You keep me from the arms of death...

Loss of a friend.

I wish I could say that right now I'm having the time of my life, that I'm enjoying my day out with my two best friends and my new found friend, but I can't. What I can say is that right now Lori and I are close to banging Chrissy's and Hope's heads together.

Since we arrived at the shopping centre two hours ago, all they've done is found faults about each other, argued over anything and everything and sent glares each others way. Seriously, I won't be surprised if one of them murders the other by sundown.

"I swear to God Sapphire, if you don't shut them up I'm going to beat them both to a pulp!" Lori growled once the girls struck up yet another argument, this time it's over a pair of shoes! A pair of shoes! Of all the things to argue about.

"I've tried to shut them up Lori! They just won't listen. It's all because Hope is jealous I have new friends. The only reason she's not snapping at you is because she is too preoccupied with Chrissy." Lori nodded in understanding while gritting her teeth together to stop herself from chewing the other two out. Its inevitable she would win.

I was shuffling through the jeans when a random kid walked up to me. He was about my age, he had jet black hair with red and orange tips, bright blue eyes and he was slightly taller than me. Already I disliked him though, mainly because of that slimy smirk covering his face. It was completely repulsive. It may have suited him had he looked remotely good looking, but his crooked nose, too thin lips and his slightly over large ears really spoilt any good looks which he could posses.

"Hey there sweetie, you wanna meet up sometime?" His voice got to me like nails on a chalkboard. It was deep yet at the same time it squeaked in places. Maybe his voice only just broke?

"No. I'm good thanks." Plain and simple. His face twisted slightly, into either sadness or surprise, I looked away too soon to tell, not feeling an ounce of guilt.

"Come on babe, just one date, I could show you the time of your life." God this boy is persistent.

"Seriously, no. I have a boyfriend which I love to death so just back off." I was starting to get pissed off with this kid. How can he honestly think he has a chance?

"Your boyfriend doesn't have to know sweetie, it could be our little secret." By now he was leaning in close, and that's when I could smell the over powering smell of alcohol. No wonder he thought he had a chance with me, but still, he needs to learn to accept the answer no!

Before I could even comprehend what was happening he pushed his lips roughly against mine his hands twisting themselves roughly into my hair. For one stunned moment I just stood there, then everything came rushing at me. I needed to get this jerk off of me. In a panic I trid to swing my arm up to his face, but I found both hands pinned to the side by one of his long arms. Without another though I swiftly brought my knee up and hit my target with enough force to send him staggering backwards and then to his knees. He sat there for a minute making pained noises until someone yanked him to his feet.

"Look mate, make a move on my girlfriend again and I swear to God you will be mistaking yourself for a girl, meaning you'll no longer have to stand up to take a piss. Now make yourself scarce. " With that he threw him forward making him land on the floor once again. Finally he scrambled to his feet and ran away.

"Reed? What are you doing here?" I asked in confusion while hugging the living daylights out of him. You could say I was pleased to see him.

"Lori text Finn to see if one of us could give her a lift back, and I had my mom's car so I offered to get her. It meant seeing you." He said while leaning down and kissing my lips shortly. "And I got here not a moment too soon, if that guy had tried anything else on you I would have ripped him apart. Not that I would have needed to after you had finished with him. I've never heard a guy sound so pained before!" He praise me with both pride and fear in his voice. I guess he was fearing for himself now he knew my strength, but I could never hurt him.

"He was drunk, I could smell the alcohol on him. Anyway, lets go find the girls, I'm calling this shopping trip to an end. I haven't brought a single thing today because most the time I've been splitting up Chrissy and Hope. You wouldn't think they were sixteen and seventeen would you!" By now we were walking round the shop, searching for my friends, hand in hand.

"Well I dunno. I'm about as mature as them and I'm seventeen. " We were both laughing when a figure flung itself at Reed.

"Thank God! There is a god somewhere out there! Take me home please!?" Lori begged him without a trace of humor in her eyes.

"Sure sure, we need to get the other two aswell though, because as much as you would love them stranded here, I find that mean. " He explained.

An hour later we found ourselves at home, everyone tense after witnessing a fist fight between the two girls who have been at each other all day. Yeah you guessed who I'm on about.

"Hope get a grip on yourself will you! She is my friend also. Just because your not the only person I rely on now does not mean you have to take it out on Chrissy, Why weren't you like this with the boys? Oh don't answer that I already know why, because you had a chance with getting with one of them!

And Chrissy! Your just as bad! You didn't have to retaliate to everything she said! I warned you she would be like this an hour before we left! I've told you countless time today to try and get along with each other but you both fucking ignore me! You need to sort yourselves out. If you were both really my friends then you would attempt to stop the fucking arguing!

You know while you two were bickering in the shops today I was getting perved on by some drunken idiot who attacked me with his flaming mouth! That slime ball kiss me and I had none of you were there to help me! If Reed hadn't of turned up I don't know what would have happened! Your just being stupid. Both of you." I finished my rant by staring at them long and hard.

Only when I pulled my gaze off them did I notice Hope's face contort with rage.

"How dare you Sapphire Hush! I've been there for you your whole life almost and you have a go at me because of this bitch! I would never be jealous of her. And what are you suggesting? I'm a whore. Thats coming off the girl who was probably all to please to have a random stranger pay attention to her! God I bet your only with these guys because they were easy targets! Well guess what Sapphire, we are no longer friends. Don't bother trying to get in touch."

"Hope wait!" I called out, desperate for her to stay. Although what she said hurt, I needed her in my life. She used to be always there and I wanted it to be like that still. But she ignored my calls and just stormed out of the apartment, leaving me in her dust.

A pair of arms wound themselves aroundme and before I knew it I was sobbing into the shoulder of Shane, the days events hitting me in a mad rush. Reed had run after Hope to try to get her to listen, I knew that it was a lost cause though. Hope was stubborn and it took everything and some more to get her to changer her mind.

Half an hour after he left a grim looking Reed entered the room, sadness in his eyes.

"She wouldn't listen Sapphire. I'm really sorry."

My eyes were itching with tears, and I let them fall. Each tear that spilt from my eye and got lost after falling from my face represented my ex-best friend. The friend I went through my whole life with, the friend that was there for me through all my abuse and torture, the friend that abandoned me because I finally found happiness.
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Aparently one of my stories isnt following the writers guidelines or something like that but when I click on the link it gives me it doesnt work so basically Im expecting one of my stories to dissapear soon, which I am worried about.

Comment about the chapter and also if you know whats wrong with any of my stories which made the notification come up. Thanks guys x