You keep me from the arms of death...

I belong to no one but at the same time...I do?

Reed's POV

This moment was so sweet, so right. Never before now had I felt this way towards Sapphire, never thought of her as more than a friend. But this kissed showed me the truth, I'm in love with Sapphire. Just like Finn and Ollie, I had fallen for her. I used to hate this girl more than anything, yet here she is now, In my arms, kissing me back.

But of course, as much as I want this perfect moment to last, as much as I want time to stand still, for the earth to revolve around us two, It just has to come to an end. And of course the moment is also shattered, all because of one other girl and one possesive statement.

"I am not an object to be owned Becca! I belong to no-one." I was firm with this statement, which was both true and at the same time a lie. For I did belong to no-one, but at the same time I did. My body itself belonged to no-one, but my heart was with Sapphire. God I sound like a...a girl!

"What happened between us the other nig..."

"What happened between us was a mistake...something that now I truly regret. And something I'm really sorry for. I didn't mean to lead you on Becca,"

"but you did Reed! Nothing can change that. You lead me on to believe that you felt something for me when in reality you never."

"In reality I did. But it was not what you wanted me to feel! I felt lust, nothing more and nothing less!"

"Yeah well, that's all it's ever about with boys isn't it. Lust. You need to grow up Reed. You need to get a life. Maybe you should think about how us girls feel when we're used and tossed aside like fucking garbage. You know what, I don't care if Sapphire has you or not. Even if her and Crissy were conspiring against me. I feel sorry for her right now, because she is your newest victim. The one that tomorrow is going to be sat on the curb in floods of tears because you've decided she isn't good enough for you. I don't know why I even gave you a chance, I knew your history,"

"Yet you still did what you did. We all make mistakes Becca. And I hope to not make a mistake with Sapphire. Because I actually Love her. And as stupid a that may sound from me, I do. I would give my life to be with her." I glanced into Fire's eyes and saw confusion and happiness shining through them.

"Love. You don't know the meaning of love. Have a nice life Reed." Becca spat at me before turning around andwalkingstrutting away, her shoulders back, her head held high. I must admit, she handled that beter than some would have.

"Crissy?" Sapphire turned to me, the confusion over powering the happiness. "Have I met a Crissy before?"

"Erm, yeah. Cee. That's her real name. But Becca nicknamed her Cee and it stuck."

"Oh, well, I belive that bitch over there interuppted something."I could see desire and happinees once again playing across her eyes.

"Oh yeah, and what would that be?" I asked, playing along with her.

"Oh, just this," she attached her lips firmly to mine once again, the kiss not as sweet as before but this time it was filled with a thousand answers, happiness and most of all, it was filled with love.

Remind me to play some rough game later, rugby maybe. But I need something that will make me think more manly, everything I have thought today is something you would expect to see written in a girls diary or something. God!

A clearing of a throat sounded behind us.

"Erm, sorry for interuppting sir, but I need you to come down the station and give a statement please. Someone will be by later to collect one from you miss hush." I nodded before giving her lips a quick peck and following the office to his car parked on the side of the road.

Sapphire's POV

"Hey. You ok now?" Finn's familuar friendly vice asked. I forgot he was here.

"Never been better." I replied breathlessly, my lips tingling with excitment from the kiss.

"So, you and Reed huh? Who would of thought." He sounded slightly dissapointed but at the same time relived.

"Yeah, me and Reed. I'm sorry about everything that happend between us. I don't mean any offence to you by this, but I think the only reason I ever felt something for you was because I was looking for a hero. Someone who could save me. And the night you pulled me out from the sea, saved me from drowning, I thought I had found that guy. But then I was proven wrong when you didn't come visit me in hospital..."

"Sapphire, Im really..."

"No let me finish. When you didn't come to visit me, it was mainly just me and Reed. He sat there, listened to me, gave me advice, I mean, he was there for me. And he wasn't over bearingly protective, he let me get on with what I wanted to do. Not that you were over bearingly protective. That was more Ollie. But shh please don't tell him. But Reed is my type of guy. And I'm sorry if that upsets you, but I can't live a lie anymore. Do you understand?"

"I do. And I'm really sorry that we never got that chance. But like you said, I wasn't there for you when I should have been and that is completely my fault. I guess In a way, I wish I was there, but at the same time i'm glad I wasn't. Because now me and Lori have worked things out and we are stronger than ever, and I have you to thank for that. Cause if you had never come into my life I would have chucked her aside without looking back."

"Your welcome. I'll gladly hospitalise myself anyday for you," I smiled and winked at his shocked face. "It was a joke." I stated making him relax.

"Oh, er, well come on. I'll walk you back to Ollie's."
Well Crissy is going to get a kick out of this story .
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Meh this one is alright, not fantastic, just alright. Sorry I havent wrote in a while, ive been busy. BUT omg guys 30th chapter.
Now im running out of ideas for this story so im gonna starty bringing it to a close unless you guys have any ideas for me.
Love you all for being faithful and for staying with me to read this. x
p.s check out my poems please and leave a comment x