One Way Ticket To An Unexpected Romance Please

Chapter 2

One Week Later

As Alexis made her way through the pushy people trying to catch their flights, she could hardly contain her excitement. She had booked a one way ticket to Los Angeles, California using the money she inherited from her grandparents.

When she boarded the plane, she was glad she got the window seat. It was a long flight from New Jersey to LA. She needed something to relax, so she put her iPod onto When I'm Gone, by Simple Plan. I won't look back when I say goodbye. Gonna leave this world behind me, gonna take what's mine tonight.

This was her one shot to make her life the way she wanted it. She had to forget about the past. Leave the past in the past gonna find the future. California was going to be her new start. She always wanted to be a musician. She was very talented at guitar and piano, and sang as well. She was a shy, but very talented girl.

She was soon brought out of her thoughts, when she felt someone sit beside her. Out of curiosity, she glanced to see who it was. For a second there, she thought she was dead. Sitting beside her, was a man that looked like an angel. He had pale skin, and thin black hair. He had his fringe covering his right eye, and had the most memorable brown eyes she has ever seen.

As the plane took off, that's when her nerves kicked in. She was afraid of heights, and the rumbling of the plane did not help. She clutched the arm rests tightly and gulped.

"Don't worry. At first, it's a bit shaky. But once we get into the air, it'll be more calming."

Alexis turned her head, and saw the beautiful male talking to her. She smiled nervously and braced herself. Once the plane was steady in the air, she was surprised to find herself calm. Looks like the angel like figure was right.

"I'm David by the way," he said extending his hand.

"Alexis," she said smiling slightly, shaking his hand.

"Beautiful name."

She blushed. "Thanks." She wasn't use to having guys give her compliments.

"So heading to California?" he asked.

"Yeah," she said politely. "How about you?" Alexis decided to make conversation, since it was a long flight. Not to mention, he was really cute.

"Yeah. I just came to New jersey for a gig. So I'm flying back home."

That caught her attention. "You're a musician?" she asked excitedly.

David chuckled at the ecstatic girl. "Yes, I am. Do you play anything?"

"I play guitar and piano. I sing too."

"Sweet. So have you thought about doing music for a living?" he asked very interested.

"Actually, that's part of the reason I'm moving to LA. Music is a passion of mine, so hopefully people will like what I do."

"Let me guess. You're parents don't approve either."

Her smile faded a bit.

"Shit,"David said realizing his mistake. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get into something personal," he gushed sorry.

She giggled. "It's fine David."

For the rest of the plane ride, they talked about random things that came to mind. They really got to know each other. Alexis even told David about her past, which was a really new thing to her. She never opened up to anyone before. but David was special. She found out he was twenty. 'Not bad,' she thought.

Meanwhile, David found Alexis intriguing. he really like her. She was different than any other girl he has met while being a musician. They were only interested in him for his money. And he did have a lot of money. He didn't tell Alexis he was rich though. He was afraid she would think of him as a rich, snobby musician.
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