We Were Right From The Start


Sam woke me up the next morning. I opened my eyes slowly and looked down at him. "Can I go downstairs?" he asked and I smiled slightly and nodded.
"Of course you can," I said and he jumped off the bed.
"Love you, Frankie," he said and left the room. I sat up and looked at my clock and saw it was 6.30, an hour before I normally got up. I sighed but decided to get up anyway to keep an eye on Sam.

I went downstairs and he was already sitting in front of the television, gnawing on a biscuit. "Do you want breakfast?" I asked him but he just continued to watch television. I sighed and went into the kitchen. I made a bowl of coco-pops for Sam and then took it into the living room for him. He started immediately. I laughed softly and then went upstairs and had a shower and got ready for school.

I went back downstairs at 8 and mum was in the living room with Sam, watching rugrats. I said bye to them, mum looked at me and smiled tenderly, sadly, but then turned away. I frowned slightly at her actions, but shrugged it off and left. I closed the door behind me and froze. Then a smile worked its way onto my face. Pulled up at the curb was the same car I had ridden home in yesterday. I went over to the car and the electric window came down. I leant down and looked in at Liam. "Want a lift?" he asked and I smiled.
"Sure," I smiled. I got into the car and Liam pushed a button and the window rolled back up. I turned to him and saw him smiling at me. I smiled back and then turned away and looked back at my house. I frowned slightly, pondering my mum's actions again.
"You okay?" Liam asked, dragging me from my thoughts. I turned to him and smiled.
"Yeah," I smiled. He frowned at me slightly but then turned away and started driving to school. "How long had you been outside my house?" I asked as we pulled into a car park space.
"Only about a minute," he said and I nodded. "Hey," he said softly once the car was turned off. I turned to look at him and met his eyes. "You sure you're okay?" I looked deep into his eyes and then smiled.
"Yeah, I'm okay," I said and he smiled and nodded. We got out of the car and I pulled my bag over my shoulder. He came round to me and smiled at me as he took my hand. My hand immediately started racing and I forgot all about my mum's weird behaviour.

We walked into the school and Liam walked with me to my locker. I noticed a few people looking at us, but I ignored them. Once I had opened my locker, I turned to Liam and smiled. "I'll see you in Biology?" I said and he nodded slowly.
"Do I get another goodbye kiss?" he asked, a slight blush on his cheeks. I smiled slightly.
"You know, I don’t think it's fair that you tease me for blushing when you do it nearly as much," I laughed but Liam just grinned and shrugged. I grinned and went on my tip toes and pressed my lips softly to his warm cheek. I lingered close to him, not wanting to move away, but the bell went and I jumped back in shock. Liam smirked at me.
"I'll see you later," he said and I nodded, trying to ignore my embarrassment. "Who's blushing now?" I ginned and then he walked away. I turned to my locker and put some books in it and got some others out. I smiled as I closed my locker and then went to registration.

My first lesson was biology and I was looking forward to it. Even though I normally did, this time I was looking forward to it for another reason. I put my books down on the desk next to Liam. He looked up at me and smiled and I smiled back. "So you really can't come out tomorrow?" he asked and I turned to him.
"I'm sorry, I really am," I said and he nodded. "Another time?" He smiled and nodded. I reached under the desk and took his hand in mine. He smiled at me tenderly but the moment was ruined when Mr Peatry came in, talking as he did so. I went to take my hand away from Liam's but he held on tight. I glanced at him but he was looking at Mr Peatry as though in complete concentration. I smiled to myself and then turned to the front and pretended to listen as well.

The rest of the day passed reasonably quickly. Throughout the day I kept remembering mum's actions this morning, I felt that something was wrong, but I wasn’t sure what.

After school Liam found me at my locker again and swiftly leant down and kissed my cheek. I grinned and blushed slightly. "I think we should have a deal. I'll kiss you hello, and you kiss me goodbye." I laughed but nodded.
"Deal," I said and shut my locker door. Liam smiled and then took my hand and led me to the car.
"I think we really need to do some work on the presentation," he said as we walked.
"Yeah, I know," I sighed. I looked at him and saw he was nervously biting his lip. "Don't worry," I added. He turned to me and smiled slightly.

He drove me home and when he pulled up at the end of my drive I realised that my mum's car was gone. I frowned. She was meant to be here looking after Sam who finished nursery about an hour ago. What if something had happened? I noticed something on my front door and quickly got out of the car without saying anything to Liam. I pulled the paper off the door and noticed my mum's hand writing.
Sorry, darling, but I decided to go to Anne's earlier than planned. Don't worry about Sam, he's next door with Sue, she said she would look after him until you got home from school. Sorry I didn't stay to say goodbye, honey.
I love you so much, Frankie.
All my love,

I frowned slightly and heard Liam come up behind me. I looked towards my neighbour's house. Why would Sue offer to look after Sam? She hates kids. "I'll be right back," I said to Liam without looking at him, shoved the letter in his hands and crossed the road. The door opened before I reached it and Sam ran out into my arms. I realised there were tears on his cheeks. I looked up at Sue, who was standing in the doorway, pity written all over her face. I frowned deeper and picked up Sam.
"He hasn’t stopped crying since he got here," she said and I looked down at the sobbing boy in my arms.
"Why?" I asked her. She hesitated before shrugging. She then turned back into her house and shut the door. I went back over to my front garden and to Liam. I looked up and met his eyes briefly but he looked away first, down at the boy in my arms. Liam looked at Sam sadly and then up at me.
"I'll see you, Frankie," he said and passed me the letter. I smiled my thanks. He took a step away but I reached out and grabbed his arm. I leant forward and kissed his cheek and then pulled back. He smiled at me.
"I'll see you," I said softly. He nodded and then went back to his car. I went inside the house and into the living room. Sam had settled down but was still shaking. "Sam, what's wrong?" I asked him as I sat him on my lap.
"I miss mummy," he said sadly into my shoulder and I sighed.
"Don't worry, honey, you'll see her in a couple of days," I said soothingly and he nodded.
"Who were you talking to?" he asked.
"A friend," I said.
"What's his name?" he asked.
"Liam," I replied, a small smile on my lips. Sam nodded and then snuggled back into my chest. I sighed heavily and leant my chin on the top of his head. My bad feeling was worse now, but I still didn't know what it was. I looked worriedly around the room. Something was missing but I didn't know what.
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