My Heart's Always With You Now

Beach Trip

Matt offered to drive us to the beach. I went up to my room to changed. I put on my bikini and then put a tank top and shorts over it. Once I was dressed, I went to Jessica's room to change her. I grabbed one of my giant tote bags and put in towels and other necessities in there. When I went back down with Jessica, Matt had my cooler by the door and he and Jason were standing far apart.

"Are you girls ready to go?" Matt asked.

"Yeah. Are we stopping at your house so you can change?" I replied. He nodded, opening the door. We got into Matt's car. Matt drove to his house.

"Why couldn't we just go in my car?" complained Jason. I rolled my eyes.

"It's just a car, for goodness sake, Jason. Let it go," I replied. Matt came back as Jason opened his mouth to reply. Everyone was already at the beach by the time we got there. Jimmy had Johnny pinned to the ground. Zacky and Brian were trying to start a barbecue. As soon as her feet touched the ground, Jessica ran to where everyone else was. "Be careful, Jessica!" I called after her. I walked after her, Jason coming up from behind and grabbing my hand.

"Careful, Zacky! That's our last match!" warned Brian. Both men let out frustrated yells when the match blew out. "Great! What are we going to do now?"

"I thought you guys might need another pack," I laughed, handing them another pack.

"You're a life saver, Liv," said Zacky. I laughed again.

"All right, I'm team captain!" yelled Zacky after we had eaten and were getting ready to play tackle rugby.

"I'm team captain too!" yelled Matt a second after.

"Let's see.... Who shall I pick....?" Zacky wondered out loud. "Liv, get your ass over here!" I giggled as I walked over. Zacky and Matt continued picking out their team. It ended as Zacky, Jason, and me against Matt, Jimmy, and Johnny. Denise, Jimmy's girlfriend, was the referee. Jessica decided she was the cheerleader. "Our teams aren't evenly matched," commented Zacky.

"Why not?" asked Matt.

"Because you count as two people," I replied.

"Oh who gives a shit? Let's start!" Zacky claimed the ball for our team. He tossed the ball to me and I took off.

"Get back here, Livia!" I heard Matt call.

"No way!" I yelled back. A second later, I landed in the sand. I quickly became aware of the fact that Matt was on top of me.

"Gotcha," he whispered into my ear, sending chills down my spine.

"Damn," I muttered, not talking about what he said, but of what he was doing to me. He chuckled and picked himself up off of me. He helped me up. It took all of my willpower not to blush after what happened.
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Fillerish. Comment please. +D