You think your life is confusing?

Happy New year

The 9 am bell has just gone, great, just fucking awesome. It’s the start of a New Year 'welcome to 2008'. Ugh. The Christmas holidays have ended and it's back to work. Sometimes I friggin hate life. The jocks all have new jackets and are already trying to show them off to Britney and her friends. Britney is in the year above, jocks are always hitting on her because 'she's so hot'. It makes me laugh watching them, they think she's just playing hard to get...yeah right, she's a lesbian. She's going out with one of my best friends Sam. Sam's awesome, she's a lesbian too and has apparently known basically all of her life, she is 16 has short blond hair and plays guitar and of course because she's stick thin and on most of the sports teams she has all the guys trailing after her. Sorry boys she is yet another girl your never gonna get!

I laugh and close my locker door to turn around and see Jason.
"Hey beautiful" he says in his low masculine voice, it’s so seductive when he says it like that and can't help but laugh.
"Need a cough drop for that voice Hun?" I giggle.
"Nah I'll be fine, how are you?"
"Yeah I'm cool, still slightly smashed from last night."
"Hell yeah, why do they make you start on new year’s day, do they not understand that we will still go out on New year’s eve and get smashed?!"
"Obviously not." I replied, seriously this school is mental. "Are Austin and Benny in yet?"
"Um yeah, they went to homeroom already and I think the rest of the guys are there as well."
"Shall we?"

So we get to homeroom in under a minute filling the time talking about Gerard Ways new hair, seriously, I don't know if red was the wisest choice, Jason disagrees.
"I don't know, I mean he likes to make statements doesn't he, and reds a cool colour."
"It's not that reds not awesome" I reply "It's just he could have chosen another colour".
"Like what?" he questioned.
"Ugh! God I don't know, purple!"
"Nah, purple he's done I think."
"Well then pink!"
"Maybe, that would be interesting, but still nothing wrong with red."
I let out a long sigh "I give up".
"Good" Jason laughed, "We're here anyways and it's probably not good to talk about Gerard in front of Benny, remember biology when you hissed his name".
"God yeah! Austin was so jealous...and a little creeped out."
"Gerard is good looking and all but Benny is slightly over obsessive." Jason commented remembering Benny’s outburst of 'Gerard is so beautiful and his...'.
"No such thing" I replied and ran into homeroom making well sure to poke my tongue out at Jas on the way.

In homeroom everyone was already crowded round Lindsay and Amelia’s desk.
There was Lindsay, Amelia, Greg, Nate, Benny, Austin and Sam, Jason and I took a seat next to Sam and picked up on the conversation.
"All I'm saying is that those jocks could have figured out you two were dating by now!" this was addressed to Sam.
"Yes, but they have about 2 brain cells and I think that they are waaaaaaaaay too obsessed with looking at our legs to notice what we are saying is not what a normal straight girl would say."
"True, but you do have nice legs". Austin added, Benny nudged him.
"Hey! Boyfriend in the house!" Austin just looked bemused and turned to Benny.
"Well first of all you know you don't have to worry because I don't like girls, secondly I love you and thirdly no offence to Sam but I prefer your legs." Benny smiled and looked satisfied.
"I know but I just love hearing you say it."
"Yeah and Austin I'm sorry but this is one gal...Your never gonna get!"
the triumphant look on Benny's face and Sam's reply caused us all to laugh hysterically until Mr. Jackson came in and told us all to sit down so he could take roll.

After roll I had to go to biology and Greg sat next to me so we could plan our joint birthday bash! His birthday is February 9th and mine is the 13th, so we have had a joint party for the last few years and it always turns out awesome! We think we will have like a masked part meets mosh music. Should be fun! It’s our sweet 16 party but we don't have too much money to organise it so Greg's older brother's band is going to play for us. They are called 'Midnight Cancer' and they are seriously the MCR of our generation.

I'm slightly worried at this point in time because Benny is humming the tune to 'Gerard is so beautiful and his...' it’s slightly creepy, even Mrs. Minny is giving his strange glances, I guess she remembers him standing on the tables and singing...that song. I swear it’s an obsession. I wonder if Austin will make him a Gee valentine this year...last year’s was awesome! Benny's reaction was even better. He started singing 'I don't love you' but he changed the words from 'I don't love you like I did yesterday' to 'I love you a whole lot more than I did yesterday' which got very strange looks seeing as it was at the 9 am corridor rush and the jocks still got a kick out of the 'fag' joke, it has seriously gone stale. Most of us in the friendship group are at least bi apart from Lindsay and Greg, and they are together, but they still admitted that if they ever felt bi or gay they wouldn't hold it in. We are a very accepting group of people. But there are some people who will not give over.

But that day Austin was particularly pissed off at the joke and started screaming at the jocks about the origins of the word 'faggot' and screamed at them, that if they were too dumb to even know the origins of the word they were using then they shouldn't use it at all. He said a whole lot of stuff about women being 'faggot-collectors' and how faggot was basically a bunch of sticks and how he couldn't see how being gay had anything to do with a bundle of sticks. I love my friends.
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Ok, so this is my original fiction. Pls read/comment. etc