My Heart's Always With You Now

So Close

Since he wanted to help me not to stress over the case a lot, Jimmy decided he wanted to have a picnic at the park. It was supposed to be just me and the guys. Jessica was staying with Matt's parents and Jason..... Well he was unaware of the plans.

"Olivia, darling! We're here!" yelled Jimmy as he barged into my house.

"Jimmy, dear! I heard you!" I yelled back. Jimmy came into the kitchen where I was preparing a few things. All the guys followed Jimmy into the kitchen.

"Did you make cookies?" asked Zacky, looking over my shoulder to see what I was making. I was working on a fruit salad.

"Yes, fat ass. Don't eat any yet though. If you do, there won't be any left to eat at the park," I laughed.

"I'm not a fat ass. Can I eat one?" asked Matt as he reached for a cookie. I smacked his hand with the wooden spoon in my hand. "Ow!"

"None for you either, macho bitch. No one can have any yet," I added, looking at Jimmy, Johnny, and Brian too. Jimmy ran out of the kitchen and came back with two of my picnic baskets. They probably had a cooler stocked with beer and soda already.

"Hurry up so we can go!" hurried Jimmy.

"Calm down, Slim Jim. We have to give kids time to leave before you come and raid their playground."

"But torturing the kids is the best part!" After a few minutes and Jimmy continuing to whine, we left. Hanging out with the guys did help me unwind for a bit. I guess that was good. Right now I was walking by myself to our (the group's) spot, the sun setting. I stuffed my hands into the pockets of the hoodie I was wearing, which I had stolen from Matt. I'm always stealing his shirts and hoodies..... I wonder why. Probably because I like the way they smell after he wears them. An arm suddenly was wrapped around my waist. I inhaled sharply, about to kick whoever was touching me in the balls.

"Relax. It's just me," assured Matt's voice. I let out the breath I was holding and relaxed my body. "And why are you walking all by your lonesome?"

"Needed to think."

"Wasn't the whole point of this was so you could relax and have fun?"

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean I can forget what's going on."

"True. Headed for our spot?" I nodded. "Wouldn't that be the easiest place the guys can find you?"

"It seems the most obvious place so they would expect it to be the last place I'm at."

"You are an evil genius." I laughed. We fell into a comfortable silence. Once we got to our spot, we sat down on a log and I rested my head on Matt's broad shoulder.

After awhile, I said, "Matt?"

"Hm?" He sounded like I had pulled him out of a train of thought.

"How come you've always been there through all this?" I asked. Matt was silent as he thought it over.

"Well because I know you'd need someone to always be there for you during everything you've been through. Although you did forget to tell one little fact back when we were sixteen." He was referring to the fact that I kept my pregnancy a secret.

"Matt, tha-" I started, lifting my head, but stopped because my brain registered how close Matt's face was to mine. My eyes flickered between his hazel eyes and his lips. I swear that Matt started leaning in closer. Then my damn phone rang.
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Don't hate me for ruining the moment! Too tempting! Too tempting! Comment please! ={D