You keep me from the arms of death...

A warm welcome home

Later that day I found myself staring at my front door daring myself to go in. The feeling in my gut told me to run and fast but my brain told me that if i didn't go in it would be a whole lot worse later. Sighing a shaky breath I reached forward my trembling hand and unlocked my front door.
"Sapphire Hush get your ugly self in here now you worthless piece of crap!" Ah shit. They wereangry livid. The only thing that could make this worse now is if the 'adoptives' have been drinking. It's hard to tell since the house always seems to reek of booze weather they are drinking or not.
"Were the HELL were you last night? For all we knew you could have been dead!" My fake mother screamed at me.
"Not that I'm complaining." Muttered my fake but all to real father.
"I tried to kill myself down at the beach but unfortunately someone thought I was worth saving." I stated in a matter of fact tone.
"YOU DID WHAT!" Screamed my 'mommy'.
"Did this kid fall on their head when they were little, cause no one in their right mind would save a worthless brat like you!" My 'daddy dearest' smirked in my direction.
"You heard me! I tried to kill myself. Because of you. And school. And the fact that death would be more welcoming than my frigging life!" Anger bubbled through every word. What the hell has gotten into me? Usually I'm pissing myself waiting for the beatings to come but now I'm actually shouting at them!? Crap, I'm leading one pretty fucked up life.
"Your such an ungrateful little whore you know that! We put food on the table, give you a place to sleep..."
"...treat me like a punch bag, hurl abuse at me like I'm dirt. Yeah you are oh so loving. It's not my fault that your princess died in her sleep, it's not my fault that you had miscarriage after miscarriage! That day when you adopted me you were looking for someone to love but instead found yourselves hating ever single part of me. Maybe it's because I'm alive and your real children are not!" Now that's what I call hitting below the belt. Pain was shimmering in every tear that my 'mom' cried. I had brought back very painful memories for her and even after all the things she did to me I felt guilt building up inside me.
Well my daddy dearest was another story. A look of pure rage replaced his usual smug smirk, his hands were balled into fists and his jaw clenched.
Before i knew what was happening he had me pinned to the floor hitting me continuously, the pain spiked through my whole body but I bit back the squeals that threatened to escape me. Every time his foot came into contact with my skin it felt like being thrown off a building and every time his fist hit me, it felt like a knife wound. But as I said before, I bit back my screams. My cries would make everything a whole load worse.
I lay on the floor for five full minutes enduring the pain in silence until my 'darling mother' pulled 'daddy dearest' off me. It took her long enough.
They left the room leaving me bloody and whimpering in pain. Suddenly a thought I have had so many times popped into my head, no not the suicidal thought, another thought.
It was time for me to run away...
♠ ♠ ♠
well I'm not used to writing abusive chapters so this chapter might be a little crap. So yeah. Anyway comment please dear mibillians. HA HA THAT SOUNDS FUNNY!!! um soz, random freaky Moment lmao! Well as i said before, please leave me a comment, cookies up for grabs :)
p.s sorry about how short it is. They just seem to be short lately :( will try and make the next one longer :)