You keep me from the arms of death...

Back to the beach back with the trouble.

Reed's POV

Right now I am so fucking confused! I like Becca, really I do, but I had to force myself to follow her out the flat. How can you say something! Yeah I said some mean stuff to Sapphire last night but I feel so bad. I really really wanna make it up to her. But how?

"Reed are you even listening to me? I said that If you want to Carry on seeing me then I forbid you from seeing Cee and Sapphire again. They were wrong to do what they di..."

"Shut the hell up Becca! I defended you last night but today is tottaly different- you cross the uncrossable line! You had no right to say that, I had to force myself to follow you after you said that today. I was half tempted to leave Sapphire on you instead of dragging her off. I'm disgusted at the both of you! Just stay away from me for the rest of the day!" I screamed into her more than shocked face.

"Fine. I'll call you tomorrow to see if you've chilled out by then. Your over reacting Reed and you know it." She stated before walking away.

Growling I kicked the park bench which I was sitting next to before flopping down on it, holding my head between my hand.

What the hell have I done? Who should I side with. My girlfriend or my best friend? My mind tells me to go with Becca but my heart with Sapphire. But how the fuck do I know what to choose?

Sapphire's POV

I wish he would just apologize. I'm willing to forgive him since 1* Its his girlfriend he was defending and 2* He's stuck by me through the hospital ordeal and I owe him for that.
And of course 3* I like him a lot but I don't think I should count that in this list.

Cee and Ollie haven't talked to me since this mornings events. In fact it's almost as if they have been avoiding me, Shane and Phil left just after lunch so basically I've been alone all day. I'm tempted to go to the park but to be honest I just don't wanna leave the house.

Only now is it that I notice my bladder is about to burst, scrambling up I run to the toilet.

After I finish my er...buisness...I wash my hands and am about to turn when I noticed something shine beautifully in the light. Looking down I spot the prettiest necklace I have ever seen and next to it... a razor. Crazy thoughts are running through my head right now, some that I don't want to think about.

I desperately want to turn around and drag myself out the bathroom but the light dancing in the razor has me mesmerized. I can see myself picking up and placing it to my skin, I can see it tearing through the paper thin flesh. Slowly I reach my hand forward...

Ollie's POV

I don't know why but Sapphire and Cee have been avoiding me all morning. Whenever I'm in the room they will leave. Sighing I pull my hands over my face and muttered a few words before picking myself up of the leather sofa.

Before I know what I'm doing I find myself standing outside the bathroom door. Reaching my hands forward I push it...

Sapphire's POV

My fingers lightly graze the razor. Holding it close to my face I examined it. It looked Slowly I pulled my sleeve up and place the cold blade against my bare skin.

"Sapphire? You in here?" Ollie asked making me jump and drop the blade.

"Y...yeah I'm in here. One sec I'm just finishing up!" I cried out breathlessly, silently thanking Ollie for interrupting. I know I would have forever regretted if I had dragged that blade across my skin. "OK I'm done. You wanted to talk?" I asked, slightly confused as to why he's stopped avoiding me now.

"Erm yeah, why are you avoiding me?" He asked me with as much confusion as I felt.

"umm, I'm not. Your the one that's avoiding me. You and Cee both have." I stated .

"OK guys, this has to fucking stop! I dunno what I have done to make you avoid me like you have been!" Cee cried angrily while walking into the room.

"I haven't been avoiding you. You've been avoiding me!" Both Ollie and I replied at the same time.

"OK OK. Let me get this straight. Both of you think Ive been avoiding you, and both of you think that the other is avoiding you. While I've been thinking you've been avoiding me." We all looked at each other before bursting out laughing. If only we had asked each other about it before.

"Sapphire, I speak to you. Please?" Reed asked me timidly while leaning on the door way. Looking to Cee for advice she just shrugged her shoulders, so going what OI thought was right I answered.

"Maybe later. I'm going to go for a walk now to think things over. I'll talk to you when I get back." With that I left.

Reed's POV

OK I expected her to say yes, but I guess I deserved that. As soon as she walked out the door though I had this horrible feeling in my gut. Everything in my was urging me to follow her. Never before have I had such a strong feeling, so quickly I ran out the door and followed her from a safe distance, hoping she wouldn't turn round and see me.

She walked to her favorite thinking spot. The beach. I don't understand why she enjoys it so much here since this is where her suicide attempt was. I suppose it was her one safe haven when her adoptive parents were abusing her. My heart still pulls when I think abut that. This girl has been through so much yet she still stays strong. She still takes whatever life throws at her. And I respect her for that.

Ten minutes had passed and I notice Sapphire had fell asleep. She looked so peaceful. I was going to wake her but thought otherwise. She would get mad if I followed her. So I left her, well I watched her from a distance still, scared that something was going to happen, cause I still got that weird twisting feeling in my gut.

We have now been here a total of an hour, I was drifting off myself until I saw a guy walk over to Sapphire, his intentions clear. Quickly I jumped to my feet and ran over, fear pulsing through me but at the same time determination.

"Fuck off kid." Then the man looked at me. A shot of fear spiked through me, but you know when you are that scared that you get the adrenaline rush, yeah I got that. Pulling my arm back I whacked him hard in his already crooked nose- curtsy of Finn. Then I pummeled him into the fucking ground.

Before I knew what was happening I was being pulled off him, and no matter how hard I tried to free myself I was trapped. Fury bubbled through me, all I knew was that I wanted to cause Sapphire's adoptive dad as much fucking pain as possible.

"Reed! Fucking chill mate. The cops are on their way. He escaped from fucking jail the bastard." Finn told me trying his best to get me to calm.

Slowly I stopped struggling and collapsed to my knees.

"Where's Sapphire?" I asked breathing heavily.

"She ran to mine after she couldn't pull you off, I do live only there remember."

"She tried pulling me off? Shit I bet she's pissed off at me now!" I sighed resigned.

"No she's not, she's really worried about you actually. She's never seen you so..." He trailed off not finding a strong enough word to describe how I was.

"I'm fine. I just want... no need to see Sapphire!"

Sapphire's POV

"I'm here. Thank you so much Reed, if you hadn't been there I could be dead. I owe you so much!" I cried while running into his arms. He pulled me back and wiped the few stray tears running down my cheek. And thats when he did it.

He pulled up my face up ever so tenderly and pulled my lips to his. I responded instantly, sharing the most sweetest kiss of my life with Reed.

But it all had to be ruined didn't it.

♠ ♠ ♠
So this chapter isn't really good but it had a purpose. To bring back Finn. So what did ya think my friends?


(comments very very much welcomed and also check out my poems.)

AND OMG i have a new story out- please please please read and comment I would love to know what you guys think!