You keep me from the arms of death...

Shit! Time for school!

Light filtered into the room alerting me to the fact that it was morning. Oh Joy. But for once in my life I felt a sense of over whelming happiness, maybe it was because Finn had fell asleep with his arm draped over me or maybe it was just that I had two new friends. Now I have a whole THREE friends. Look who's miss popular.
Normally I would roll straight out of bed but since I was enjoying the heat of Finn's body I decided that a few minutes more in bed couldn't hurt me. Well that was until I peered at the clock that was flashing 8:15am. Shit! School starts in half an hour and it takes me that long to get ready and I still have to find my clothes.
"Finn! Up now, we have half hour till school and I haven't got anything to wear!" My frantic voice made Finn shoot into a sitting position.
"Now that may be a problem. Um, I have an idea." Quickly he scrambled from his be over to his beautiful wardrobe that was packed with clothes. Shuffling through them he pulled out a black top that looked too large even for him. "Here, my dad brought it for me but it stretched in the wash, throw that on and we'll drive to your to pick up some clothes."
"I have another idea!" Grabbing the top from him I raced into the bvathroom and threw it on before hurrying back into his bedroom. Luckily for me I always carried this long red ribbon belt my mother gave me. It wasn't a buckle belt, you had to tie it into a bow of course. Anyway, I placed just under my bust and tied it into a bow round the back. Even if I had to say so myself it looked pretty good.
"You look...well...amazing!" Ollie exclaimed when I stumbled out of the bathroom. In the time it had taken me to get dressed Finn had managed to get sorted himself and wake Ollie up. He's good!
Blushing slightly I smiled widly. I had always had the talent of improvising, mainly because I always have needed this talent but still. Its a good talent to have.
It had only taken me ten minutes to get ready in the end, my light brown hair hung loose and Finn leant me a pair of his mothers shoes which, thank god, fit me. Then we were off to enjoy a day at school. Ooh Fun.
"Thats her, the suicidle bitch!"
"Oi, off to slit your wrists!"
"Yeah, thats who broke Ollie and his girlfriend up!"
"She's a right slut, only tried to kill herself for the attention!"
"Look she going into the toilet, maybe she's hoping to drown herself in the toilet water!"
Whispers and Jeers followed me around the corridors all day making my happy mood spiral downwards at lightning speed. Hope had been ignoring me all day and Finn avoided me. Ollie was the only person in all this that stuck by my side, his constant threats and glares muted all the talking but I knew it was pointless, I mean, they'll all talk about me when we're out of sight.
"Ignore them Ollie, I don't mind." I lied for about the hundredth time that day.
"Fine my ass!" He growled angrily.
"Yeah your arse is fine Ollie dear. Shame this slut kept me from seeing it last night, but theres always tonight isn't there love?" Asked his ex innocently.
"Fuck off bitch! Finn made it clear that I wanted nothing to do with you and Sapphire is not a bitch!" Trembling slightly I started backing away from the confrontation. I was never good with fights.
"Look at the baby backing off. She not want wikkle Ollie no more?" Tanya mocked harshly.
"Tanya, back off now," Ollie warned, but as soon as the words were out of his mouth Tanya lunged for me taking a fistful of my hair forcing me to the ground. Swiftly she aimed a kick at my gut which I dodged with a great deal of effort.
Struggling venamently I managed to break her hold on my hair and flew to my feet. Kicks and Punches flew at me, most of wich I managed to dodge. All the while Ollie tried pulling Tanya off of me, but she was stronger than she looked. My dancing went on for another minute before I finally tripped over my stupid fucking feet, falling to the stone cold floor.
Instantly Tanya swooped down on me, pinning me down.
"This is for ruining my fun last night you fucking slag!" She cried before punching me several times in my jaw. Blood streamed endlessly from my nose and a purple bruise was already forming on my jaw, tears sprinted down my cheeks. After a while Ollie was able to pull her off me and out of nowhere came Finn who looked murderous.
"Tanya, scarper before I do something I regret. In fact no, I won't regret it, but scarper anyway you fucking whore!" He screamed at her before hurrying over to me. "Are you ok Fire?Lets get you to first aid."
Slowly we travelled to the first aid room where I was patched up. Well, I try to commit suicide and am now somewhat a celebrity, shame it just makes people hate me more!
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well this chapters pretty crap but its just like a filler and stuff so yeah. Anyways, please comment, nobody has so far and it sorta makes me want to quit the story and I dunno, so yeah ok bye x