You keep me from the arms of death...

My three reasons.

Not long after the nurse had patched me up I found myself outside my Literacy class. My favourite lesson. With a slight smile I opened the door and walked in. Gasps and muffled laughter filled the room, the faces shone with sympathy and a twisted happiness. Some people around here were sick. But the one person I was truly interested in was Hope and she was staring intently at the whiteboard as if words were magically going to appear upon it.
"Hi Hope. Please can we talk?" Almost dropping to my knees and begging for her to look at me I fell into the seat next to her.
"Don't feel like it." Her words stung badly, it was like a knife to the chest. Even if I did have Finn and Ollie now, I couldn't cope without Hope.
"Look Hope, I'm sorry. You may look as if your ignoring me, but I know you well enough to know that you are really interested in what I have to say, and you actually are listening to me. So this is what I have to say. At the time I wasn't thinking of anyone except myself, and yes I know I have been doing that a lot lately but It doesn't feel as though I belong here. Overall I had one friend Hope. One. You are lucky, you are really popular around school. You could live life without me easily but you just don't see that yet. But now I know nothing like that will ever happen again, and all I need now is for you to accept my apology. Please Hope. I am begging you!" The desperation in my voice was very clear. Someone sat in the seat beside me but I was too distracted to look at them.
"Yeah but how the fuck do I know you really mean that Sapphire? How the FUCK do i know you wont abandon me. You know how upset I was when I found out. There were rumors going around that you were flaming dead and until I saw you I was truly suicidal! When I told you I would follow you into death I actually meant it Sapphire! I can't live without you. I just can't." A wave of guilt spread through me and tears danced in my eyes threatening to carry on there routine down my face.
"I'm sorry! Really I am. And I assure you that there is reason for me to stay here now. More than just one reason. I have three. And three is supposedly a magic number." Smiling weakly at her I twiddled my thumbs.
"Fine I forgive you. But on one condition. You tell me those three reasons." Now I was more aware of the person behind me. I didn't want rumors to spread and if they were eaves-dropping rumors would spread like wildfire.
Looking behind me I saw the familiar face of Finn. My heart started to pound hyperactivity in my chest and my palms became sweaty. Turning back to Hope I gave her my reasons.
"Well, Reason One- You. Reason Two- Finlay Wolf and Reason Three- Ollie Field."
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Aw well aint that sweet *-* Well I promised A Walk To Remember a medal so here you are. *hands over gold medal*. Hopefully I will receive more comments, I promise that the next to people to comment (not including A Walk To Remember) will get a special mention and a medal too 8) So please please comment. Bye x P.S sorry its shorter than usual :)