We Just Wanna Live

Chapter 1

*Matt's POV*
"All right boys, GET OUT!" the manager shouted me and my other three buddies. We had decided to come to the grocery store with my mom just to get out of the house. Somewhere in the frozen food section, we ditched her to see how much havok we could wreak in the store before getting thrown out. We 'accidentally' knocked over the tampons in the feminine aisle and started singing Burnout at the top of our lungs before getting tossed out. We were leaning on the wall waiting for my mom to come out and lecture us, and Travis pulled a box of cigarettes he had shoplifted out of his old black sweatshirt. "Ha! Guys look what I got!" he drawled."Fuck dude, put those away!" My mom popped out of the automatic doors a good second after he stuffed the pack back in his pocket. "Billy! I'm never taking you to the store with me again! Now help me put away these groceries!" We did as we were told and hopped in the car. " Errr...mom can we walk home instead? Were bored as heck." I asked
"I suppose, but come right home, and don't get into trouble."
We waited until she pulled the old silver Honda out of the lot, waved and started walking the other way. "Where should be go?" Ben offered we go to the skate park. "We didn't bring our boards dumbshit" Billy offered." Not to skate asshole!" He pointed to Travis' pocket where he had stuffed the stolen cigarettes."Oh."
"Okay guys, lets go. I'll just tell mom some guys were hassling us, thats why we took so long." I said. Once we got there all our other friends were there, the little beginner kids, even a few older guys. We went to the corner and asked one of our friends,Gage, (you might say he was a punk, he had a mohawk and quite a few piercings already) for a light. He gave us a shiny plastic lighter and lowered his voice." You guys better watch out. Lately the fuzz have been showing up here hassling us, and DONT let them see you smoking." Alright dude, we got it. We wont let the cops see us smokin'." Billy snarled. The kid raised his eyebrows then turned away. Even a tough punk kid like Gage wouldn't mess with Billy. He had a 'killer' punch, if you know what I mean. Travis unwrapped the plastic packaging as Billy, Ben, and I stared impatiently.
"Fuck dude, just give me those." Billy took them from Travis and ripped off the packaging. He took out a cigarette and lit it, taking his sweet time lighting it. He finally passed it to the rest of us and we took a long drag, enjoying the feeling of the cancer sticks burning our tongue. I finshed the cigarette and stomped it out before taking another. After we were all smoked out, I finally decided we should go back home.
"Yeah, lets go." Ben helped me up and I coughed a little. "you okay dude?"
"Uh yeah, just my throat reacting to the sweet nicotine." I laughed and we all started off to the gate, when three girls came in. We stopped dead in out tracks and our jaws dropped. I had never seen a girl in the skate park,let alone three. The girl that came through first was carrying a board behind her. She was wearing a white tank top with black skulls on it that showed off a flat, tan belly, but not in a slutty way. More like a 'I work out and love my body so I have a right to show it off ' way. She was wearing long shorts with a stud belt and silver and black skate shoes. She had long shiny blond hair down to the middle of her back. Behind her was another blond girl with jeans and and a sweatshirt and the other had short, choppy hair and cute rectangle glasses with short shorts and a long sleeved shirt. They all glanced at us and smiled. I looked at the other guys and I think they were drooling. I rolled my eyes and punched their shoulders to get their attention.
"The hell was that for?" Travis asked.
"Uh, your acting like you've never seen a girl before."
"well, I've never seen girls our age so hot before, and never at the skate park."
" I think we should stay" Ben said. We all nodded and walked back to where we were.
The girls were warming up on the vert ramps, smiling the entire time. They were actually really good, for girls. After about a half hour of that they went to their water bottles and took long swigs. The long haired blond girl, the one who caught my eye first, glanced at me mid sip. I looked down, and when I looked back up she said something to her friends and started walking towards me. She almost looked mad.
"Holy shit dude,she's coming" Billy shouted.
"Shut Up!" I told him. He was so immature.
***Alright, if you dont comment, I am not going to update, so just DO IT!!*********