You keep me from the arms of death...

I love you

Sapphire's POV

When we got back to Ollie's everyone was tense. I looked around confused, why would they be tense. My thoughts were cut short when someone launched themself at me, knocking me to the floor!

"Oh my god! Your ok! Reed called us from the police station saying someone tried to kill you and he couldn't say anymore than that and we were all scared shitless and have been..."

"Breath Chrissy. Im fine. No need to get worked up. But I have some great news!" I squealed at the end, purely delighted at the fact I can say Reed is now mine.

"What's that?" Curiosity flooded her voice. Quickly she pulled me to my feet and dragged me into the bedroom obviously impatient to hear my news.

"Well... Reed saved me right...from my dad...and then..." I paused for a dramatic effect and I could tell that Chrissy was losing patience with me. She started figiting where she was stood.

"Oh my god Just tell me now!" I laughed a little before countinuing with what I was saying.

"Well after Reed saved me from my dad, well no, step'dad. No not even that, he was my adoptive dad, anyway after he saved me..." Yeah you could say I was dragging it out a little to irritate her just slightly. Only for fun of course. "He kissed me."

Both Chrissy and I started jumping around squealing like maniacs. Yeah she used to be Becca's best friends, but she explained to me while Becca was out the room after she had a go at us for 'plotting against her', that Beccas and her relationship was on and off. They would always get back together as friends again.

"Thats great! Oh my gosh! Wait til Becca hears about this! She'll be pissed let me tell you that!" Pure joy was radiating from her, this is one girl that I know I will be friends with for a while. No one had been this happy for me over such a small, or this could be a big, thing before in my life.

"Oh, about that. She already does. She caught us mid-kiss." That immidiately halted Chrissy's jumping around.

"Shit. What happened?"

"Well, she had a go at Reed, was all possesive at first but then was all like 'I feel so sorry for Sapphire at the moment, she'll be the girl on the curb tomorrow.' Not her exact words but it was something along the lines of that. But she never slapped him or anything. And then, I respect her for this, she walked away with her head held high. I mean, If I had caught the bloke I had sex with the night before making out with some other girl I would have tore his head off!"

"Me too! But then, I dunno. She always had been like that with guys. I think she knew that you were gonna get him in the end aswell. I think she has like a sixth sense for that sort of stuff. But she handled that better than I would have expected. Usually there is at least one slap. But then again I suppose she could have got used to it, because jerks do that to her all the time, not that Reed'sa jerk. You know I wish I had as much luck with you. The one guy I like likes some other girl." She looked saddened for a moment but she quickly masked her feeling and placed a wide smile on her face. But I could see behind the mask.

"So tell me his name and where I can find him. I want to help you out."

"His name is Ollie. He lives here. He likes you. There's nothing you can do Sapphire. Seriously, he is in love with you." Damn it! I am always the cause of problems around here. These people have probably never seen so many problems before I came along.

"Yeah, Your probably right. But I need the toilet. I'll be back in a sec." With that I walked out the room in search for the real reason I left the room... Ollie.

Ollie's POV

I find it weird how one minute we were all panicked, worried for Sapphire, and the next we're all on the couch, chatting mindlessly as if nothing had ever happened. When I say chatting I mean more arguing. Phil and Shane are both arguing over which could swim faster, A dog or A horse.

"A horse could so swim faster! I mean, it has longer legs, more muscle. A dog has puny legs and...well...less muscle!" Shane argued against Phil, determination lacing his voice.

"Yeah but a dog has to swim faster! I mean, a kind of swimming method is named after it. Its called the Doggy paddle, not the Horsy paddle! If a horse could swim faster maybe then it would have its on swimming method named after it!" Phil stated, trying, and failing, to sound smart.

"That is really not the point. You don't have a human paddle and I bet we could out run both of them!"

"Bet we couldn't!" God this argument is going to last forever! Its only because of some stupid advert we saw on TV. I think it was a WKD advert, I'm not sure.

"Ollie, I need to talk to you a second." Sapphire whispered, clearly amused by Shane and Phil. Quickly I nodded my head and allowed myself to be draged outside of the front door, into the stair well leading up to my room.

"O, shut up don't interuppt. Chrissy thinks I've gont to the toilet. She likes you. I don't. Sorry to be blunt but its the truth. I like Reed. Im hoping he likes me. So me and you, its never going to happen. You need to get over that. And I know you like Chrissy aswell because I've seen the confused glances you've given her. And dont say its because of something stupid because it's not. But please, get over me. We can only ever be friends." As much as her words hurt me, and as much as I wished them to be alie, they wasn't. They were the truth. Nothing was ever going to happen between us and I did like Chrissy. Just not as much as Sapphire. And I suppose Im just going to have to get over that.

"Your right. Wait here. I need to go talk to a certain someone." I said before walking away.

Sapphire's POV

I feel so happy! I done something right for once! I mean, when I walk back into tthe bedroom I dunno what to expect. But the thing is, I made things clear between me and Ollie. Now there is no uncertainty between us! It feels absolutly great.

Ten minutes had passed and I was now sat on the couch with Shane and Phil. Both of which were aguing over who would do better in a fight, a bee or a shark, all the while I was laughing my arse off.

"A bee could easily sting the shark making it retreat back into the water!"

"Yeah but a shark could swallow a bee whole you idiot!"

"No it couldnt! Because a bee would fly too high for it to even reach it!"

