You keep me from the arms of death...


Three weeks later
Sapphire's POV

Its been a whole three weeks since Hope and myself had that big fall out. It's also been three weeks since I last seen or heard from her. The boys have seen her around though so I know she hasn't done anything stupid. I'm still shocked about how she once said that she would die if I died, yet she didn't want to be my friend because I stuck up for Chrissy and has go at her. But the thing is it's not like I was singling her out because I also told off Chrissy. Lets face the facts here, they were both being immature and childish!

Sadly two weeks ago Lori found out that her dad has only a year left to live. Apparently at the moment he's battling cancer and the chances are that he is going to live are very very slim. In fact its like under a 10 percent chance that he will survive. She broke down when she found out, but not a week later did she find out she was pregnant.

Although she is only sixteen she has chose to keep it and the whole group has promised to be there the whole way. Finn is beyond excited! He's now a high school drop out but because he was the school's top rugby player so they hired him as a p.e teacher. Well as an assistant p.e teacher. They're paying him to go to uni and train as a full time teacher as long as he does a certain amount of years for them after. Gladly he accepte because they promised to pay him aswell. It's almost unheard of for that to happen, they're excuse was that he was a star pupil and just had to keep him round.

Shane has found himself a lovely new girlfriend called Melinda. Well I say lovely but she's only nice if she likes you, otherwise she is a complete and utter bitch. Not that I mind, I managed to get on her good side. Hope, however, needs to stay away from her. After Melinda heard about what happened she has sworn revenge.

Melinda is a stunning girl looks wise. She has straight blonde hair which falls to the small of her back, all of it is real. She has deep brown eyes, a perfectly straight nose and what Shane calls the most kissable lips ever. We all had to laugh slightly at that. Apparently this is the girl he had a date with while I was in hospital. Why it took so long for them to finalize things I'll never know, but Shane is happier than I have ever seen him before, and that makes me happy.

Phil is the only person who remains single in our group now, and the boys won't let hm forget it. It's actually funy watching them tease him. What they don't know though is that he actually has his eye on someone. That someone just happens to be Hope. I was not best pleased when I first found out but now I think about it they would actually make a great couple, the only reason he's holding off asking her out is me. It makes me feel bad but no matter how much I tell him to make his move he say's he won't because it will get in the way of our friendship. That is actually really touching, I never thought that our friendship was as strong as it was, but I found out it is.

Chrissy and Ollie are stronger than ever, they both live together now. Which means me and Chrissy are roomies! Yay! They made the decision last week much to the dissapointment of everyone else. They all think they're moving too fast, well everyone except Reed and I. We both think it's sweet, but I have a nagging suspision that Reed only thinks they're not moving fast because they're doing everything that he wants to do. And I want to do them just as much, just slightly slower than Chrissy and Ollie, because although thats alright for them, it's slightly too fast for me, and to be honest it scares me!

Oh yeah, Ollie is now in a band. They are beyond words! Although they have only been together for a week they are absolutly breath taking. Of course I never realised Ollie could sing until he joined. Chrissy and I were the only ones unawrare of how great his voice was until he offered us along to a practise, I swear our jaws were on the ground! He just smiled and laughed and countinued singing. I just hope they get somewhere now. I think they're called Toxic Taste.

And finally that brings us to myself and Reed.

At the moment I can feel myself drifting off on his chest which is humming me a lullaby throught the beats of his hearts. God that sounds cheesy. But its true.

We're lying on the beach and while he's staring up at the stars I'm istening to his heart, my eyes heavy but my mind for once at rest. Its great that for a few weeks now I havent had thoughts spinning me round in dizzying circles. It's relaxing.

"Sapphire? Your not planning on going to college are you, I mean, your definately coming back to school?" Uncertainty covered his tone making me frown at him slightly.

"If I was going to college don't you think I would have given you more warning than a week? I mean we do go back in seven days, I wouldnt have told you the day before. Gosh Reed." Chuckling slightly he ran his finger over my cheek before pulling a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"Yeah I guess. But I just has to ask. I dunno, I guess I feel I don't pay enough attention to you and that I might have missed something." This time it was me who was chuckling.

"My god babe, you are the best boyfriend anyone could ever asked for." Quickly I twirled so I was hovering over him. "You have gave me the right amount of attention, you have listened to my needs you have gave me everything you could and trust me honey, I would not have you any other way. So. Stop. Worrying." I gave him a peck on the lips between the three last words before sharing a kiss so tender it made my toes tingle with happiness.

"Look a shooting star, make a wish sweetheart..." He whispered quietly when we pulled apart.

An he was right, shooting across the sky was a star ready to be wished upon. And wish I did...

'I wish that one day, Reed and I will get our fairytale ending'
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Aww how sweet I loved this, sorry if you didnt but I did.
Well this has brought this to an end but I will do a sequel promise.
And you can probs tell there is gonna be a lot- Lori pregnant, Ollie in a band, Phil likes Hope! Where does the fun stop lmao!
Please please comment! I would really like at least 3 comments before I do a sequel...please.
Thanks for sticking with me through my first story guys, check out my other if you like x Thanks again, Bye x