You keep me from the arms of death...

Confessions of the heart...

Sapphire's POV

The wind whispered through the trees creatingba calm atmosphere. Almost completely opposite to wht the boys were creating now. We had ditched the idea of football and instead the guys all opted to play Rugby. Not that I'm complaining, it's much more entertaining to watch.

They had tried to get the girls to play but of course we said no. I was no way dressed for it. So now I was sat on the grass, with one head phone in my ear (I had nicked Finn's Ipod) Listening to paramore - Fences. My all time favourite song. Chrissy was talking to me on my other side.

"So anyways, Hope called, she says she's going to come visit you tomorrow. I was gonna hand you the phone but you were in the shower at the time. She sounded bitter on the phone when talking to me though. Dunno why." Pity surged through me. Hope was going to have an instant dislke towards Chrissy for two reasons, the way she dressed and the fact that she was a friend of mine which happened to be a girl. I've never had any other friend apart from Hope until the guys came along. She accepted that though because they were boys.But she'll be jelous now that I'm hanging round with other girls. You could say she's slightly possesive.

"Umm, I dunno why either," I lied, "I'm sure once she meet you she'll change her attitude towards you. I think it's just because she doesn't know you very well. And she's really protective over me." Chrissy considered the idea before brushing it off with a shrug.

"It's up to her whether she likes me or not. Lori? How are you and Finn?" I was about to tune out when Chrissy called to Lori, but curiosity got the better of me and I had to listen to the conversation.

"We're going great. We went out for a meal last night, he seemed quite distracted though, he's a lot happier today. I think he's just been worried about you, Sapphire. You have been through a lot though. It made me realise how much of a bitch I was to be honest." I was stunned to say the least. I had noticed Lori had changed her tune but I never thought that I was the reason for this.

"Me? Why? I don't understand." I babbled much to the amusment of Chrissy while Lori just sat looking thoughtful. I was only vagely aware that the song switched. It was by Finn's favourite band, Dragonforce.

"Well, when you was in hospital, Finn was distraught. I went round the night after not knowing what had happened, ready to give a Finn a mouthfull to tell him you were just using him to get in with the popular kids." She paused when I flinched and she sent me a sympathetic look. "How wrong I was obiously. Anyway, when Finn answered the door he was looking frantic, as though he expected bad news. His eyes were puffy, his face pale and he just looked so...ill. Of course I didn't give him a mouthfull but instead embraced him in a hug, lead him into the living room and interrogated him. Asked questions over what happend and so on.

"The rest of the time you were in hospital I went over, told him you'd be fine, soothed him. That's when I noticed I was changing. I now never held any vile thoughts against you, instead I was wishing for Finn's and everyone else sake you'd get better. The day you went home I was going to drag him to the hospital to see you, but I thought against it. Scared of what your condition was. You see, I hadn't heard how you were, I don't even think Finn had. You'll have to ask him.

"When you did get out I was terrified you'd come running to him and that I'd be shoved away again like I was last time. I had almost through a fit at him when he suggested he should go over to Ollie's and see if you needed anything, I was so scared to lose him again. I never knew this until he gave me a second chance, I love him. And that's the truth. I realised the reason he was so repulsed by me when you came along was because of all my dramatics, and my extremes. So I altered who I was and since then..." She trailed off looking towards the ground shyly. I must admit that saying I was shocked never covered how I felt. Even Chrissy's eyes were wide with this new found knowledge.

"Well I'm glad your so close. I must admit, I really do like the new you." My comment could have been handled in two different ways, but luckily she laughed lightly and slowly nodded.

"Hello ladies, you sure your not up for a game?" Ollie asked. Chrissy just shook her head while both Lori and I stood up to join them. I handed the Ipod to Chrissy and skipped over and Joined Finn's team which consisted of, Finn (obviously) and Shane.

Lori Joined Reed's team, which had the remainder three boys in, Olle, Reed and Phil. We were outnumbered but I didn't care. I had the best two players.

Before I knew what was going on the game had started and the ball was in my hands. Glancing up from the ball in surprise I noticed three attractive and well built boys sprinting towards me. Laughing loudly I ran, twisting and weaving through them with ease. I glanced back at them my laugter filling the air, a smile plastered on my face. I had been turned round a moment too long though because when I turned round I found myself slamming into someone, tumbling backwrds. His arms wrapped round me and held me steady, his chest rumbling with amusment.

"Watch where your going Fire. I don't want my girlfriend hurt now do I. yoink!" Yes he actually made that noise, but I was too procuppied with the way my heart had fluttered at the word girlfriend. It all seemed to perfect! My life is just great.

Two hours later

The sun had set about an hour ago, and everyone had retreated to their houses, trying to avoid the bitter cold which had settled once the sun had dissapeared. Well everyone apart from Reed and I of course.

Reed was lay on the grass, his hands behind his head staring at the thousands of stars which were scattered across the sky. My head was lay on his chest and we were having yet nother romantic moment. If I was witnessing this now I would most likely be gagging.

"Fire? How long have you liked me?" He asked me, his voice soft.

"It depends in which sense you mean." I could almost feel his eyes rolling.

"You know what I mean. As In like liked." I laughed slightly at the way he put it and he joined in.

"Well, it was the day that jerk stabbed me. No, it was since a dream I had. I dunno if it was that day, but it was during the time I was unconcious. But I don't think it was love at first. Because it didn't feel as good as this." Heat flooded my cheeks as I admitted that. I had already told him I loved him but that was just confirming it.

"You know, I hate to admit this, but I used to hate you. I did when you were in the hospital, but at the same time I liked you. It was like, I hated liking you. But this like was just like a friendship thing. Nothing more. But then, I realised how I felt...feel...for you when I saved you from that bastard on the beach. I dunno, seeing him near you enraged me. And then when I saw you, I didn't even think, I just kissed you because I was so relieved to see you safe. And the moment we kissed, I realised." His voice was so soft at the end it brought tears to my eyes. It hurt to hear he hated me at one point, but I couldn't be angry at him because of how honest he was.

Twirling myself round on my stomach I grabbed his face and kissed him furiously. He was for keeps.

Reed's POV

My heart leaped with joy that she didn't run away. She wasn't angry that I hated her. I know she knows the reason why. Wow that sounded confusing even to me. But then my mind is bound to be a mess after the intensity of the kiss she gave me. And this kiss led straight to my house and after that, much more.
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OK so next chapter will be better but I needed to add this because I just did lol! Sorry if you didnt like but hey, writers block is hard to get over, but I know what Im putting in next chapter so yeah. I only have two chapters left and hopefully a sequel. I hope you all stick with me and subscribe to my next one.

I know this isnt the best of stories but it was my first one on Mibba so yeah, its not going to be. You should check out my other story- Unsafe love. Its about the world being taken over by dangerous things- monsters- demons- vampires, that sorta stuff. Humans are in hiding but theres a group of friends that flee their cave so they can find their other friend. But on their journey one ofthe girls fall in love. Apparetnly its better than this one so please check it out.

Leave a comment please. Your all amazing ;)