"Sapphire what do you think?" Shane asked me.

"I think a bee would win to be honest. I mean, I agree with Phil. A shark would never be able to reach the bee if it flew high enough." Phil smiled widely and tackled me in a hug before childishly sticking his tounge out at Shane.

"Told you! Anyway, Sapphire? Are you coming back into school after the holiday, or are you dropping out?" To behonest I hadn't thought much about school. I had spent so much time in hospital that I had missed out a whole term. But I actually wanted to go back in.

"I'm not going to be a high school drop out Phil. I'm gonna go back in. Are any of you guys going to go back. I mean I know Ollie's already dropped out but I dunno about the rest of you."

"Well, me and Shane are going back. Reed's uncertain and Becca and Chrissy are planning on transferring to our school for the final two years. I mean won't that be great!" Phil exclaimed happily.

"Err, yeah. Well the Chrissy part anyway. And you and Shane of course. But why are they planning to transfer to our school for sixth form, I mean, it's shit there!" Great, I have to be stuck with Becca for another few years!

"Oh, because our school specializes in Music's and Arts, aswell as science. Becca wants to be a designer when she's older. Dunno what for. And Chrissy is doing something with the sciences. Dunno what for that either."

"Your such a good friend arnt y..." A high pitch scream interuppted me half way through my sarcastic comment, making Shane Phil and I jump to our feet and dart into the next room. The sight was something that only I expected.

Chrissy had her ams locked around Ollie's neck, his arms were wound tightly round her waist. No they were'nt kissing but they were hugging, both of them had huge smiles plastered onto their faces.

Chrissy mouthed a thank you too me and I just nodded and winked before leaving the room, and the flat to go on yet another walk. I've been going on a lot of walks lately.

The outside air hit me with force. It was windier than earlier but the cold air was pleasant to me. My chocolate hair wipped around my face but I only hugged my jumper closer to my body before setting off in a random direction.

The sound of birds held a small smile to my face, the bright blue sky cleared my minds. Its seemed like forever since the last time I had no worries, in fact I can't remember the last time I went on a walk just for the pure enjoyment of it. I mean, usually I set out on my own so my mind could wander over some troubling thought or another. But the feeling of not have anything to actually decide was wonderful.

Before I knew It I was at a small childrens park. It was creepy in a way. The wind had the swings moving back and forth slightly creating a squeak that sent a shiver down the spne. The paint was peeling off all the play things around the park. The sea saw was obviously broken due to the fact that one side hugged the floor while the other was flying high. It looked unmovabe due to the amount of rust which covered the hinges in the middle of it.
The monkey bars were unuasble because half of the bars were missing. In fact, out of the ten bars that should be there, only three remained. This was a pityful excuse for a childs play area, but then again, I don't think anyone actually comes here anymore.

Slowly I walked forward and sat myself on one of the swings, closing my eyes and letting myself relax. The cold air washed against me sending goosebumps over my arms. I loved it. I know I know I sound like I'm repating myself, but I can honestly say I have NEVER felt better than this. Ever.

A pair of arms wrapped theselves around my waist and a head rested on my shoulder. But the wieght was comfortimg and the arms, the way the muscles flexed, were really familuar. God I must be obssesed with this boy to recognise him because of his arms.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked, slightly worried. I'm not surprised. They've never seen me out the house for pure enjoyment before, as I've already said.

"Im thinking about. Life. Love. You. Me. Happiness. How nothing at this precise moment in time is worrying me."

"Thats good to hear." The weight of his head and his arms dissapeared from around me. I opened my eyes and he was there in front of me. " I never did ask you officialy. Sapphire. I love you. I am sure of it. I've never felt this way about anyone before. Ever. And that is why, I want you. Sapphire Hush. To be my girlfriend." It wasn't a question. More of a fact. But I answered as though it werea question anyway.

"Yes I will be your girlfriend. On one condition. I can trust you."

"And why wouldn't you trust me?" Reed honestly sounded concerned.

"No reason. I just need to know. I mean, I've trusted people before and just got shit thrown back at me. I ned to know your different. I need to hear it from you and not just go with what my minds telling me for once."

"Then I can honestly tell you that you can trust me. I Love You Sapphire,"

"And I you Reed." God I always have been a hopeless romantic, but even I am finding this moment sickly sweet. "Now lets go play football or something, yeah? I mean, not that I have a problem with romantic moments, but today has been filled with too much romance and I feel like I have to toughen up again." He pulled me into a furious kiss and then pulled back after about a minute.

"Thank you! I have been needing to play some manly game all day. Let's go get a ball. Maybe we could ask the otheres to play!" That idea sounded great to me. We could even get Lori round. I mean. I never did get to meet her proply.

Reed's POV

I absolutly am besotted by this girl! I don't know how I ever used to hate her! That ball of fury has just GONE! I couldn't live without her now. I seriously couldn't. I mean, what girl would suggest football after a hoplessly romantic moment! She is my dream girl! God, I LOVE HER.

I just hope she feels as strongly about me as I do her...
♠ ♠ ♠
I know this is uneventful and slightly crap but its a major filler cause im trying to get over writers block, and yes some parts seems repetitive but oh well.
This is dedicated to Chrissy for being really...well...dedicated to my story and has commented on most, if not all chapters! And fo giving a shout out on her story for me. Her username is xfuzzy_black_tearsx check her stories out ;)
(sorry for all the typo's)
Check out my poems and other storie. X Love you all X