Nine Lives Accounts For Nothing

What Happened to Nine Lives?

Since Ella was five, she had a cat named Bee. Bee wasn’t the typical cat either. Bee had an ability to sense when Ella was sad or lonely, even when she was scared and Ella instantly fell in love with Bee.

Ella grew, as did Bee, and soon Ella was in high school with great friends and the most amazing boyfriend; but that left poor Bee to sit at home everyday until the sun set while she waited for Ella to come home.

One day, Ella forgot to close her window and Bee got curious. Bee tore through the screen (not realizing that it was wrong) and she escaped to the outside world. She didn’t go far for she didn’t know the land, but she roamed the yard until she found a big tree in the side yard.

Bee climbed up the tree in excitement, her claws digging into the bark of the tree, and she found herself a nice thick branch to rest on.

After bathing in the warm sunlight, Bee felt that she needed to explore the yard more, so she stood up on her branch to find the perfect launch spot.

Bee rubbed her head on some small branches before something down below caught her attention.

She jumped for it, but was slung back, hanging from the tree branch.

Bee struggled to get free, her collar tightening around her tiny throat, and the branch refusing to free the poor creature.

Her struggles slowed; her breathing quickened like her heart and then... it all stopped.

Ella came home early that day from a date with her boyfriend, Nick, because she felt she needed to spend some more time at home for a while.

She came into her room, expecting to see her beautiful orange tabby sitting on her bed, but Bee wasn’t there.

Ella began to call through the house and then gave up when Bee never showed up.

Sadly, she went back to her room and fell back on her bed. A cool breeze brushed across her cheek and Ella sat up immediately.

Ella noticed the screen ripped to shreds and in an instant she was looking for Bee outside.

Her calls echoed in the air as she searched the yard, eventually checking up in the trees.

When she came to the largest tree in the yard, she called for Bee and then tried to look up the tree. She saw something orange and she smiled, cooing to Bee.

Ella began climbing the tree like she did when she was little and the she stopped upon seeing her best friend hanging from a tree branch by the collar.

A scream escaped her lips and she fell down the tree, landing on her back only to sob.

She had lost her best friend... and she didn’t even get to say goodbye.
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This is totally not my style of writing. I felt like leaving my love story style and going to tragedy. Of course I'm going back though. :) If you liked this, check out some of my other stories. :)