We Just Wanna Live

Chapter 2

*****COMMENT PLEASE!!!*********** If it is really that boring, give me some constrictive critisism atleast!

*Hayden's POV*
I saw the four boys staring at us. They were cute, but it still bothered me. I hate people staring at me, especially when I was skating, so I decided to talk to them. I saw them freeze up as I walked up to them. I put a little smile on my face so they wouldn't be too freaked out.
"Hey, um, so you guys like staring at girls skateboarding, hm?" I asked. I tried to be joking, but I think they took it a little seriously. The blond kid nodded his head and said "Yeaahh.." before some brown haired kid slapped him.
"Er, no sorry, it's just we dont usually see girls at the skate park. Sorry, we'll leave." He said
"No! No! I was kidding! Sorry about that, I thought guys could take jokes." I giggled to prove I was just messing with them.
"Oh. But really, we have to leave."
"Well in that case nice to meet you. Im Hayden. Uh, bye then."
"Erm, I'm Matt. This is Billy," he pointed to the tall blond kid, "Travis", he pointed to the skinny black haired kid with the huge sweatshirt, "and Ben." He had brown hair and was pretty tanned.
"Cool, nice to meet all of you. See ya round!" I turned, waved and ran back to Blake and Aaron. Yeah, we all had boy names, but it suited us. We skated the ramps for about two more hours before heading back home at sunset. We had to skate through town to get to my house in time for food, even though skating was prohibited. Oh well, thats why stickers were made, to put over those stupid signs. Ha. We finally got to my house where mom had left a note saying that there was some frozen food in the freezer for us to eat and that she would be back soon.
"Fuck that! I'm not eating frozen dinner!" I said. we went up to my room to change out of our sweaty clothes and walked to McDonalds, the closest place for food there was.
We ordered a few chicken sandwiches and I gave them the money my mom kept in a jar in her room. We ate then stood outside on the sidewalk for a little.
"Hayden, why is your mom never home?" Aaron asked
"Because she would rather spend time with her boyfriends than me." I sighed. I was home alone alot because she was either at work or with somebody. She always denied it though. yeah, she denied the fact that I was home alone for hours during summer and weekends when she was at work. But it was kind of fun, having the house to myself, not yelling at each other and shit. And if I actually wanted to go somewhere I just called Blake and Aaron to go skating.My mom didn't even care anymore.
"That's why, Aaron. Work and boyfriends. that's it."
"Im sorry, I would let you come over, but you know how my parents feel about you." Blake said.
Hell yeah, I did. They thought I was a horrible influence because I introduced her to skateboarding, punk music, and hair dye. Ha ha.
And Aaron's dad was just a washed up loser, so he let me come over whenever I wanted. Even if it was just Aaron and her dad, I felt really at home there. And his place wasn't that bad for a bachelor's pad. It had a nice TV, DVD player, clean carpets, food. And her dad didn't care if we blasted music at 1:00 in the morning on a school night either. The only reason I didn't permanently live over there is because my mom would be all alone. And that would be sad.
We walked back to the house, where my mom's car was pulled in the driveway. "Hey mom! Were home."
"I'm on the phone! Be quiet!"
We ran up to my room where we set up the place we were to be sleeping. I turned on the radio to our favorite rock station and we started head banging to KoRn. I heard my mom coming so I turned down the radio, bracing myself for a very long, dull yelling at for turning up that "shit metal crap" too loud.
"Oh boy, here we go, Blake said under her breath when the door opened.