring what Cee shouted to me.

Ollie's POV

Yeah you could say the night was eventful. Apparently Phil, Shane and I missed half of the action because it all kicked off after we took the piss out of Reed and Becca.

I was surprised when I went into the living room this morning and found Sapphire being held back by a pissed off Cee, and Becca being held back by a pissed off Reed.

"You such a fucking bitch, you don't even know me, what gives you the right to call me a fucking prostitute when I'm still a fucking virgin, unlike someone I know. How many people did you screw yesterday besides Reed. Five, or six people?" Sapphire sneered making Becca try to swing for her, luckily Reed had a strong grasp on her.

"Shut the fuck up! I love Reed you know, I have for ages. Yeah so what I'm not a virgin, at least I have a life to enjoy! So whats the deal anyway? Did you stab yourself so you could get sympathy from Reed? Did you deliberately piss you dad off so you could get all the attention from the guys?"

Cee let go at Sapphire and both lunged towards Becca. Reed let go off her in surprise and suddenly there were three girls scrapping on the floor. Two of them ripping at the other.

Sprinting towards them I violently yanked Cee up and Reed grabbed Sapphire, looking at repulsed that he was touching her.

"Becca, out my house. Now!" I hissed, no louder than a whisper. I don't care whether Sapphire started this argument or whether it was Becca, I only care that Becca thought she had the right to take a wipe at Fire using one of her biggest weaknesses.

Scrambling to her feet Becca stormed towards the door, Reed following her out.

"Sapphire, I'm sorry. This is all my fault. She should never have said that to you though. I have went through the same thing as you so I know how much it hurts for people to jab at you with it. I'm really sorry." And that's what I like about Cee. She is always kind and considerate to others, only respects the people who deserve it. I mean she just turned on her best friend to help someone who actually deserved the help.

"No worries. I could say I'm completely over it but I would be lying. Um, Ollie. You can let get of Cee now." Heat spread to my cheeks after I released Cee.

One thought still plagued my mind after last night. Do I like Cee as more than a friend or does my heart belong with Sapphire?
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok, so this was full of action :) But It wasn't very well written. I just couldn't get into this chapter though, hopefully the next chapter will be better.

So more questions needing to be answered...
*Is Reed out the picture?
*Is Cee a threat.
*Will Sapphire end up with Ollie or Reed.
*Where the HELL is Finn :P

So same as usual- comment are warmly welcome and check out my poems. And tell your friends how awesome I am lol! OJ. Tho you can if you want ;)

OMG 1 subscriber away from 20, that makes me really happy :)