You keep me from the arms of death...

Getting away

My ears pricked at the sound of feet on stairs. Quickly I scrambled into my rock hard bed and pulled the itchy blankets over my fully clothed form.
After the beating I managed to make my way to my room, it took me five minutes since every time I moved part of me would burn with pain. The fresh bruises would be harder to cover up than normal. When I did make it too my room though I listened to the thoughts that were still vibrating urgently in my head:
Get out, get out. Run. Don't look back. Leave!
But where to go? I had everything packed and ready but there was that little problem. I couldn't go to Hope's since my fake 'parents' new where she lived. Don't ask how cause even I don't know how they found out, I never once told them.
Just as a door on the landing was closing an idea floated into my head, of cause its crap but it solves my little problem nicely.
Jumping back out of bed, landing lightly on my feet, I made my way over to my window. Only twice before have I done this and neither of those times were actually because I was running away, getting a suitcase out of my window was gonna be a problem. It wasn't big. In fact it was tiny. I never really needed a big suitcase since I had hardly any clothes or belongings. Most my things were hand-me-downs from friends.
Slowly I pushed my window open, cursing the fact that it wasn't one of those windows you see people pull up in the movies. No. It had to be one of those tiny windows that you have to PUSH open.
Quickly I tip-toed back to my suitcase and pushed with all my force until it slipped through. Just as it hit the ground a load crack echoed through my house and fast foot steps could be heard across the landing. Pulling my window shut I ran back to my bed yanking the covers over me just as the door swung open.
My breathing was fast and my heart was racing around but ,luckily for me my 'daddy dearest' shrugged it off and left my room leaving the door too behind him. I desperately wanted to shut the door fully, knowing that now every move I make will be slightly louder but even just shutting the door will be like a thunder storm to their ears.
Now I was more terrified than ever, if I do make it out the house there was still the small problem as to weather the person would let me stay with them.
Once more I made my way toward the window, this time I would make my escape. Shoving the window open once more I glanced around my room for the final time. The dull Grey walls and the brown carpet sent unwelcome shivers up and down my spine. Carefully I swung my leg out the window and placed it in the thin ledge on the other side, my other leg followed leaving me perched outside my room dangerously. Pushing my window closed from the outside I jumped onto the porch roof below me. It was still quite a drop but I jumped landing behind my suitcase which had flew further than I expected it to.
The cold night air whipped against me making goose bumps rise on my arms. Shivers ripped through me but a smile made its way onto my face, but immediately it was wiped away by the frantic voices shouting in the house.
"YEAH I'M SURE SHE'S NOT HERE I CHECKED EVERYWHERE! THAT BITCH HAS ESCAPED!" Man that was fast. Grabbing my suitcase I all but sprinted down the road, just as I was turning the corner I heard a car speeding down the road, diving in the hedge I watched as it flew past. For a second my heart stopped when it began to slow but just as it seemed it was stopping it started up twice at twice the pace. If I'm lucky they'll get in a car crash.
You don't really mean that, you don't wish pain on anyone.An innocent voice in my mind informed me.
Yeah but these are the people who make my life hell for fun. I could wish death on them.No you couldn't. You felt guilty earlier for your mom. She beats you just as much as your dad yet you felt guilty for her. Something tells me you couldn't wish pain on them.Just then I realized I was arguing with myself in my head and the thought that I was mental popped up. Laughing slightly at myself I made my way out of the hedge, wincing as little thorns tore at my pale skin.
My eyes flickered back and forth the whole way to his house. Twice I threw myself In a hedge as a car whizzed past, it looks as though my 'mommy and daddy' called reinforcements to find me. They did last time I snuck out. I'm just hoping that his parents don't know my fake ones, then I'd be in deep shit.
Sneakily I made my way to his door, knocking quietly I listened to the foot falls on the other side. It opened slowly revealing a shirtless Finn. I swear my heart just stopped.
"Sapphire? Shit get in, everyone's looking for you!" Finn grabbed my arm and pulled me and my suitcase roughly into my house.
"What the fuck are you doing here! Everyone's worried sick!" He whisper shouted at me.
"No they're not. My mommy and daddy are enraged and if I show back up at home they will tear me limb from limb!" Finn seemed to notice something with my last sentence and his eyes roved over me, wide with horror.
"Holy sh..." He trailed off looking towards the door his eyes growing wider with fear.
"My parents are home, get in the kitchen and I'll explain the situation to them. Your parents called mine but you ain't going back." Shoving me lightly I ended up in the kitchen, my ear pressed against the door anxious about what was going to happen next.
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Still short but I swear they will get longer as I carry on. Next chapter is in Finlay's point of view. So enjoy. Oh and comment please I wanna know how to improve cause I think this is pretty crap. PLEASE comment. You can be as mean as you like I just need to know how to improve, i will be a very happy bunny if you do :)