You keep me from the arms of death...

I'm here for you

Finn's POV
Ring Ring. Ring Ring.
"Hello?...Oi hi Luciana...No, I haven't seen her...OK yeah sure, my wife and I will help you search for her...OK, see you there in 30...OK bye." click
"Who was that dad?" I called into the hallway where my dad is currently standing.
"Sapphire's parents. Mr and Mrs Willow. Apparently that Sapphire girl's gone missing. Mrs Willow sounded worried out of her mind poor soul. Anyway me and your mom are gonna go find her. You want to come?" I was only vaguely aware of what my dad was saying to me, I could hardly hear what he was saying over the screaming in my head.

What if she tries to commit suicide again!

She wouldn't do that. She promised Hope

She's broken promises before!



"Son? Did you hear me?"
"Erm sorry, daydreaming. I'll stay here in case anyone calls. See you later." Maybe she will come here. My heart fluttered at the idea and I sighed in annoyance. How could one girl hold so much power over my heart in just a few days. I mean I used to hate her!
"OK. We'll see you in a bit." With that he called my mother and they walked out the house.
Only a few seconds had passed and I was already pacing the living room floor nervously. What if she had done something to herself. What if she was hurt?! What would I do If she killed herself?
With that last thought I raced to the phone and called Ollie.
Ring ring. Ring ring. Ring ring. Ring ring.
Hey! This is the Field's! Sorry but we are unable to answer the phone right now, leave your name and number and we'll get back to you. Bye.

Stupid answering phone, i thought while placing the phone back on the hook.
It had been nearly ten minutes since my parents left and my nerves were increasing by the second. Part of me knew she was safe but the other part thought otherwise. What I would do if she turned up at my door now.
At that very moment a knock echoed throughout the house. HOLY SHIT! Wow, what wishful thinking can do for you!
Hurrying to the door I swung it open only to have a wave of disappointment wash over me.
"Finn! We need your help looking for that Sapphire girl. We looked everywhere and can't find her! Ollie's going crazy!" Shane informed me while Reed and Phil stood nodding like idiots at what he was saying.
"I know dude, the 'rents are looking for her. I'm staying in though. There's a chance she may turn up here, I'll explain later. Tell Ollie to come round in 30. The 'rents will be back by then and then if she ain't been found then Ollie and I will find you lot and search fro her again." My voice held so much authority that it shocked even me. My best mates who stood in front of me nodded and turned away down the path with nothing more than a dismissive wave.
Closing the door quietly I turned into the living room stripping off my top. In all my panic I failed to notice how hot it actually was inside. Just as I was about to sit down there was another knock at the door. Sighing in annoyance I got up and answered it. My face fell into absolute shock.
"Sapphire? Shit get in, every one's looking for you!" I grabbed her arm and pulled her in.
"What the fuck are you doing here! Every one's worried sick!" I whisper shouted at her. I was meant to sound angry but the relief that had spread through my voice was so strong it almost muted my voice.
"No they're not. My mommy and daddy are enraged and if I show back up at home they will tear me limb from limb!" I noticed how bruised she was then, the bruises and what she just told me made everything fit together then. She was being abused. "Holy sh..." I trailed off and my eyes bugged wide with fear. I heard a car door slam outside.
"My parents are home, get in the kitchen and I'll explain the situation to them. Your parents called mine but you ain't going back." Shoving her lightly she ended up behind the kitchen door with her ear pressed against the door.
"Finlay, we're home. We didn't find her." My mom informed me although I already knew. Not that they knew that though.
"Mom,dad. I need you to listen to EVERYTHING I say before you but in, OK?" I asked cautiously, both of them seemed slightly surprised by my request but nodded.
"Alright then. When you went out Sapphire turned up. She is alive and well but we cant let her parents find her."
"But son..."
"NO DAD listen. When she turned up at the door she was bruised and bloody and her clothes were a mess. You probably won't believe me but I need you to listen anyway. Her parents abuse her. If they find her then they could kill her and I can't let them! Now if you don't let her stay then I'm gonna leave."
They looked at me stunned for a moment but then my mom put on that 'concerned' look all mothers have.
"OK son, I believe you. Go get her for us so I can patch her up. Something tells me that she'll need it." I didn't need to call her since she was listening to everything. Slowly she shuffle out of the kitchen staring at her feet, my dad only just managed to stifle the gasp that was about to escape.
"Oh my! So he wasn't lying. Well then, you can stay and don't worry, we'll sport this mess out..."
♠ ♠ ♠
So that's the end of another chapter Sorry bout how long it is lol! Its either really short or really long, why cant i get the perfect length?!?!?!? Please can you comment, I need to know how to improve. Loving you all for reading x