Fairy Dust

Being accepted.

Anastasia walked out of school, her books in her arms, after all she had a history test tomorrow, she needed to prepare for that.
As she walked home she looked around at some of the other girls, they ignored her, completely, they didn't like the fact that when it came to grades, acting or singing that she got all the parts, that she was always praised, she just let it pass by her, as far as she was concerned, she really didn't have time.
As soon as she got in the door, she changed into her ballet uniform, she didn't care that girls called her weird because she liked ballet, or lived by it, she ignored them, she just wanted to go somewhere where she could be accepted, ever since she had started ballet, at the age of four, she started dreaming of the Royal Ballet School, but that was in England, she lived in Ireland, she knew her dream would never come true, but she tried, she still would practice for hours on end, just to perfect one step.
Her parents weren't in, they wouldn't be here until she got back from ballet, she ate a little snack, and ran out the door, grabbing her bike, and cycling to her ballet studio.
She had just fifteen minutes to warm up, but she even had a plan worked out, the one place where she should fit in, was ballet class. But she didn't.
The other girls in the class, were really only there because their parents made them, but Anastasia wanted to be there, she loved ballet, for the one reason, it helped her escape.

As she walked into the class, she looked around confused, something was different, something was out of place.
She noticed her then, her dance teacher was speaking to a woman, who was very tall, but her hair was pulled away from her face in a tight bun, like the one in her hair now.
The woman was standing straight, poised like a prima ballerina.
This confused her, but she went along with her teacher's instructions, which included her standing in the very front, in front of the new woman, who hadn't been introduced.

As the class progressed, Anastasia almost completely forgot about the unknown woman. She became lost in the dances, dancing possibly better than she had the last day, the practice had paid off then.

At the end of the class, during the cool-down, she saw her dance teacher deep in conversation with the woman, and she noticed the smile on her teachers face, as she shook hands with the woman, "Anastasia" Her teacher called, all the other girls looked up, jealous even. Anastasia ran gracefully up to her teacher. "Yes, madame?" She asked in her light voice.
"I'd like you to meet Diane van Schoor." Her teacher said, a proud smile upon her face.
Anastasia's smile widened impossibly, as she curtsied. "Hello, Madame."
She knew who Diane was, of course she did, she was the Ballet Principal, of the Lower School, White lodge, also an international examiner.
Diane bowed slowly, and smiled at Anastasia, "I've been called here today by your teacher, and usually I wouldn't come to examine just one student, but this has been an exception, you are an extremely talented dancer, and we at White Lodge would love to improve that potential, we would be ever so glad if you excepted the years scholarship we are offering for the lower school." Diane said softly.
Anastasia stared in shock, her dream, the dream of actually being accepted into the Royal Ballet school, it had just came true.
"I accept the scholarship, thank you so much! You don't know what this means to me, you've just made my biggest dream come true." She said, on the verge of tears.
Her teacher interrupted, "I called her parents, they're very happy with all this."
Diane smiled, "I'll see you this weekend then dear." She said lightly.
Anastasia smiled warmly, "Yes!"
"Thank you for being such an amazing student." Diane said, before walking out the door.
"Thank you, Madame." She said sincerely to her teacher.
"It's where you're meant to be." She said softly, closing the subject.
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Hmm, I think I'll do the next chapter in first person, what do you all think?