My Heart's Always With You Now


Jimmy and Johnny got here a little after Jake was kicked out. Matt went to start up the grill in the back. When we all started migrating to the backyard, there was a knock on the door. I went to get it.

"Hey, Jason," I greeted as he kissed me.

"Jessica, carry those chips," I heard Matt say.

"She's still attached to him?" Jason asked as he saw Jessica follow Matt outside.

"Yes." Everyday he saw Matt and Jessica together, he asked the same questions.

"Is she still calling him 'Dad'?"


"When is she gonna start calling me 'Dad'? Doesn't she know I'm your boyfriend?" I sighed as we started walking to the backyard. Johnny was chasing a squealing Jessica around. I smiled when I saw my daughter happily playing.

"Crap! Brian, come over here," called Jimmy. He and Matt were at the grill. I don't know what they're doing. I decided to hand out the drinks. Jessica knew the guys drank and she knew to not to drink something if she didn't know what it was. I raised her to be straight edge (doesn't smoke, drink, or do drugs), even though most of the people around her aren't. I grabbed enough beers to give to Matt, Brian, Zacky, Johnny, Jimmy, and Jason. Jason had me sit next to him, as always. He had a habit that when he was around, he always wanted me to sit near him or next to him.

Matt's POV:

After getting the grill going and throwing on the burger patties, I glanced back at Olivia and Jason. And as always, his tongue was shoved down her throat. I knew Olivia wasn't one to always be making out if she's with someone, but it seemed that every single time I looked at them, he was kissing her. And if it wasn't very obvious, I was jealous. Jealous that I couldn't be the one kissing Olivia. Jealous that I couldn't be the one who holds her how he does. And mad that I couldn't tell her that I was in love with her.

Yes, I was in love with my best friend. But I wouldn't dare tell her because it could ruin our friendship. And I don't think I could handle it if Olivia didn't feel the same.
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So Matty-poo is jealous! Comment por favor! +D