I Don't Like His Skinny Jeans

Dear Diary

"Speaking of the devil. Excuse me- Hola, Amiga. Buenos dias, chica." She chimed into her phone.

"Your face can't speak Spanish for crap." She giggled into her purple flip phone.

"I kind of can't talk right now, I might be able to talk to you then just interrupt our conversation and start a whole 'nother one with someone else, but I can't do vise versa." Willy told her Twilight loving friend.

"Okay, later skater." Willy, after closing her phone, shoved her lame excuse of a phone into her bag, which was slung over her shoulder. It was more of a purse than a bag, but 'purse' sounded too old lady-ish to her.

"Sorry 'bout that, my friend can call at the worst times...." She ended her mumble with a chuckle.

"Ah, that's okay, so," Patrick said flipping the CD over in his hands. "You can take this copy, you should get your friend a new one." He offered, a small, toothy grin gracing his ever so perfect, plump, peach colored lips. When he said this, Willy's heart dropped just enough to tug on the cords that kept her grounded. By saying this, it meant he could no longer talk, no longer stay here, that he had to go.

"Thank you, but you take it. I'll just buy her a 'Team Jacob' shirt from Hot Topic. It's just as good to her." She smiled widely, giddy with all the feelings stirring up inside of her, and the thought of him standing there just a bit longer.

"Hm, okay. You sure? I could no doubt find it somewhere else..." She could just imagine the intricate workings of the bow inside his chest, gliding across the taught strings of his vocal chords, which constantly reminded her of a cello.

"I'm sure, I've really spent too much of my time on that thing, and now, it's really not worth it. Really, my friend will probably forget about it for a whole hour after she sees the Twilight shirt." She joked, wanting to make him laugh, so she could hear the one instrument symphony coming from his chest. Gosh, Wilfred, can you say 'really' just one more time? I didn't hear you the first billion times. She scolded herself. Getting her wish he chuckled again, and that was good enough for her.

"Well, thanks. I can tell you right now, if my sister heard of this monumental decision, she would be for ever stuck in your debt." He chuckled again, making her heart melt like ice cream on a hot day. "I just can't believe how much she idolizes this artist...." He trailed off into another chuckle, which had more characteristics of a giggle. She joined him, how could she not, anyhow?

"Yes, monumental, very. Well, tell her she does have dental and gnome insurance." Willy teased, she liked gnomes, come to think of it....

"Well, sadly I must be off, I need to get the Queen of Everything In Style her t-shirt! Or she might have my head!" She said in a English accent, which sounded pretty authentic, although her southern one made people laugh more.... "See you 'round." She waved, as she walked off.

"Well, thanks. I owe you one, I get too keep my head now." He made a small wave back, smiling, making those chords ache, again.

March 22

Dear Linda Diary,
It rained today..... and that's about it. (Lie) I saw that guy from the other day. He was gorgeous, I regret not getting a better look at him, before.

I have to admit, I got that vibe from him. No, not that one, but the one that's screaming 'We will be friends!', you know, that one. The same one I got from him. Well, except this one seems more logical and permanent, not like I know the relationship will be permanent, but the 'decision slash vibe thing'. And not that this 'decision slash vibe thing' is logical, but.... IDK.... You know, Linda, I'm glad you can't talk, it's a lot easier for me..... and a lot less embarrassing.

My fave things about Patrick: Where do I begin? Oh, yeah, everything.

My least fave things about Patrick: He wears skinny jeans! Ugh, I hate those. :(

Over and lazily out, Wilzers.

P.S. Sorry, I know, all I ever talk to you about is boys this, boys that, I like this boy, I don't like that boy, but I will have something other than that the next time. Maybe I can plot my revenge on Jacob's Lover Wannabe...mwahaha, you heard nothing!
♠ ♠ ♠
Likey? No likey? Please telley me?

Yeah! Two days in a row! And I already have like 5 subscribers! Yeah! I never knew how awesome writing stories was.

By the way, Linda Diary is Willy's diary's name.