You keep me from the arms of death...

Jealousy over a phone call

The rest of the night Ollie and I sat in the living room watching scary movies, and even though he was one of the toughest guys in school he screamed like mad. It would have made me laugh to if it had not been for the fact that I was screaming loudly too.
Finn was in the hallway half the night on the phone to his girlfriend. Listening into their conversation I felt a wave of jealousy ripple through me, I wanted to grab the phone out of his hands and throw it out the freaking door. Of course I didn't though.
"Hi ya gorgeous...yeah I had a good day, well I met up with Ollie and then we saw that Sapphire girl from school...NO!...Sorry it's just that well, because of how bad we made things for her at school she tried drowning herself I didn't just let her drown, I'm not a bastard Lori...I know you never but it was just the way you said it. Anyway lets not argue...OK, I'll finish up the story, well anyway, I dived in and saved her and she...just listen...yeah SO i dived in and saved her and brought her back round to nothing happened between us, I love YOU, and even if I hadn't picked on her for years I could never like her that do i know? Well no offense to her but, she just ain't my type love. But you might want to know that she's staying the night. Nothing s going to happen, Ollie's staying too...well actually he just broke up with her, so he can do whatever he wants...Yeah I haven't forgot about next week, and I want it to be really special, I'm going to take you out for a meal..." I stopped listening in at this point and was half tempted to go jump back into the sea. But since I was wearing a rather nice shirt of Finn's, which dropped to my knees I decided not too. (He Lent me the biggest top he had so that he could wash and dry my wet clothes, he can be so sweet sometimes.)
"You OK Fire?" Ollie asked bringing back painful childhood memories. I missed my Kayla so much and that was what she used to call me until I was taken away from her and dragged into the home of my adoptives house. But the warmth that spread through me stopped the pain from the memories and I couldn't help but smile dazzlingly at him.
"Perfectly fine, just tired. Wanna go up?" My voice never betrayed any of the jealousy that still overflowed inside of me.
"Sure sure. I'm pretty tired myself. Do you need help?" Aw he's so nice when he wants to be. Shame I'm only just finding that out really. i just shook my head and stood up carefully. I stayed standing for a minute on the spot before I finally trusted myself to move and luckily for me I had regained all the strength back in my legs!
"Oi, Finlay, we're heading up so your coming too." Ollie basically ordered.
"Look babe, I gotta go. Ollie's heading to bed and I don't want to keep him up with talking all night...yeah love you too honey...Yeah speak then...Bye, bye. Bye." Slamming the phone on the hook he glared at Ollie. "Honestly man, just because you have no girlfriend doesn't mean you have to keep me from speaking to mine!"
"Yeah 'cause that was my intentions! Stop being so moody and come up, both Sapphire and I are shattered mate, we can always go to mine if you want to keep talking to your beloved. But I would like to think you put friends first sometimes." Ollie turned towards the door but I stood motionless on the spot confused.
"Sorry Ol. Won't happen again. Promise." He looked sincere in his apology and Ollie must have thought so too since he turned round and smiled weakly at his best friend.
"Your forgiven but can we please go to bed. I really am shattered. Don't think I would have made it home." Finn only nodded before turning upstairs and entering what I could only assume was his room. Ollie followed and close behind him was me.
The room we entered in was everything I wanted in my room. The walls were plastered in posters, mainly of we are the ocean and the carpet was a lovely red black colour. The bed was a king sized and the wardrobe covered one entire wall. A computer desk stood by a few bookcases and trophy cases. The final wall was breath taking, well I don't know weather you can call it a wall since it was made entirely of glass, but still.
"The beds all yours Sapphire. We'll sleep on the floor. No complaints!" He held up his hand just as I was about to object, so silently I made my way to his bed and climbed in. The mattress was more comfortable than I ever imagined and now I felt even more guilty that they were sleeping on the floor.
After ten minutes everything was silent and I drifted off to a nightmarish sleep.
Sometime during the night I woke up in cold sweat shivering. I had just endured the worst nightmare I had ever had.
"Sapphire, you awake?" A voice whispered. I only just managed to answer and my words came out high pitched and frightened. After hearing a scuffling sound I felt the mattress beneath me sink a little and looking over to my side I saw Finn's glorious face looking at mine full of concern.
"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked me while sliding under the blanket.
"No, I'll be fine, it was just a nightmare, that's all. A nightmare." I'm not sure who I was trying to convince, him or me.
"OK, but I'm here if you need me." Sliding closer he wrapped his bear arms around me pulling me into a hug. Placing my head on his shoulder I realized he was wearing no top and blushed a bright shade of red. Luckily for me it was dark, but then again I'm not surprised if I was lighting the room I was that red. Pulling myself even closer to him I pressed my body against his to warm my frozen body again, he didn't seem to mind one bit. He should though, he should be pushing me away really. He does have a girlfriend.
When every bit of my body was against his I realized he was in nothing more than his boxers, I also realized how nice he smelt. It smelt like lynx shower gel. I love lynx!
"Night Finlay." I whispered closing my eyes.
"Night Sapphire." He sighed and his words came out slightly strained for some unknown reason. I went to pull away but he tightened his grip on me. Snuggling into him once more I drifted off finally into a dreamless sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
well that's chapter three out and hopefully I might have chapter four out by the end of the night too :) Message me and tell me what you think. Oh and don't worry, next chapter will be a new day, I'm sorry that i stretched one day out into three chapters i didn't know if that would get boring but there was no other way really in doing what i wanted and started a new day in this chapter so yeah. Anyways. Please please please message. Bye x
Oh yeah- The spelling Of Finlay's nickname is Finn. So if you see it spelt Fin its a typo- so don't get confused lol!